Monday, August 31, 2009

Mossad Spy: (Iran's) Peaceful Nuke Program "Ridiculous"

Spy: Peaceful nuke program ridiculous

Michael Ross is a dual Canadian-Israeli citizen and former Mossad agent who worked for the agency between 1989 and 2001. He tells of his career as a spy in a book “The Volunteer: A Canadian’s Secret Life in the Mossad.” One of his many duties included serving as a spy in Iran.

Q: When did you work in Iran?

A: In the early 1990s, when Iran started developing its nuclear wea­pons program; it later became an ongoing operation.

Q: What was your purpose there?

A: We checked whether or not it was possible to operate in the selected areas where Iran was likely to set up nuclear weapons facilities.

Q: Was being a spy in Iran a huge challenge?

A: Activities in Islamic regimes are bound to be difficult. As a Westerner you immediately stand out as a foreigner. We needed to take strict precautions to protect our cover. When countries like Syria barely had telephones working, Iranians were already branching out to computers. It’s a regime that wants to keep a technological edge.

Q: What else stood in your way?

A: Iran was pretty isolated. If we got in trouble our special forces couldn’t reach us, and this is the regime that does not have problems shooting its own people. This became obvious after the last elections.

Don’t you think Iran may just want a peaceful energy program?

A: There is no doubt about the fact that it is a weapons program. The scope of the program is huge. They are hiding it ... where they have set up heavy water plants and they have weapons laboratory in Tehran. How could anybody say it is not a weapons program? It is ridiculous. Iran is one of the major producers of oil. It imports half of its gasoline — that’s why they spend so much effort on their nuclear program and not on developing gasoline refineries.


Completely ridiculous...coming from an agent of the Mossad.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bill Would Give President Emergency Control Of Internet

The scumbag Jay Rockefeller is at it again!!!

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
by Declan McCullagh

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed
this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

They're not much happier about a revised version that aides to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, have spent months drafting behind closed doors. CNET News has obtained a copy of the 55-page draft of S.773 (excerpt), which still appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency.

The new version would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency" relating to "non-governmental" computer networks and do what's necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for "cybersecurity professionals," and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

"I think the redraft, while improved, remains troubling due to its vagueness," said Larry Clinton, president of the Internet Security Alliance, which counts representatives of Verizon, Verisign, Nortel, and Carnegie Mellon University on its board. "It is unclear what authority Sen. Rockefeller thinks is necessary over the private sector. Unless this is clarified, we cannot properly analyze, let alone support the bill."

Representatives of other large Internet and telecommunications companies expressed concerns about the bill in a teleconference with Rockefeller's aides this week, but were not immediately available for interviews on Thursday.

A spokesman for Rockefeller also declined to comment on the record Thursday, saying that many people were unavailable because of the summer recess. A Senate source familiar with the bill compared the president's power to take control of portions of the Internet to what President Bush did when grounding all aircraft on Sept. 11, 2001. The source said that one primary concern was the electrical grid, and what would happen if it were attacked from a broadband connection.

When Rockefeller, the chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced the original bill in April, they claimed it was vital to protect national cybersecurity. "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs--from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records," Rockefeller said.

The Rockefeller proposal plays out against a broader concern in Washington, D.C., about the government's role in cybersecurity. In May, President Obama acknowledged that the government is "not as prepared" as it should be to respond to disruptions and announced that a new cybersecurity coordinator position would be created inside the White House staff. Three months later, that post remains empty, one top cybersecurity aide has quit, and some wags have begun to wonder why a government that receives failing marks on cybersecurity should be trusted to instruct the private sector what to do.

Rockefeller's revised legislation seeks to reshuffle the way the federal government addresses the topic. It requires a "cybersecurity workforce plan" from every federal agency, a "dashboard" pilot project, measurements of hiring effectiveness, and the implementation of a "comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy" in six months--even though its mandatory legal review will take a year to complete.

The privacy implications of sweeping changes implemented before the legal review is finished worry Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Francisco. "As soon as you're saying that the federal government is going to be exercising this kind of power over private networks, it's going to be a really big issue," he says.

Probably the most controversial language begins in Section 201, which permits the president to "direct the national response to the cyber threat" if necessary for "the national defense and security." The White House is supposed to engage in "periodic mapping" of private networks deemed to be critical, and those companies "shall share" requested information with the federal government. ("Cyber" is defined as anything having to do with the Internet, telecommunications, computers, or computer networks.)

"The language has changed but it doesn't contain any real additional limits," EFF's Tien says. "It simply switches the more direct and obvious language they had originally to the more ambiguous (version)...The designation of what is a critical infrastructure system or network as far as I can tell has no specific process. There's no provision for any administrative process or review. That's where the problems seem to start. And then you have the amorphous powers that go along with it."

Translation: If your company is deemed "critical," a new set of regulations kick in involving who you can hire, what information you must disclose, and when the government would exercise control over your computers or network.

The Internet Security Alliance's Clinton adds that his group is "supportive of increased federal involvement to enhance cyber security, but we believe that the wrong approach, as embodied in this bill as introduced, will be counterproductive both from an national economic and national secuity perspective."
Declan McCullagh is a correspondent for who writes a daily feature called Taking Liberties focused on individual and economic rights. You can bookmark his CBS News Taking Liberties site here, or subscribe to the RSS feed. You can e-mail Declan at

Declan McCullagh,'s chief political correspondent, chronicles the intersection of politics and technology. He has covered politics, technology, and Washington, D.C., for more than a decade, which has turned him into an iconoclast and a skeptic of anyone who says, "We oughta have a new federal law against this." E-mail Declan.

Who allowed this guy near a government building?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sibel Edmonds Deposition And More - Why Isn't The "Mainstream" Media Covering This?

Newest addition to the Blogroll O' Doom - The Vineyard Of The Saker. This was the blog that brought this issue to my attention, along with BradBlog - thanks for keeping up with this, Brad!

So...Sibel Edmonds has dodged a gag order issued twice by the Primate Administration, and has offered testimony at Washington, D.C.; click here for a PDF of her deposition.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 1 of 5

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 1 of 5 from Velvet Revolution on Vimeo.

You should see the next videos in sequence - there are five in total.

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds - Hearings Now!

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds - Hearings Now! from Velvet Revolution on Vimeo.

Don't you wonder why you've not heard anything about this on the idiot box?

Call the networks, and ask why they are not shouting this from the rooftops!

Another Scumbag Heard From

Bernard Mutterperl is going away for ten years.

What I want to know is...why would someone walking down the street smoking a joint would end up with a harsher jail term than a piece of sub-human garbage who would take "liberties" with an ELEVEN-YEAR OLD GIRL?

Mutterperl guilty of attempting to kidnap girl

Saturday, June 20th 2009, 4:00 AM

Bernard Mutterperl has been found guilty of trying to kidnap then 11-year-old Xochil Garcia.
Garcia, now 13, testified at his trial.

A jury convicted a Brooklyn man on Friday of trying to abduct an 11-year-old girl on Mother's Day 2007 - rejecting the argument he was just strange, not sinister.

Bernard Mutterperl, 21, grabbed Xochil Garcia, covered her mouth when she screamed and walked her down the stairs of her Midwood apartment building.

He grimaced - and his mother burst into tears - when the jury found him guilty of attempted kidnapping and other charges that carry up to 15 years in prison.

"Travesty of justice, travesty of justice," defense lawyer Joyce David said. "There was no evidence here, just speculation."

Xochil's stepfather, Heriberto Rodriguez said he was "happy with the verdict, but I can't be too happy because a lot of people are still suffering. I can't imagine what his family is going through now."

Mutterperl's lawyer had argued his actions were inappropriate and awkward but not criminal.

But jurors who heard the girl's vivid testimony and Mutterperl's police statement about liking little girls took only three hours to convict.

"If the first thing you do when you see a child is grab her hand and say, 'Don't scream,' that's a little more than inappropriate," said one juror.

Xochil, who kept her cool and waited for the right moment to escape Mutterperl's grasp, bravely took the stand to tell jurors about what prosecutors said was "every parent's worst nightmare."

Read more: Daily News

I hope the prison guards whisper "chickenhawk" to every prisoner in your cell block - you'll receive all the help you need, scumbag.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

R.I.P. Senator Edward Kennedy (1932 - 2009)

I guess he never tried the hemp oil.

