Thursday, June 12, 2014

Goodbye, Eric - So Sorry To See You Go...NOT!

Formee Big Dog Eric Cantor is now out of a gig, thanks to David Brat and some good Americans: Wall Street loses a friend in Cantor's stunning defeat A little-known economics professor carried the day in Virginia's Republican primary, and he wants to end 'crony capitalist programs.' Let's revisit some of the above: "The kind of guy bankers could hang out with on K-Street and then take to a steakhouse" - when did the average American ever get taken for a dinner, instead of for a RIDE? Here's good one: "one of the few remaining House Republicans who understood the complicated and nuanced issues facing the financial services community." "Complicated and nuanced"...that's a load of horseshite. There's nothing complicated about fleecing Americans of their hard-earned monies, homes and lives - it's just GREED. To end this...he was "the top recipient of political donations from private equity and the finance industry in 2013 and 2014 according to the Center for Responsive Politics, after all." Repeat after me, everyone - WHORE. Of course, I'm not equating Cantor with whores - he's nowhere in the league of a good whore. At least they can guarantee a HAPPY ENDING. All you could ever expect from Cantor was an empty wallet and a sore hole.

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