Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thermal Expansion - Can It Really Be This Simple?
The only thing simple about this is your brain...if you believe this nonsense...
The only letters Dr. Shyam "Shame" Sunder should have after his name are E, I, E, I, and O.
Had to add this:
You mean...that's not what really occurred?
I'm so Commander-In-Chief was so manly that day...protecting those Black kids in the classroom while he read with them. Those cowardly Ay-Rabs tried to kill his daddy, and so we are at war with ALL of Islam - you go, Dubya!
Our bestest friends in Israel, our 51st state, tried to warn us, but we didn't listen hard enough...and now we know their pain. Let's give up all of our rights so that we can beat the terr'rists.
Benny Netannyahu was right - it was good for Israel...I mean, all of those poor Zionists being terr'rized by all them bad ol' Muslims...let's fight their war for 'em so that they can be free to build more settlements!
Can't we go fight 'em over there, so we can be free to suck down large Budweisers and weld our cellulite-ridden asses to the sofa just in time fer football season?
What could be more patriotic than killing some sand-niggers?
We're actually getting along with the reg'lar ones, now.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
It's amazing what can happen in 48 Hours - Part The First
"Songbird" McCain goes ahead and does what I thought impossible:
He finds someone actually less qualified than Joe "Israel First, America After Last" LIEberman.
Dear readers, here is Vice Presidential nominee, current Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin:
Michael Rivero of What Really Happened has turned what could have been a typical Labor Day Weekend into something truly special. Check out the video above, once again...but I want you to focus on one specific thing:
Focus on the object of McCain's focus...and you will notice, that on practically EVERY OCCASION where he can get away with it, that he is all over her TUCHIS.
In other words...he's checking out the booty juice, dear readers; at 1:54, he must've noticed a really tender moment, because he does what I like to call the Happy Cringe.
Don't Ask; Don't Tell...that's my motto.
As far as the campaign goes, he thought that he'd attract PUMA and the other various "disaffected" women by nominating a woman to be his Vice President. LIEberman was Albert "Global Warming will make me RUCH!" Gore's kiss of death; Mitt "Helmet-Head" Romney would only had added to Songbird's true status of being one of the so-called "elite"; but Palin's surprise nomination, on a Friday, and just before Labor Day Weekend, was maybe the single most shrewd moment in the eight bloody years that the Republican Party has ever displayed.
And John "Songbird" McCain could have COMPLETELY SCREWED IT with his lack of self-control.
Either that, or...remember the world in which we are now's ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that this will get Songbird the Presidency.
How, you ask, dear readers?
The Happy Cringe will ingratiate him with horny men throughout the United States proper. They will all go, "Man, that McCain knows a good piece-of-ass when he sees one, right?"
I kid you not.
I actually got to see Pay It Forward, and I must say...I've some mixed feelings about the ending of said movie.
I'll bet the original treatment didn't end with the candlelight'd think there'd be a triumphant moment as peace and love is spread through the country...yet, it's all stifled.
Kevin Spacey is fucking brilliant, as always; Helen Hunt is at once smokin', tragic, and yet, a MOTHER to Haley Joel Osment's character...that is what you call ACTING. She is excellent from beginning to end. Actually...if you haven't seen this in a while, I'd advise you to take in a viewing before this weekend ends...for two reasons:
1. The sexual undertone that runs through the movie are of the same subtle tone that is part of the RNC's strategy - not in your face (unless you got the scratch to get away with about 240 seconds worth;
2. Forget that ending! Instead..think of everyone around you, "Paying It Forward"...your neighbor made a pot roast, but the in-laws never made it for the visit...they call you up and offer you some dinner...the next day, you see another neighbor walking the know that they usually stop and ask if they need a find out that the car's in the shop...they just needed some eggs.
Give them a ride.
I got one...not too long ago.
I'm still "paying it forward", just as I have been since before I had ever heard of the concept.
One last bit of info: McCain Lies About Supporting Katrina Investigation - I got my tag-line in there...maybe it's time for T-Shirts!
Here is my gem:
I'll leave you with a documentary on Brazil:
He finds someone actually less qualified than Joe "Israel First, America After Last" LIEberman.
Dear readers, here is Vice Presidential nominee, current Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin:
Michael Rivero of What Really Happened has turned what could have been a typical Labor Day Weekend into something truly special. Check out the video above, once again...but I want you to focus on one specific thing:
Focus on the object of McCain's focus...and you will notice, that on practically EVERY OCCASION where he can get away with it, that he is all over her TUCHIS.
In other words...he's checking out the booty juice, dear readers; at 1:54, he must've noticed a really tender moment, because he does what I like to call the Happy Cringe.
Don't Ask; Don't Tell...that's my motto.
As far as the campaign goes, he thought that he'd attract PUMA and the other various "disaffected" women by nominating a woman to be his Vice President. LIEberman was Albert "Global Warming will make me RUCH!" Gore's kiss of death; Mitt "Helmet-Head" Romney would only had added to Songbird's true status of being one of the so-called "elite"; but Palin's surprise nomination, on a Friday, and just before Labor Day Weekend, was maybe the single most shrewd moment in the eight bloody years that the Republican Party has ever displayed.