Dear readers, this is indeed the end of Camelot. Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy succumbed to brain cancer after a year of courageous efforts.

I echo President Barack Hussein Obama's sentiments, if not for the same reasons.

I believe that Ted was a shoe-in for the presidency, after JFK's murder and RFK's very recent murder in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel, NOT by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, but, IMHO, a scumbag security guard by the name of Thane Eugene Caesar; my opinion is that the voting public would have overwhelmingly put him in the White House...if not for the events at Chappaquiddick.

Exactly what occurred that night? Was Mary Jo Kopechne with child? Was there foul play afoot? Was Ted even present at the scene? None of these questions were answered to any real satisfaction. What we do know is that Ted Kennedy's bid for the presidency ended that morning.

Rest in peace, Ted - I wish you well. Say hi to the boys for me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ryan Jenkins Bites It; More Scumbaggery Afoot

Ryan Jenkins, some tool who came to attention by being a "contestant" on Megan Wants A Millionaire, was found dead in Canada. He was wanted for the savage murder and mutilation of Jasmine Fiore.

Good riddance to bad garbage, I say.

So...on the way to work today, I change my travel routine and picked up a copy of Metro, the free newspaper. I was greeted on page 7 with a full-page ad from something called the U.S. Citizen's Association. Click on the link to read the ad.

In the midst of said ad, they make the assertion that "it was SOCIALISM, NOT CAPITALISM, that caused the bad economy".

I call bullshite on that. In the preceding text on the advertisement, there are pictures of the "7 culprits" and their role in destabilizing our economy. I'm going to reprint it with a slight change - I am replacing the phrase "previously unqualified people" with the actual unqualified people:

"1. Jimmy Carter pushed for and signed into law the
Community Reinvestment Act which forced banks to
lower their standards so that niggers, spics and white trash could get a mortgage.

2. Bill Clinton then doubled-down on the Community Reinvestment
Act and greatly lowered mortgage standards to
allow a lot more niggers, spics and white trash to get loans.

3. Bill Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, then intimidated
banks with threats of legal action if they
did not give loans to niggers, spics and white trash who
would not have the income to pay the loans back.

4. A member of the Clinton administration, Franklin Raines
was then put in charge of Fannie Mae by Bill Clinton. Fannie
Mae bought up a majority of the bad loans made by
banks to niggers, spics and white trash. Raines then falsified Fannie
Mae financial reports so he could collect bonuses
which totaled over $90 million for 5 years.

5. Senator Chris Dodd, head of the Senatorial Financial
Committee, suppressed efforts by President
George W. Bush and congressional Republicans to
rein in the corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
He got a very favorable loan by a bank associated
with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He got large political
campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac.

6. Barney Frank, head of the House of Representatives
Banking Committee, also suppressed efforts by President
George W. Bush and Congressional Republicans to
investigate corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

7. Barack Obama, while he was an attorney, filed lawsuits
against banks on behalf of ACORN in order to
force banks to give loans to niggers, spics and white trash who could not afford
to pay them back. Obama, while he was a U.S.
Senator, also suppressed efforts by President George
W. Bush and Republican Congressmen to investigate
and rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

To all you "minorities" who I may have overlooked...don't worry, you're all included in spirit.

Now, to be fair, they do address the load of steaming crap known to all of us as Global Warming, but there's no way that I could let this crapfest slide. Deregulation of the financial industries, and the rewarding of profits over people, are what allowed this to occur.

A last bit of fun looks as if Sweden has grown an enormous set of balls! Here's a link to the article. Remember the organ trafficking scandal from not too long ago, that seemed to morph inexplicably into a corruption scandal? Well, it looks as if Sweden plans to keep the main issue in the headlines, and Israel is none too pleased with this turn of events.

My heart bleeds...but don't tell Netanyahu - he may whip up a false donor card and have my tuchis (and every other organ in my possession) harvested, shipped and sold at a 1600% markup.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The History Of The Money Changers - DBS

The History Of The Money Changers - Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

I just read this entire document - it is AWESOME.

I heard this morning that former DHS Director Tom Ridge has put out a book detailing how he "almost had a crisis of conscience" in regards to the scamming of the American Public with the color-coded alert system.

Gee, thanks, Tom - you really did WE THE PEOPLE a huge told us about scumbaggery long after anything could be done about it.

Go fuck yourself.

Remember Smedley Darlington Butler? Back in 1936, he was included in a plot to overthrow the government of these United States. Do you know what happened?

He STOPPED the coup.

Is it really beyond the realm of possibility that there is NO ONE possessed of the moral fiber of a Smedley Butler?

Dammit all...but then again, this is why I am engaged in the verbiage on this blog, rather than Googling pictures of Brittany Murphy or the like...but I digress.

At any rate, considering the size of this document, I won't be posting the entire document; rather, I do wish to post a couple of excerpts that I believe are pertinent to our current situation. Please take your time, read the entire posting and get MAD, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Otherwise, read (or watch the video embedded below) about what happened to Argentina - this will be our fate, if you choose to stick your head in the sand. When the blade comes, the pain will be sharp, but quick. Learn to enjoy it.

On the other hand - why don't you join me on my mission to UTTERLY DESTROY THESE PIECES OF SUB-HUMAN GARBAGE, and take away their ability to despoil our green Earth? This could be really fun.

2001 - Professor Joseph Stiglitz, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, and former Chairman of President Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, goes public over the World Bank's, "Four Step Strategy," which is designed to enslave nations to the bankers. I summarize this below,

Step One: Privatization.
This is actually where national leaders are offered 10% commissions to their secret Swiss bank accounts in exchange for them trimming a few billion dollars off the sale price of national assets. Bribery and corruption, pure and simple.

Step Two: Capital Market Liberalization.
This is the repealing any laws that taxes money going over its borders. Stiglitz calls this the, "hot money," cycle. Initially cash comes in from abroad to speculate in real estate and currency, then when the economy in that country starts to look promising, this outside wealth is pulled straight out again, causing the economy to collapse.

The nation then requires IMF help and the IMF provides it under the pretext that they raise interest rates anywhere from 30% to 80%. This happened in Indonesia and Brazil, also in other Asian and Latin American nations. These higher interest rates consequently impoverish a country, demolishing property values, savaging industrial production and draining national treasuries.

Step Three: Market Based Pricing.
This is where the prices of food, water and domestic gas are raised which predictably leads to social unrest in the respective nation, now more commonly referred to as, "IMF Riots." These riots cause the flight of capital and government bankruptcies. This benefits the foreign corporations as the nations remaining assets can be purchased at rock bottom prices.

Step Four: Free Trade.
This is where international corporations burst into Asia, Latin America and Africa, whilst at the same time Europe and America barricade their own markets against third world agriculture. They also impose extortionate tariffs which these countries have to pay for branded pharmaceuticals, causing soaring rates in death and disease

My favorite story is the attempted coup of lasted less than a couple of days.
2002 - On April 12th every major paper in the USA runs a story that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had resigned as he was, "unpopular and dictatorial." In fact he had been kidnapped under a coup, where he was imprisoned on an army base. Following sympathy from the guards, the coup falls apart and President Chavez is back in his office one day later. Interestingly he has video evidence that whilst he was imprisoned on that base a United States military attaché entered the base.

President Chavez, demonized by the controlled western media, gives milk and housing to the poor, and gives land not used for production by big plantation owners for more than two years, to those without land. His big crime however, was in passing a petroleum law that doubled the royalty taxes from 16% to 30% on new oil discoveries, which affected Exxon Mobil and other international oil operators.

He also took full control of the state oil company, PDVSA, which before was nominally owned by the government, but in actual fact was in thrall to these international oil operators. Not only that but President Chavez is also the President of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). The main reason is, however, that President Chavez fully rejects the World Bank's, "Four Step Strategy," and plan to reduce wages of the people for the benefit of the bankers.

Indeed President Chavez has increased the minimum wage by 20%, which has increased the purchasing power of the lower paid workers and strengthened the economy. His minister, Miguel Bustamante Madriz, fully aware of the danger Venezuela poses to the bankers when people contrast the fact it wouldn't let them in, for example, with Argentina who did, stated,

"America can't let us stay in power. We are an exception to the new globalization order. If we succeed, we are an example to all the Americas."

I included that as an example of a nation making a determination NOT to go along with the "status quo" and simply engage in the scumbaggery-of-the-day.

