Israeli Owned Moving Van Photographed on 9/11/2001
This is an actual photograph taken of a moving van that was stopped by NYC police on the evening of September 11, 2001, on King Street.
Reports of vans packed with explosives were confirmed at the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001 as well as sub level explosions, among many other explosions. These vans were also discovered around the area, one had been exploded, another had been stopped for having a picture on the side of it with a plane flying into the World Trade Center and found with explosives in it, and many others. The FBI actually had confirmed that a device was found in the complex and the building had begun to evacuate. It was this evidence that made the Federal Agency to speculate that a van packed with explosives was parked in the garage which was detonated to help weaken the structure.
The vans belonged to a moving company owned by an Israeli who fled to Israel before he could be questioned. The same company employed several other Israeli citizens, here without valid visas, who were reported photographing and viedo-tapine the actual attacks on the World Trade Center, dancing happily and giving eachother the "high-five" hand slap. These are known as the "dancing Israelis" and have been much written about, however the reports were never investigated in the official 911 report. Residents of an apartment who witnessed this called police who detained the men and noted that the van also had the suspicious mural. The men were later freed and returned back to Israel with no further comment by investigating authorities.
The New York City Authorities released the recordings of the radios from that day where one officer reports a van actually exploding and him needing assistance ASAP. Another series of radio communication confirms that a van was pulled over for having a mural on the side of it depicting a plane flying into the World Trade Center. Reference to the mural van was also made in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy Studies (MTI) report entitled: "Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks".
The first, and most mysterious, piece of evidence to highlight comes from an actual transmission from audio from Channel 30 NYC, one of the emergency communications channels, on the morning of September 11 which makes reference to the discovery of a van full of explosives and two suspects located between 6th and 7th on King Street , some blocks away from the World Trade Center.
The bizarre thing about the transmission is that the responder makes reference to a mural painted on the side of the van depicting a "remote controlled plane" diving into New York City.
A full transcript follows the audio:
Begin Transcript:
officer: [inaudible]
officer: 5 the message about the plane
officer: Sergeant [inaudible] seven five (Miller?)
officer: 5 [inaudible] about the, 10-5 the message about the plane
officer: 9414 hold up
officer: 5 the message about the remote-control plane
officer: [inaudible] on the air
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] Trinity and Liberty? all city wide task force units are to respond to Liberty Trinity Place
officer: 10-4 the message is the plane [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] task forces c/o: [inaudible] and [inaudible] will be the mobilization point at this time [inaudible]
officer: 10-4 c/o central who is [inaudible]
officer: didn't find any mention about the plane (alt: didn't find any admission about the plane)
officer: central, we need the bomb squad and EAQ over at King and??background noise?.click
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] units
officer: [inaudible] on the air
officer: 9415 you on?
officer: 85[inaudible] this is uhh operator
officer: [inaudible]
officer: negat[inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] giving up these [inaudible] (planes?)
officer: [inaudible] I got a message on that uh plane, it's a big truck with a mural painted of a of a airplane diving into New York City and exploding [inaudible] know what's in the truck, the truck is in between 6th and 7th on King Street
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] 10-5 10-5
officer: with a mural painted uh airplane diving into New York blowing up. Two men got outta the truck ran away from it, we got those two [inaudible] under.
officer: kay great.
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] are you holding those to guys [inaudible] (kay?)
multiple voices/commotion: [inaudible] f**king beat the shit out of him.
officer: [gasps]
multiple voices/commotion: [inaudible] f**king shit out of him [inaudible]
officer: all right listen you need any [inaudible] on those two guys over there? you all right over there kay?
officer: we got both suspects under kay, we have the suspects who drive?drove in the van and that exploded we have both of them under kay let's get some help over here
officer: now I'm sending you [inaudible] I just want to make sure you and your guys all right over there kay, that's all.
officer: what's the location [inaudible]
officer: put em up, put em up
officer: you know we have both the [inaudible] driven that exploded. Is that correct?
officer: what location?
officer: location [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] location [inaudible]
officer: King Street between 6th and 7th
officer: King Street and 6th and 7th avenue, King Street and 6th and 7th avenue
officer: [inaudible] on the scene King 6 and 7, which unit are you kay?
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible]
officer: [inaudible] explosion
officer: which unit is on the scene at king street?
officer: truck to Manhattan
officer: [inaudible] 10 truck
officer: [inaudible] 10 truck is heading a team toward 14 Trinity Place
officer: all right you take care of that for me and get back to me multiple voices: [inaudible]
officer: all right just check out that location let me know what you got
officer: [inaudible]4
officer: [inaudible] on the air
officer: on the air
officer: [inaudible]
officer: that fine with you?
officer: CIT Units on the air, CIT
officer: [inaudible] always available [inaudible] we're talkin
The indication is that the suspects ran away when the van was stopped and were then apprehended following some sort of struggle. It is then stated that the van has actually exploded.
What do you think?
Oh...lest I forget - here's a link to the Complete Guide To Killing Non-Jews.
Gotta tell you, pally - I've DVDs in shrinkwrap that I haven't thought about, so you may wish to keep your porn links to yourself - I'd hate to cost you some bandwidth at a critical juncture - you may blow a carotid artery before your time.