9/11 Smoking Gun: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 WTChttp://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13049Dr. Steven E. Jones, co-author of the paper formally published in the peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal writes:
"In short, the paper explodes the official story that “no evidence” exists for explosive/pyrotechnic materials in the WTC buildings." The red/gray chips are the "loaded gun" of 9-11.
What is high-tech explosive/pyrotechnic material in large quantities doing in the WTC dust? Who made tons of this stuff and why? Why have government investigators refused to look for explosive residues in the WTC aftermath?
The peer-review on this paper was grueling, with pages of comments by referees. The tough questions the reviewers raised led to months of further experiments. These studies added much to the paper, including observation and photographs of iron-aluminum rich spheres produced as the material is ignited in a Differential Scanning Calorimeter.
Thermite, and thermate, are compounds used to melt steel, commonly used in building demolitions.
Three new 9/11 Truth organizations launched
Joining other concerned citizens’ groups calling for a new investigation, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, and Veterans for 9/11 Truth, are:
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth:
http://pl911truth.com/Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth:
http://rl911truth.org/Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth:
http://MP911Truth.org We are not alone in our concerns about the validity of the 9/11 Commission Report.
A group of 25 senior U.S. intelligence services and law enforcement veterans sent a joint letter to the U.S. Congress expressing similar concerns and their desire for a new investigation. Several very senior CIA veterans have
called the 9/11 Commission Report "a cover up" and "a joke" and have called for a new investigation.
Several former Republican administration senior appointees have called for a new investigation.
Several U.S. State Department veterans have called for a new investigation. And
dozens of former senior U.S. military officers have also called for a new investigation.
Summers Received Hundreds Of Thousands In Speaking Fees From TARP Recipientshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/04/03/summers-received-hundreds_n_183058.htmlBarack Obama's chief economic adviser, Larry Summers, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees last year from firms that have direct financial interests before the government or are intimately involved in the White House's bank relief programs...
Among the firms that paid Summers large amounts in speaking fees include J.P. Morgan Chase. That bank offered the former Harvard president and Treasury Secretary $67,500 for a February 1, 2008 engagement. It has received $25 billion in government bailout funds.
Citigroup, which has received $50 billion in taxpayer help, paid Summers $45,000 for a speech in March 2008 and another $54,000 for a speech that May.
Goldman Sachs, which has received $10 million in bailout funds, paid Summers $135,000 for a speech on April 16, 2008 and another $67,500 for a speech on June 18, 2008...
Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: studyhttp://rawstory.com/news/afp/Marijuana_helps_in_battle_against_c_04022009.htmlAFP
Friday, April 3, 2009
The main chemical in marijuana appears to aid in the destruction of brain cancer cells, offering hope for future anti-cancer therapies, researchers in Spain wrote in a study released Thursday.
The authors from the Complutense University in Madrid, working with scientists from other universities, found that the active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), causes cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy -- the breakdown that occurs when the cell essentially self-digests....
Britain responds to the "rule of law" nuisancehttp://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/03/27/britain/index.htmlby Glenn Greenwald
...That's because torture is illegal in Britain, as it is in the United States. But unlike the United States: Britain hasn't completely abandoned the idea that even political officials must be accountable when they commit crimes; their political discourse isn't dominated and infected by the subservient government-defending likes of David Ignatius, Ruth Marcus, David Broder and Stuart Taylor demanding that government officials be free to commit even serious war crimes with total impunity; and they don't have "opposition leaders" who are so afraid of their own shadows and/or so supportive of torture that they remain mute in the face of such allegations. To the contrary, demands for criminal investigations into these episodes of torture (including demands for war crimes investigations from conservatives) span the political spectrum in Britain...
Another ADL "anti-Semite"The latest addition to the ADL's list of notorious "anti-Semites," joining such carpetfressers as Jimmy Carter and Bill Moyers, is the dean of American editorial cartoonists, Pat Oliphant, for this:

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