In my research, I have discovered those critics who currently condemn the monetary system almost universally suggest that the only solution is to restore a gold backed currency. I don't think any readers of this timeline can be in any doubt, that such a system will be open to abuse by those very people who abuse it today. Indeed if we introduced a currency backed by chairs, I believe we would find ourselves with nothing to sit on!

The only monetary system that seems to have worked in history is one which is backed by the goodwill of a government and is debt free, such as President Lincoln's, "Greenbacks." Fortunately, the Nobel Peace Prize winning economist, Milton Friedman came up with an ingenious solution of wresting back control of the money supply from the bankers, paying off all outstanding debt, and preventing inflation or deflation whilst this process is completed. I summarize this below.

Using America as the example here, Friedman suggests that debt free United States notes be issued to pay off the United States Bonds (debts) on the open market. In conjunction with this, the reserve requirements of the day to day bank the regular person banks with, be proportionally raised so the mount of money in circulation remains constant.

As those people holding bonds are paid off in United States notes, they will deposit the money in the bank they bank with, thus making available the currency then needed by these banks to increase their reserves. Once all these United States bonds are paid off with United States notes, the banks will be at 100% reserve banking instead of the fractional reserve system and then fractional reserve banking can be outlawed.

If necessary, the remaining liabilities of financial institutions could be assumed or acquired by the United States government in a one-off operation. Therefore these institutions would eventually be paid off with United States notes for the purpose of keeping the total money supply stable.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the National Banking Act of 1864 must also be repealed and all monetary power transferred back to the Treasury Department. The effects of this will be seen very soon by the average person as their taxes would start to go down as they would no longer be paying interest on debt based money to a handful of central bankers.

A law must be passed to ensure that no banker or any person in any way affiliated with financial institutions, be allowed to regulate banking. Also the United States must withdraw from all international debt based central banking operations ie. the IMF; the BIS; and the World Bank.

If all the countries of the world adopted the conclusions above, then humanity will at last be free of these central bankers and their debt based currency. It's a lovely idea, but first we have to get it past our corrupt politicians many of whom are quite aware of the scam that plays us on a daily basis, however rather than do the job we have elected them to do, they keep their mouths shut and instead look after themselves and their families, whilst the rest of us continue to be exploited.

"For what will it profit men that a more prudent distribution and use of riches make it possible for them to gain even the whole world, if thereby they suffer the loss of their own souls? What will it profit to teach them sound principles in economics, if they permit themselves to be so swept away by selfishness, by unbridled and sordid greed, that, 'hearing the Commandments of the Lord, they do all things contrary."

Pope Pius XI

Small wonder he was excommunicated, eh?

Let me end today's rant with this posting regarding the institutionalization of Clare Swinney, because she brought a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority pointing out that TVNZ’s claim that Osama bin Laden carried out the attacks of 9/11 was an outright lie. Shortly afterwards, she was threatened and then incarcerated in a psychiatric ward. Following a week of compulsory treatment, the head psychiatrist told a judge that she should remain in hospital, as her belief that 9/11 was an inside job was evidence she was “delusional.” The judge agreed. This is her extraordinary story.

Is this bloody amazing or what?

New Drug Czar Makes Huge Mistake on National TV! (8/6/09) - EclippTV


Okay...I'm not entirely sure what the above text is supposed to convey beyond its initial point...but Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske LIES right on television in regards to the medicinal effects of marijuana. He then refuses to address any further inquiries on the subject.

Unbeknownst to Kerlikowske, the report absolutely refutes his illogical statement. To hammer the point home, we are shown some individuals who exhibit positive interactions with marijuana.

Read some of my previous postings...and then make up your own mind.

Thanks to Mike Rivero.

Monday, August 17, 2009

20 Quick Facts And Unanswered Questions About Anthrax And 9/11 - Ryan Dawson

20 Quick facts and unanswered questions about Anthrax and 9/11 - Ryan Dawson

First, how did Israeli security forces witness a transfer of anthrax between two groups that didn't have it, at a meeting that never even took place?

Obviously the Israelis were lying and obviously they were trying to blame the anthrax attack on Al Qaeda and then connect them to Iraq. The notes that accompanied the anthrax letters also tried to blame Al Qaeda as they were sent from the same locations as the Hijacker cells shortly after 911 and they read Death to America and Death to Israel thus trying to pass themselves off as Muslim terrorists. How did "Ivins" know where the hijack cells were and how did he get to New Jersey and Florida and remain at work on time in Maryland all at once on his own? Obviously he didn't. Israel knew where the cells were because it was their set up. They mailed it. It seems to me like there was a plan to do this back in 93.

1 Israel is caught lying about Anthrax saying they SAW Iraqis pass anthrax to Al qaeda in Prague.

2 Then real anthrax which is genetically proven to have come from within the US, is sent from the same areas as the hijacker cells. (how did one guy know where they were and travel across the country so fast so many times? and all without flying) Why was it sent to the two senators who opposed the Patriot Act? That certainly wasn't in Al qaeda's interests.

3 Israel is busted with a spy ring with agents living right next door to said hijackers.

4 The notes try to blame it all on Muslims and equate America enemies with Israel's enemies.

5 Whoever really sent anthrax had knowledge of where to send it from as well as access to weapons grade anthrax. The first suspect blamed came from a letter sent BEFORE there was news of the event. And the accused reported that the sender was one Philip Zack who was BUSTED IN THE PAST STEALING ANTHRAX FROM THE SAME LAB, yet this individual is never questioned by the FBI or Justice Department.

6 Philip Zack is a hard line anti-Muslim scientist was bust in 1992 stealing anthrax just months before the first WTC bombing which ended up a botched FIB operation, which supposedly set up a "drill" to catch some terrorist by using an agent to supply them with fake explosives which they were going to bust them with in a sting, only the sting never came and the explosives were real. The rented trucks and bomb making equipment go back to Josey Hadas an Israel Mossad agent. The issue is dropped.
(what is the pint in trying to set up Al Qaeda or Muslims when they were obviously already in as much trouble as possible. So why risk going to jail just to set up an enemy that is already done for UNLESS you needed that to implicate Iraq.)

7 Israelis are busted in a van full of explosives on 911 on the George Washington Bridge, and live reports are made about this. Later a second group of Israelis are busted celebrating outside another van which had traces of explosives. Between the two vans there were five men all together and each one of them failed lie detector tests about 9/11.

8 All of the said vans belonged to Urban Moving Systems which turns out to be a Mossad front.

9 Then 12 cpu hard drives are confiscated by the FBI from the Urban moving systems head quarters (just 4 miles from where anthrax was sent in NJ by the way) all the evidence is classified.

10 Multiple reports of secondary explosions occur live on 9/11.

11 Police even find a parked van with a "suspicious" device which they think is a bomb. (could this also have been an Urban Moving Systems van? all we know is that it was also white)

12 WTC survivors report over and over again that there were explosions in the basements of the towers.

13 A prepackaged media tape sent from Israel of dancing Palestinians (which turned out to be a fraud) is aired on every American TV news program.

14 Prominent Zionists make billions from the collapse of the WTC and financial erasing of the pentagons missing money. (2.3 trillion dollars)

15 Odigo warns employees of an attack before it happened.

16 Bush claims twice that he saw the first plane hit the towers live on TV the day of the event which is impossible.

17 PNAC shovels out reports in great detail to launch a war on Iraq and falsely tie it to 911 based on the Israeli reports.

18 DHS is created and the pre written Patriot act is introduced by super Zionist.

19 Though there were few deaths in Virginia the people most responsible for tracking missing money seemed to have been unluckily killed because they were on flight 77 and their computers were in the naval and financial wing of the pentagon which was the only side hit.

20 I write about all of this and my websites disappear then in 2004 in Japan I later find comverse spying on my computer.

There is much more to it than that. A film thus far un-refuted by 911 cultists or conspiracy deniers has been out for some time. It's the successor to the film Iraq, 911, PNAC, all roads lead to Israel. It's called War by Deception.

It's never any more clear who is behind these wars and the events of 911. Who can get away with murder daily and have it unreported on the mass media. Who stood to gain, and who the Neocons pledge themselves too. It's not an ominous illuminati or the Vatican or the freemasons or the space lizards (skrulls). All of that junk is poisoning the well. We went to war for Israel plain and simple. Israel is a cash cow for the MIC. The next war on America's horizon is with Iran based on the Mossad's "smoking lap top" and this is for ISRAEL'S interest not America's and certainly not humanity's.

Watch the film War By Deception. I don't claim to be a film maker but I am a researcher and I put the information in there. There is no way around it. All Roads Lead to Israel.


Are you aware that traces of Anthrax were found at the Weehauken location of Urban Moving Systems?

The plot thickens...

Judicial-Inc Will Probably Wind Down - Don't Let It Go Gently Into That Good Night

What can we do to keep Judicial-Inc. afloat?

Judicial-Inc Will Probably Wind Down

Judicial's goal was to create a forum, that as times became more desperate, a group of sensible people could use it to meet and unite. As the American economy implodes, and Israel commits another 9/11, to shift the blame to the Muslims, you need a catalyst. It appears that Zionists must be getting close to some event, because they are no longer going to let Judicial-Inc exist.

How Real Are The Majority Of 'Alternative News' Websites?

Most of the so-called 'Alternative medias' revolve around the Holocaust, and the 9/11 scam.

The Holocaust: ~~ There are twenty various sites that claim to be holy grail of the Holocaust truth. Most center around the question of whether 3.4 million Jews died, or the higher number of 6,000,000. The truth there is that the Red Cross states there were 272,000 deaths in the camps, and maybe 120,000 were Jews. But arguing the Holocaust is a waste of time. It's not worth the effort. It's like arguing about religion, and most people don't care anyway.

Actually there is a ploy here. By denying that silly fable, you are keeping the conversation active, and drawing attention to it.

The 9/11 Attack:~~ The second big camp for the 'Alternative Media' is the 9/11 movement. Basically, a potpourri of spittling bagel munchers talking about minutiae. Did the CIA plant micro nukes at the WTC., why did building 7 collapse, did the jets really land at Area 51, are the passengers alive, and are they living in a remote CIA desert compound?

The truth there is that Israel orchestrated the entire event. There were no 19 young Arab guys trained on a small Cessna. These were trained Israelis. A Sayret Matkal Capt. led the first operation, a mossad operative was identified on the second jet. The third jet, Fl 77, didn't fly for 62 minutes and amazingly avoided the hundreds of fighters at Norfolk, the Seymour Johnson AB, NORAD, Otis, Andrews, Shaw, Pope, etc. It was actually replaced with a remote-controlled plane that hit the Pentagon. Fl 77. The real Flight 77 jet went out in the Atlantic to ram the USS Washington, and Norad shot it down. The 4th jet was shot down, but not over Shanksville.

The War In Iraq:

That is about Zionism's quest to control the world's oil supply. It's about the Mosul-Haifa Pipeline, and the five permanent American bases there to protect it.

The War In Afghanistan:

The Taliban, a religious group, threw out the Zionist opium traders, and cut 94% of the opium supply. The other factor is that now we have troops flanking Iran on both sides.

The Coming War In Iran:

Iran sits on the Zargos oil belt, the largest untapped field in the world.

So Who Funds These Websites, And Their Authors?

Practically 95% of today's websites are Zionist-controlled. If they were real, they would be focusing on the coming collapse, and the various False Flags being used to point the finger at the Israeli intelligence creation called "Al-Qaeda", or Iran. But you won't find any of these Kosher Clowns discussing the Zionist game plans. You can quickly look at these websites and see their agendas. All they do is try and implicate the CIA for 9/11, Madrid train bombs, London bus bombs, or Mid-East assassinations. Then, there is the constant talk about Black and Hispanic crime. Oddly, they conveniently skip over the Madoffs, or the fleecing of America's banks by Zionists. These website's goal is all about diversions from the real problems, and just helping the fomenting race wars.

So What Are The Costs?

A forum like runs $360,000 annually. Some of the bigger websites are very good sources of solid information, but they have advertisers covering the costs. The large and well-disseminated websites, like, are funded by Venture Capitalists.

Zionists Really Aren't Brilliant, But They Are United

Their leaders have used this holocaust nonsense to create a pack of loyal fanatics. And this has lead to a giant social, educational, and business network.

Judicial-Inc Needs To Receive Funding

The other sites are funded by Zionists. Whereas, with Judicial it is a daily struggle with Zio-Thugs, of which 50% are police. Try calling the police station and saying you have a police detective stalking you. The ADL has retained a private detective who directs the harassment, and he has a free hand.

You need to remember that the ADL has tentacles in every major police force.

Now Is Not The Time To Quit

You are getting a small blimp in the stock market, which will be used to portray a fledgling economic recovery, but it's a diversion from the Madoff anger. The ultimate fall guy has to be Muslim terrorists, and certainly not Zio-Bankers. There will be a False Flag staged by the Zionist that triggers everything, and that will make 9/11 look like a hiccup. The timeline is probably 12 months.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Female Police Officer Tells Of Massive Explosions On 9/11

Another posting that bears reposting:

Female police officer tells of massive explosions on 9/11
From: Gangsta (4847983)

There are about 230 World Trade Center survivors' stories on the above web page.

You can see this World Trade Center survivor's story in the BLUE section titled "Fire, Police, and Emergency Medical Services", on this web page,

Officer Sue Keane – WTC survivor. Port Authority Police Department. 8 years of service at the time of 9/11. Former Sergeant, U.S. Army. Veteran of Operation Desert Storm. 13-year Army career.

From Women at Ground Zero: Stories of Courage and Compassion

Officer Keane provided this statement to the authors on 1/26/02. "On September 11, I was at the court building about five blocks away from the World Trade Center. I went outside and got my coffee at the coffee wagon and I heard a plane that sounded like it was flying real low. I looked up and all I could see was this big orange fireball at the Trade Center. I dropped my coffee, ran into the building, called my command and said, 'Something just happened over at the Trade Center. I'm going over there.' ...

I crossed the Plaza and went over to Building One [North Tower]. ... All of a sudden I heard the second plane. It sounded like it was coming full. We were in a stairwell trying to hurry people along, and we heard it hit. ...

A couple minutes later, it sounded like bombs going off. That's when the explosions happened. I could hear it coming and I knew something was going to happen. I braced myself. It started to get dark, then all of a sudden there was this massive explosion. We were on the mezzanine, which is all encased in glass. The windows blew in, everything went black, we all got thrown. ...

There was an incredible rush of air and it literally sucked the breath out of my lungs. ...

I heard that noise again like a railroad train coming. I told everybody, 'Get out of here!' and then the second explosion happened and I got thrown and separated from the other guys.

I don't know if that was when One World Trade started coming down or if another building had come down. ... I'm only assuming that Building One was still up at that time. There were still some people there, and there was a doorway to the outside toward Building Five. We had to look up before we went out because body part and things were falling from above. ... I crossed over to Building Five. ...

Somebody said something about the Pentagon being hit ... We went into Building Five. ...

All of a sudden everything went quiet again. I said to the guy behind me, 'Brace yourself.' and again, another explosion. That sent me and the two firefighters down the stairs. ...

I heard the rumbling again, like a locomotive coming. ... Then the same thing happened again, where the wind sucked the breath out of me.

I can't tell you how many times I got banged around. Each one of those explosions picked me up and threw me ...

There was another explosion, and I got thrown with two firefighters out onto the street. ...

A firefighter grabbed me and said, 'Are you okay?' ... he threw me under this hose, which in a way felt great, because I didn't realize until then that my skin was actually burning.

I had burn marks, not like you'd have from a fire, but my face was all red, my chest was red, and for three or four days there was stuff coming out of my body like you wouldn't believe. It was like shrapnel. It's still coming out. I'll look at a little pinpoint under my skin and it will be bleeding."

Editor's note: The 9/11 Commission was clearly aware of Officer Keane since two short statements from her appeared on a video tape played at the 11th Public Hearing on 5/18/04 http:../../ . And her statements about multiple explosions in the Towers (excerpted above) had been published 20 months before the hearing. Yet no mention of Officer Keane appears in the 9/11 Commission Report.

Editor's note: Despite hundreds of eyewitness reports of explosions throughout the Twin Towers by doomed victims, survivors, emergency service personnel, reporters, and bystanders, the 9/11 Commission Report contains virtually no mention of them and entirely ignores them in its conclusions. Graeme MacQueen's analysis of oral histories of 9/11 taken from 503 FDNY survivors http:../../ reveals more than 100 FDNY personnel reported explosions in the Twin Towers.

Harlem Business Owner Shoots Would-Be Robbers; 2 Fatally

Heard this on 1010WINS last night:

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- A 72-year-old man turned a 12-gauge shotgun on four armed bandits who tried to hold up his restaurant supply store in Harlem Thursday, killing two and wounding the others, police said.

Al Jones reports

Charles Augusto Jr. later told police he had bought the weapon 30 years ago following a robbery. Police said he would not be charged.

"He's being treated as a witness and victim of an attempted armed robbery,'' said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne.

The shooting occurred Thursday afternoon at Kaplan Brothers Blue Flame Corp. in a business district on West 125th Street. After the men entered the store, they announced a robbery and pistol-whipped one employee, police said.

From about 20 feet away, Augusto raised the shotgun and fired three blasts, hitting all four suspects, police said. One died outside the front door; afterward, his body could be seen covered with a white sheet.

Another suspect managed to cross the street but collapsed and was later pronounced dead at the hospital, police said. Trails of blood led police to the other two, who were arrested and taken to the hospital.

Stephany Blyn, 56, who rents a space from Augusto in the same building, said she has known him for 25 years. She said he runs a cash business that has been targeted before.

``I'm not totally amazed,'' she said. ``It's pretty upsetting. I thought this neighborhood was getting safer.''

Is she paying attention? It just got safer...that's four less scumbags able to prey upon your person - two permanently.

Nice shots, Gus.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Disturbing Case of the Estate of Judge John L. Phillips

Another facet in the story of dearly departed Judge John L. Phillips:

August 6, 2009 by David Mark Greaves

“The Brooklyn Supreme Court Guardianship Program has been hijacked by Mafia-style crime”, charges Reverend Samuel Boykin, court-appointed guardian for Judge John Phillips, the “Kung Fu Judge.” Phillips was a Brooklyn Civil Court Judge for 13 years serving two terms between 1976 and 1994. Boykin is the first family member in a long line of court-appointed guardians to take charge of Judge Phillips’ estate after he was declared mentally incompetent by District Attorney Charles Hynes’ office in 2001.

His story should serve as a cautionary tale for all.
“Judge John L. Phillips said to me regularly that if all of these illegal activities can be successfully committed against a judge, they can be committed against anyone,” says Reverend Boykin.

That the tale is long and sordid is a matter of record. Writing in Our Time Press in 2007, reporter Mary Alice Miller has chronicled many of the misdeeds and charges. The New York Law Journal has had extensive coverage. In the hands of judge-appointed guardians, the estate has gone from a value of over $10 million to $18,000 and three properties, including the famous Slave Theater on Harriet Ross Tubman Avenue, aka Fulton Street.

So far only Maria Leyna Albertina and attorney Emani P. Taylor have paid a price for their roles in the saga. Ms. Albertina was sentenced in January to 5-15 years for mortgage fraud activity, some of which involved Judge Phillips’ property. Attorney Taylor, a former interim guardian for Judge Phillips, has been suspended from the practice of law. As reported in the New York Law Journal, January 2008, a unanimous panel of Justices in the Appellate Division wrote that, “At a minimum, [Taylor] withdrew funds from the guardianship account as legal fees without court permission, at worst, she intentionally converted guardianship funds.” She was later ordered to repay $403,149 for mishandling the Judge’s affairs. An application has been made to The Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection to recoup those monies. The fund responded on April 23rd of this year that in addition to needing proof of payment and various other conditions met, “The Fund must await the conclusion of the underlying disciplinary matters pending against Ms. Taylor before proceeding further.”

Of larger concern is what has happened to judicial oversight of the court-appointed guardians and of the whole Guardianship program. As Boykin says in his complaint to Comptroller William Thompson, “There were 12 judges involved in the Judge John L. Phillips Guardianship case, either involved in overseeing the case as presiding judges, issuing decision orders, judicial hearing judges, administrator judges, judges sealing records. We believe none of these judges are legally able to state they were not aware of the illegal activities going on in the Judge John L. Phillips Guardianship case, we believe the case is a good example” of the need for oversight of the Guardianship program.

Reverend Boykin has also filed a complaint with Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s Public Integrity Bureau. They, in turn, have referred the matter to Ms. Sherrill Spatz, Inspector General of the New York State Unified Court System, writing, “After careful review of the documents, we have determined that the issues mentioned pertain to your office….for whatever action you deem appropriate.”

In his letter to Assistant District Attorney Robert Renzulli in the Asset Forfeiture Bureau of D.A. Charles Hynes’ office, Boykin outlines how the Phillips estate has been systematically looted by mortgage fraud including “illegal conveyances, illegal sales and forgery of deeds.” And he asks if anyone is going to pay for these crimes?
We should start to hear other shoes dropping in this case. If not, then the silence will mark the all clear for business as usual, and the only thing sure other than death and taxes will be mortgage and financial fraud as legal vultures pick over the estates of primarily the weak and sick, but really, anyone at all.

You may have missed my previous postings - here are some resources:

Politics NYC

Expose Corrupt Courts: Judge John Phillips, Dead At 82

mcbrooklyn: Judge John Phillips Ordered Released

Outrage: From Judge to Ward of the Court

I am appalled at the treatment that he received in regards to his service to the denizens of Brooklyn. he should have spent his twilight years enjoying himself; instead, he was disenfranchised, robbed, made destitute and maligned, most notably by the Village Voice.

May Charles "Joe" Hynes rot in hell.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clear Channel Reports $3.7 Billion Quarterly Loss

Clear Channel is feeling the burn.

CC Media Holdings Inc. and Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc. both reported sizable decreases in revenue for the second quarter as advertising sales continued to decline.

CC Media Holdings (OTC BB: CCMO) — which owns San Antonio, Texas-based Clear Channel Communications Inc. — reported a net loss of $3.7 billion on $1.4 billion in revenue for the second quarter.

This compares with net income of $282.3 million on $1.8 billion in revenue for the same period a year ago. Revenue was down 21 percent between the two quarters.

During the quarter, the company performed an interim impairment test on goodwill and its indefinite-lived intangible assets as a result of the current global economic downturn. That led to the company recording a non-cash asset impairment charge of $4 billion and, ultimately, the quarterly net loss of $3.7 billion.

Clear Channel Communications owns a network of radio stations. More than a dozen are based in the Tampa Bay area, including WFLA-AM, known as Fox Newsradio 970; WFLZ-FM; WDDV-AM and WXTB-FM, known as 98 Rock.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO), the world’s largest outdoor advertising company, reported a net loss of $689.1 million, or $1.94 a share, on revenue of $692.1 million for the second quarter. This compares with net income of $80.3 million, or 23 cents a share, on $914.8 million in revenue for the same period a year ago.

The outdoor advertising company’s revenue declined 24 percent between the two quarters as ad sales continued to be impacted by the global economic downturn.

Clear Channel Outdoor also performed an interim impairment test on goodwill and its indefinite-lived intangible assets, which resulted in a non-cash impairment charge of $812.4 million.

This is what's going to happen to every scumbag media outlet that refuses to tell the truth to WE THE PEOPLE.

71 Scumbags Tell Obama To Pressure The Arabs

Go ahead and read the article - but have a barf bag ready.

Mike Rivero has a great analysis of the situation...but I decided to reprint the first 19 responses, just in case they are Orwellized. Enjoy (or not).

1. Recognition
Simon, (11/08/09)
The Koran does not allow peace with or for the infidel. End of Story. Stop wasting your time with the Arabs.

2. Duh!!! What took them so long???
Andre, Thornhill, Cda (11/08/09)
Great initiative by these senators but what took them so long? Why were they not asking these questions when Israel returned the Sinai, Gaza, etc?

3. Shame on the NON-Signing JINO Senators
Hymie Zoltsveis, NYC (11/08/09)
SEVEN JINO's---Jews in Name Only---including stinking Al Franken---the comedian fool----They cannot even sign onto a letter---a MEANINGLESS GESTURE---pretending to care about Israel.

NO---they have to support the muslim Community Organizer in Chief.




Thank the "'rabbis' FOR OBAMA" for bringing in this muslim Trojan Horse, who wants to ELIMINATE Israel!!

4. Peace Now
Gavriela, usa (11/08/09)
So the letter puts "settlements" before "peace"? GOOD! As for Peace Now, that worthless organization should only be disbanded. Peace, ha! More like pieces.

5. The seven Jews who did not sign the letter are No friends of Israel (n"c)
Rick, USA (11/08/09)

6. Liberalism over Judaism
Yaakov Zelig, Texas (11/08/09)
I am not surprised that seven out of thirteen Jew's did not sign. The new branch of Judaism in America is liberalism. Sixty-five out of eighty-seven gentiles signed, but the "Uncle Jake", Jew's did not. Now I know why the Torah say's a Jew, should not seek higher office, in a gentile nation.

7. Egypt and Jordan
Mike, Los Angeles (11/08/09)
It is only a matter of time before the Muslim Brotherhood takes control of Egypt. At that time any and all agreements between Israel and Egypt will become null and void including Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

Jordan is sitll over 70% Palestinian Arab so while the Heshmoniste King might recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state the majority of people in Jordan clearly do not.

8. The Koran and Infidels (#1)
Samitic, Philadelphia, P (11/08/09)
Well said, Simon. Until "Westerners" realize that not everyone has the same worldview as them, a different and more realistic approach is not possible.

9. Israel does not need recognition...
Fivish, London (11/08/09)
Israel does not need recognition, just its land back and its illegal inhabitants returned to any one of 20 or Arabic countries, or any one of 57 Islamic countries.
Israel is the most legitimate country in the history of the world!

10. Easier to Pressure Israel...They're Scared! BS"D (n"c)
boruch hoffinger, brooklyn ny (11/08/09)

11. seven jewish senators
em, bklin (11/08/09)
not seven, but six.
Diane Feinstein is a Shiksa, as was her mother.

12. Peace Now = support of arabs who abuse their kids
laura, (11/08/09)
Peace Now and other 'humanitarian' NGO's are a joke and anyone who supports/believes in them are ignorant as hell. Where is the Intl red cross,etc when arab adults brain wash their kids to love violence, to maime,murder,themselves,women,children, to hate another human being because they ascribe to a different religion, etc? Aren't these crimes illegal in all western countries? Why is it that if I perpetrated such crimes I would be imprisoned, etc but if an arab commits these crimes it's 'OK' in the eyes of the NGO's as long as they are killing Jews? So to the Senate, address the promotion of hate crimes against Jews by the NGO's who support the arabs who perpetrate said hate crimes in the name of 'protest'! Excuse me, but if I protested in such a manner I would be thrown in jail and the key thrown away to boot!

13. Definition of Peace
Eric, Georgia, USA (11/08/09)
Comment after comment shows a strong need for better dictionaries in Israel. "Peace"
is when your enemies are defeated and driven out of your country. When you all have driven the Arabs out of your country and soundly defeated them, then you will not need any U.S. Senators to take up your cause with a Muslim President!

14. The 7 Jews in Congress
Yitzchak, Florida (11/08/09)
It has been often said that Jews can be their worst enemies.The likes of Feingold,Feinstein,Frankin,Kohl,Lautenberg,Levin and Sanders certainly bear this out.To quote Hillel,"If I am not for myself who will be and if not now When"?

15. Obama says no more Jews in Ariel
Lioness, Israel (12/08/09)
Obama the delusional anti-Semetic Moslem President should go to hell.

16. What kind of 'Jews' are the 7 unsigned?
Lee, Manchester UK (12/08/09)
It is very sad indeed - Obama is doing very well in splitting American Jewry.

17. It's about time
Michael D. Hansen, Louisville (12/08/09)
Thank god we have a few in Washington that realizes the importance of keeping Israel as an allie. We as Americans need to support the only real free country in the niddle East. Most americans love and support Israel. God bless Israel and God bless the Jewish people around the world.

18. what does this phony article tell you ??
tomi, lee/s summit (12/08/09)
This article forgot to mention that the us , is doing everything it can to make one sided decisions against israel. Obama is not listening, his crypto marxist view of the world, is not in tune with helping israel. It/s all political . Israel does not give oil to the west. arab countries do . Since the eco wackos won/t drill for oil in the usa . We are all dependent on arab oil in the usa. No one is listening in america to Israel/s concerns, as the country engages itself to fight the most radical and regressive regime that america has ever seen.

19. Thanks Hymie
Joel, Tampa (12/08/09)
Thanks to Hymie in NYC for telling it like it is. American Jews are wasting their time if they think the Prevaricator in Chief is going to pay one moments attention to their letter.

Found a link - The Talmud Unmasked.

Also...please read the story submitted to The Ugly Truth, entitled The Mousetrap.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Has Anyone Ever Died From The Flu?

Lisa B. posted a rant, and I think that it is so relevant to what's currently occurring that I had to repost it.

From: Lisa B. (402392675)
To: (443289640)
Date: 8/10/2009 7:24:04 AM
Subject: my rant

Just going to rant a little bit.

Things are seeming to be getting out of control on all fronts. From this swine flu thing. Which I personally not known anyone or heard of anyone around me speaking of anyone they knew that had tests that said they or someone else had the swine flu.
I have not in my 40 years ever heard of anyone personally or spoken about in public in my hearing etc about anyone who died of flu. Or pneumonia from flus, I have heard of deaths from meningitis brought on by the strep throat thing. I have heard of deaths from chicken pox. I have seen on medical shows like Dr. G. deaths from systemic herpes, pneumonia brought on by chemical inhalation or death by rare heart infections brought on by a virus from colds that the person had weeks or months before and they cut their foot and the infection went to their hearts.

In the shows I watch like Dr. G or Code Blue or Mystery, E.R., etc. no mention of colds or flus taking someones lives. maybe it was not interesting enough for the show. I considered that.

But that still does not explain how a person can live to be 40+ years old and not heard in person or in public about deaths from flu.

I am not being moronic and assuming there is no deaths by colds or flus. I am just saying I haven't heard of any personally.

I am not saying there is no swine flu. I just haven't heard of anyone who has it or had it. other than speculation on their sickness that they get. since they are not testing for it any longer.

Just seems off to me is all.

The plane and helicopter crashes, the train wrecks, the monorail wrecks all in the past two months is staggering. Do a Google search of plane wrecks 2009 and the pages it brings up is unreal. Not just commercial planes but private planes is staggering to say the least.
In this year alone there is hundreds of plane crashes.
The train wrecks is harder to find. most states or countries call them by different names. From rail accidents to train wrecks to train disasters etc. Its a tough search. It is still a lot compared to previous years.
Monorail accidents have increased also this year. not by much though.
Helicopter crashes this year is also on the rise.
I think it is due to the changes in the magnetosphere. They did find the hole in the magnetosphere the size of earth.

The lack of sunspots I wonder to if it has an effect on things.

I read someones blog on timewave 2012. pretty interesting correlation to the wrecks and 9-11...

The Ebola found in pigs, the new rabies virus that is now animal to animal, and can possibly pass to humans with no saliva contact at all is staggering yet it never made main stream media.

Bird flu is catching on faster and faster now, the aids like virus spreading in china from saliva contact only it has affected thousands, the new aids virus from the woman in Africa, mrsa infections on the rise, antibiotic resistant TB on the rise, superbugs in hospitals on the rise.
Just so many others I cant remember right now.

The new fungus found in the stratosphere along with new microorganisms, mycoplasms, and a new strain they had to name called viteria its a combo of bacteria and virus. it all falls down you know. no wonder so many of us suffer from systemic fungal infections. We are breathing it in.

Now my question is was it always in stratosphere? or did we put it there via the chemtrails? or was it created thanks to the chemtrails?

No wonder the article about wanting to put vaccines in the atmosphere via silver solution so people can be immune. assholes want to do so much to what we breathe in. I cant find that link since OS crashed. if anyone finds that link please pass it to me. thanks.

Chemtrails are denied by the govt because they call it aerosols. I found that link one day. So I name most of my vids on chemtrails aerosols. sometimes I forget.

On that front we now have a new cloud formation it makes the skies look ominous. I have not seen it yet but honey has. about three days a week.

The particles we breathe in from the chemtrails are filling up our lungs slowly. most get asthma that they never had before. They dont realize they are not breathing as well as they used to or they dismiss it as old age.

the high blood pressure that only happens after spraying makes people think they ate too much salt or drank too much caffeine or they don't know their blood pressure is too high. they get bitchy or cranky and blame it on not enough sleep. its the blood pressure going high. headaches, post nasal drip only a few times a month, cough a few times a month to make the people think they are fighting off a cold. but in reality its chemcrap.

the sore lower back is a sign there is something in the chemtrails that the body is fighting off. usually this follows a x pattern in the skies.

Our foods, GM corn which is so cheap corn flakes popcorn cornbread etc, causes lupus like symptoms in me at least. not sure if its just symptoms of if it brings on attacks in someone who has lupus. all I know is it causes me to flare.
The GM veggies cause the skin to break out especially the eczema.
water with fluoride and medicines.

The amounts of MSG in foods is causing obesity. it has so many different names its unreal, its in hydro something veg oils, natural flavoring the list is almost endless its even in coffee creamer for goodness sake, the list is on or org or or org cant remember which one.
MSG causes high blood pressure headaches chest pains asthma sudden death its in formula also folks. really high in soy because soy has the natural form glutamic acid. sighs. no wonder my youngest had such a hard time. she is sensitive to is as I am. she still has a problem with weight.

Ibuprofen and another cant remember which is a remedy for MSG when exposed. its on the web page.

No wonder everyone has such high blood pressure. the barium in the chemtrails the MSG in everything the chemicals in GM foods the fluoride in the water which causes road rage syndrome, all add up to one ticking time bomb. now add lack of sleep due to iodine deficiency brought on by the fluoride and lack of iodine in fluor now and the new digital conversion making people hear a constant ringing in their ears and the people waking up at 330 am every night from the dream invasion by what ever those things are that try to control us in our dreams, you end up with a person on the edge of sanity.

Then to top it all off we got the military advertising for internment specialists, the forced vaccination of the planet, fema camps, snitch programs for free speech or opinions, town hall meetings on health care shut down because people show up to voice their opinion on the matter and they don't want everyone to find out about the bill so they chose to shut it down. sighs. makes you wonder you know?
Then the banning of bottled water in some places is catching on and will be world wide soon I am sure.
The children in the UK so violent the teachers are getting sent to hospitals regularly. The milk has added fluoride there. Remember it causes road rage syndrome? the antibiotic cipro which public gives for free has fluoride in it.

All SSRI antidepressants have fluoride in it called fluorophenyl that is the organic name of fluoride. It used to say fluoride years ago, but they changed the name.

Bisparasol a is a female hormone they put in plastic because it makes the plastic stronger. it is also in cans the white lining is plastic. cooking in the microwave any plastic leaches the chemicals out into the foods,
microwaving is so bad try this. microwave water to boiling let it cool feed it to a plant it will die in less than a week.

did you know that its not just talking to plants that help it to grow? its the emotions behind it and the words. Dr. Emotos work with water proves this as fact. we are mainly water. so emotions good or bad effect us. words spoken or written effect water. they have proven that DNA is effected by emotions.

Baking soda is pretty awesome stuff. As is colloidal silver. I make my own.
I also use Epsom salt baths with baking soda and bentonite clay.

Anyways...rant over.

Lisa B.
Bulletin Stats & more powered by Peerspin

We now have an un-counterpart to Wikipedia called Uncyclopedia. Fun stuff.

There was an amazing story this weekend regarding a homeless woman donating $100,000 to Hebrew University. Not only that, but she also donated an undisclosed sum to the last person who employed her. She would move his car to avoid alternate-side parking tickets; in return, he provided her with a meal and a room.

I think the selfish of the world could learn a lesson from her.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Report: Israel Planned To Strike Iran During Riots

Good day, dear readers!

When all of the brouhaha came about during the elections in Iran, I could smell the cooks congregating around their cauldron in Israel. The whole mess smelled of a bad re-enactment of the puppet shows we have all been witness to in too many nations.

Here, from Ynet News, is the whole shitefest:

Kuwaiti paper quotes 'US diplomat in Jerusalem' as saying Israel asked Obama administration for green light to attack Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities during country's post-election riots. US reportedly ignored request, causing Israel to back down

Story by Roee Nahmias

Israel last month asked the United State for permission to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Kuwaiti newspaper al-Jarida reported on Friday.

The paper quoted a "US diplomatic source located in Jerusalem", but the report's credibility was not confirmed.

According to the sources, after the opposition riots broke out in Iran following June's presidential election results, Israel asked the US government for a green light to strike the country's nuclear facilities, along with other vital facilities in Iran.

The source added that the Obama administration ignored the Israeli request, that was sent by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with President Shimon Peres's signature as well.

According to the source, Israel was serious about its intentions to attack Iran and hit it hard, but the US's lack of response to the request left Israel frustrated and the operation was called off.

The source also said explained White House's decision to withdraw its recognition of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election, saying, "We were under Israel and Arab pressure to take back our recognition of him.

"There are moderate Arab countries that do not want us to recognize Ahmadinejad." about that botched coup in Honduras? But I digress.

Now, I realize that because of the fact that one cannot post anonymously at this blog lessens the amount of discourse here, but I really would like to have someone second me in my analysis of the following gibberish left by someone who went by the name of "zionist forever" (spelling left intact):

proof why we cant wait for US permission just do the job now

If Iran had launched a nuke at Israel and we phoned Obama for permission to shoot the thing down whilst its in flight Obama would probably say dont you dare we will use diplomacy here and shooting down that missle before it hits you will be bad for the peace process.

Assuming there is any truth in this report then it shows that the government cannot ask the US for permission in advance and if there is a plan in place do what must be done tell the US later and accept the politcal fallout when Obama thorws a temper tantrum later at least that way we can let Obama play his diplomatic games without the same urgency.

In 1981 the world US included who were not informed in advance condemned Israel at the UN and drafeted a General Assembly resolution.
Ten years later when they went to war in Iraq and their soldiers lives were at risk they were saying to themselves its a good thing for us Israel stopped Saddam getting nukes in 1981 otherwise this war might nuclear.

Considering Obama wants to cancel the US missile defense system then they have even more reason to want to stop Iran gettiong nukes especially because Irans missile program is getting better and having longer ranges so one day the US will be in range of those missiles with nuclear warheads.
I wonder how that would affect Obamas legacy that he is so desperate to create?

Let's start with the notion of Iran nuking ANYONE. They have not attacked any of their neighbors for at least TWO HUNDRED YEARS.

We can't say the same for the other nation referred to by this maniac, can we?

How many resolutions has Israel ignored? That number's in the double digits, approaching triple digits...but apparently, that irony is lost on this nitwit.

The U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, assured former asset Saddam Hussein that he would not suffer repercussions from attacking puppet state Kuwait from slant-drilling their oil resources - this was the Iraqi "Gulf of Tonkin" moment that cost our great nation the lives of those unfortunate young men in 1991. David McGowan did a great posting on his site ages ago - take a look.

I could rant on and on regarding the projection of responsibility, mis-truths, omissions, prevarications, and outright lies in this bit of propaganda, but let's go right to the penultimate piece of garbage - the idea that Iran could get a missile that could hit the U.S. from the other side of the hemisphere.

No way that it could possibly be detected and blown out of the sky right over Iran, irradiating them for countless generations to come. Sure. By the way, the check's in the mail. And I won't do that thing with your mouth...I promise...yes, I'll warn you first...oops!

The scumbags in Israel (along with the sayanim, quislings and fifth columnists within our nation and abroad) are doing themselves a disservice by keeping their noses shoved in their Talmud, and not realizing that WE THE PEOPLE are onto their game. Guess what, schmendricks? We know all about how we are "less than human beings"; we know all about how we are "useless eaters"; we know all about how we are not subject to the same respect as the "chosen people"; but do you know what WE THE PEOPLE are just now coming to realize?

You have no SOULS.

No bloody way in HELL do you evil spawns of devils have anything whatsoever resembling SOULS.

I will tell you this: there isn't any chance that hANOVER fIST will ever allow you hegemony over his person.

As long as WE THE PEOPLE come back to the realization that we are sovereign over ourselves, and WE THE PEOPLE have the power, YOU CANNOT WIN.

Own all of the newspapers, television and radio stations you want; recruit all of the Megaphonies you can; YOU CANNOT WIN.

Oh...congratulations to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for your landslide victory.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dick Act of 1902… Can’t Be Repealed (Gun Control Forbidden) – Protection Against Tyrannical Government - News From The West

Dick Act of 1902… Can’t Be Repealed (Gun Control Forbidden) – Protection Against Tyrannical Government

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.


The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.

The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.

Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, “the Organized Militia (the National Guard) can not be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States.”

The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917, proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia (the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt Wilson ought to have been impeached.

During the war with England an attempt was made by Congress to pass a bill authorizing the president to draft 100,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 to invade enemy territory, Canada. The bill was defeated in the House by Daniel Webster on the precise point that Congress had no such power over the militia as to authorize it to empower the President to draft them into the regular army and send them out of the country.

The fact is that the President has no constitutional right, under any circumstances, to draft men from the militia to fight outside the borders of the USA, and not even beyond the borders of their respective states. Today, we have a constitutional LAW which still stands in waiting for the legislators to obey the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold.

Charles Hughes of the American Bar Association (ABA) made a speech which is contained in the Appendix to Congressional Record, House, September 10, 1917, pages 6836-6840 which states: “The militia, within the meaning of these provisions of the Constitution is distinct from the Army of the United States.” In these pages we also find a statement made by Daniel Webster, “that the great principle of the Constitution on that subject is that the militia is the militia of the States and of the General Government; and thus being the militia of the States, there is no part of the Constitution worded with greater care and with more scrupulous jealousy than that which grants and limits the power of Congress over it.”

“This limitation upon the power to raise and support armies clearly establishes the intent and purpose of the framers of the Constitution to limit the power to raise and maintain a standing army to voluntary enlistment, because if the unlimited power to draft and conscript was intended to be conferred, it would have been a useless and puerile thing to limit the use of money for that purpose. Conscripted armies can be paid, but they are not required to be, and if it had been intended to confer the extraordinary power to draft the bodies of citizens and send them out of the country in direct conflict with the limitation upon the use of the militia imposed by the same section and article, certainly some restriction or limitation would have been imposed to restrain the unlimited use of such power.”

The Honorable William Gordon

Congressional Record, House, Page 640 – 1917


Curt Maynard has a great posting - Oh Shit, The Jews Are Fucking Up Right and Left, Their Newest "Evil Muslim Spokesperson" Turns Out to Be a Jew, Just Like All the Rest of Em. I couldn't do this story any better justice. Also, please read Mark Glenn's posting - Jews In The News–Indicator That The US Is Officially At War With The Jewish State?

You'll like that one.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jew Goes Ballistic On Reporter Over Rabbi Arrests

A synagogue rabbi starts cursing and shrieking when approached by reporters who were inquiring about the recent arrests of rabbis for money laundering and selling organs on the black market.

If he was miffed about reporters busting balls, what will happen once he gets wind of this - from the old gray lady herself, the New York Times:

New U.S.-Israeli Crime Ring Detailed

JERUSALEM — An American-Israeli crime ring conspired to defraud United States tax authorities of tens of millions of dollars for at least five years, according to Israeli and American court documents filed Monday.

The suspects filed thousands of fraudulent requests for tax refunds in the names of prisoners in federal penitentiaries, without the prisoners’ knowledge, according to an indictment filed in Chicago. They then laundered the money through Israeli bank accounts, the authorities said.

Two Americans and seven Israelis went to a Tel Aviv court for a hearing on Monday in connection with the case. Other Americans have been arrested in Chicago and other parts of the United States.

The man accused of leading the ring, Marvin Berkowitz, 62, fled the United States for Israel in 2003, according to the Israeli authorities, and has been living in Jerusalem.

The American indictment states that the suspects sought to get more than $35 million in federal and state income tax refunds. Israeli investigators say they have found $12 million worth of tax refunds in Israeli bank accounts controlled by Mr. Berkowitz and his accomplices.

Mr. Berkowitz is suspected of arranging at least $800,000 in tax refunds to be paid to, or for the benefit of, eight or more members of his family, including two sons who have been arrested in the United States.

Federal officials said the men had sought tax refunds using the identities of about 3,300 federal prisoners. Mr. Berkowitz, who was charged with six counts of identity theft, is suspected of recruiting and paying others to travel to federal courthouses to collect personal information about federal inmates, including Social Security numbers.

The Israeli case resulted from an undercover investigation that had lasted for months by the Israeli national fraud unit working with American authorities, the Israeli police said Monday.

Last month, 11 Israelis were arrested and accused of swindling millions of dollars by calling elderly Americans from an office in Tel Aviv and telling them they had won the lottery and had to pay a preliminary tax.

Alain Delaqueriere contributed research from New York.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Entire Monetary System Is A Ponzi Scheme

From: Freedom is truth in action (397063550)
To: (443289640)
Date: 8/3/2009 11:17:06 AM
Subject: The Entire Monetary System is a Ponzi Scheme...

-..-..-------------- Bulletin Message -..-..---------------
From: Orwellian Bob (405851800)
To: (462124578)
Date: 8/3/2009 10:43:28 AM
Subject: Entire Monetary System is a Ponzi Scheme...

-........-........-........-------------- Bulletin Message -........-........---------------
From: ♪♫URiAH♫♪ (171649204)
To: (405851800)
Date: 7/27/2009 8:46:25 AM
Subject: Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’

By Daniel Tencer

Published: July 25, 2009
Updated 2 days ago

The Federal Reserve — the quasi-..​autonomous body that controls the US’s money supply — is a “Ponzi scheme” that created “bubble after bubble” in the US economy and needs to be held accountable for its actions, says Eliot Spitzer, the former governor and attorney-..​general of New York.

In a wide-ranging discussion of the bank bailouts on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting, host Dylan Ratigan described the process by which the Federal Reserve exchanged $13.9 trillion of bad bank debt for cash that it gave to the struggling banks.

Spitzer — who built a reputation as “the Sheriff of Wall Street” for his zealous prosecutions of corporate crime as New York’s attorney-..​general and then resigned as the state’s governor over revelations he had paid for prostitutes — seemed to agree with Ratigan that the bank bailout amounts to “America’s greatest theft and cover-up ever.”

Advocating in favor of a House bill to audit the Federal Reserve, Spitzer said: “The Federal Reserve has benefited for decades from the notion that it is quasi-..​autonomous,​ it’s supposed to be independent. Let me tell you a dirty secret: The Fed has done an absolutely disastrous job since [former Fed Chairman] Paul Volcker left.

“The reality is the Fed has blown it. Time and time again, they blew it. Bubble after bubble, they failed to understand what they were doing to the economy.

“The most poignant example for me is the AIG bailout, where they gave tens of billions of dollars that went right through — conduit payments — to the investment banks that are now solvent. We [taxpayers] didn’t get stock in those banks, they didn’t ask what was going on — this begs and cries out for hard, tough examination.

“You look at the governing structure of the New York [Federal Reserve], it was run by the very banks that got the money. This is a Ponzi scheme, an inside job. It is outrageous, it is time for Congress to say enough of this. And to give them more power now is crazy.

“The Fed needs to be examined carefully.”

Spitzer resigned as governor of New York in March, 2008, after news reports stated he had paid for a $1,000-an-hour New York City call girl.

At the time, Spitzer had been raising the alarm about sub-prime mortgages. In the wake of the economic meltdown triggered last fall by sub-prime loans, some observers have suggested that Spitzer may have been targeted by law enforcement because of his high-profile opposition to Wall Street financial policies.

Investigative reporter Greg Palast wrote that federal agents’ revealing of Spitzer’s identity as a call-girl customer was no coincidence.

Palast wrote that the principle of “prosecutorial discretion” is often used to keep the names of high-profile persons out of the media when they are tangentially linked to a criminal investigation. In the case of Spitzer, the Justice Department chose not to invoke prosecutorial discretion.

Funny thing, this ‘discretion.’ For example, Senator David Vitter, Republican of Louisiana, paid Washington DC prostitutes to put him in diapers (ewww!), yet the Senator was not exposed by the US prosecutors busting the pimp-ring that pampered him.

Naming and shaming and ruining Spitzer – rarely done in these cases - was made at the ‘discretion’ of Bush’s Justice Department.

Spitzer recently told Bloomberg News that President Obama’s regulatory reforms of the financial sector are “irrelevant” because regulatory agencies have not been enforcing corporate laws to begin with.

“Regulatory agencies already had the power to do everything they needed to do,” he said. “They just affirmatively chose not to do it.”

– Daniel Tencer

The following video was broadcast on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting, Friday, July 24, 2009, and uploaded to YouTube July 25, 2009