And John "Songbird" McCain could have COMPLETELY SCREWED IT with his lack of self-control.
Either that, or...remember the world in which we are now's ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that this will get Songbird the Presidency.
How, you ask, dear readers?
The Happy Cringe will ingratiate him with horny men throughout the United States proper. They will all go, "Man, that McCain knows a good piece-of-ass when he sees one, right?"
I kid you not.
I actually got to see Pay It Forward, and I must say...I've some mixed feelings about the ending of said movie.
I'll bet the original treatment didn't end with the candlelight'd think there'd be a triumphant moment as peace and love is spread through the country...yet, it's all stifled.
Kevin Spacey is fucking brilliant, as always; Helen Hunt is at once smokin', tragic, and yet, a MOTHER to Haley Joel Osment's character...that is what you call ACTING. She is excellent from beginning to end. Actually...if you haven't seen this in a while, I'd advise you to take in a viewing before this weekend ends...for two reasons:
1. The sexual undertone that runs through the movie are of the same subtle tone that is part of the RNC's strategy - not in your face (unless you got the scratch to get away with about 240 seconds worth;
2. Forget that ending! Instead..think of everyone around you, "Paying It Forward"...your neighbor made a pot roast, but the in-laws never made it for the visit...they call you up and offer you some dinner...the next day, you see another neighbor walking the know that they usually stop and ask if they need a find out that the car's in the shop...they just needed some eggs.
Give them a ride.
I got one...not too long ago.
I'm still "paying it forward", just as I have been since before I had ever heard of the concept.
One last bit of info: McCain Lies About Supporting Katrina Investigation - I got my tag-line in there...maybe it's time for T-Shirts!
Here is my gem:
America needs John "Songbird" McCain like Kim Phuc needed NAPALM.
I'll leave you with a documentary on Brazil:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
John Songbird" McCain - A Doddering, Petulant Fart
Oh, "Canary Boy"...I'm reasonably sure that you'll put on a manhunt to try and find me, if by some amazing sleight-of-hand you attain the office of the President Of The United States...of course, I might shit me the keys to Heaven, but I don't think that's too likely, eh?
That's my nod to Garth Ennis, who created Preacher with Steeldrivin' Steve Dillon, and never called me (Steve - love that headshot of John Constantine in between Black Death chain smokes).
I missed comic book GOLD.
That italicized line belongs wholly to Garth, and I do have a copy of Preacher #1; just not a first printing.
Before I get into my Garth Ennis love-fest, let's get back to the corpse-who-would-be-pResident:
Your fellow POWs hate your guts;
you sell out veterans on a daily basis;
you think that "gooks" is cool to say;
your rendition of "Barbara Ann" with the lyrics, "Bomb, Bomb Iran" was FUCKING STUPID;
I predict that your running mate will be Mitt "Helmet-Head" Romney, thereby cementing the TRUE ELITIST in the current campaign;
but most of think that being an angry old coot is excusable.
Do us all a favor, and get in the coffin now.
Okay...heard about the woman who was molested and almost strip-searched at JetBlue terminal?
Maybe they thought she was carrying two huge bombs on her chest!
Have any of you read The Boys? It's a comic book produced by Dynamite Entertainment, written by the aforementioned Garth Ennis, and drawn by Darick Robertson, formerly of the magnificent Transmetropoitan, written by Warren Ellis.
Come to think of it...he didn't inform me either...odd.
Issue #21 came out, and it's a doozy. Basically, the tale is of a botched attempt at a hijacking gone completely bonzo by the addition of poorly-trained superheroes.
I've already ruined the story by telling you that...but I can't help but to notice the weird parallels to the events of September 11th, 2001.
The last page says it all.
So, please understand this: I AM the guy who will crow, "I TOLD YOU SO...NYAH, NYAH...", but that isn't WHY I say what I do. I say it because it's the TRUTH. Your actions, however noble, also need to be fueled by TRUTH, or...well, read this book - you'll see what's gained from non-noble intentions.
Garth...a pint of Guinnes on me if I ever run into you at a convention...and I can guarantee you I'll not have gone to the bogs and left a floater anywhere around...
That's my nod to Garth Ennis, who created Preacher with Steeldrivin' Steve Dillon, and never called me (Steve - love that headshot of John Constantine in between Black Death chain smokes).
I missed comic book GOLD.
That italicized line belongs wholly to Garth, and I do have a copy of Preacher #1; just not a first printing.
Before I get into my Garth Ennis love-fest, let's get back to the corpse-who-would-be-pResident:
Your fellow POWs hate your guts;
you sell out veterans on a daily basis;
you think that "gooks" is cool to say;
your rendition of "Barbara Ann" with the lyrics, "Bomb, Bomb Iran" was FUCKING STUPID;
I predict that your running mate will be Mitt "Helmet-Head" Romney, thereby cementing the TRUE ELITIST in the current campaign;
but most of think that being an angry old coot is excusable.
Do us all a favor, and get in the coffin now.
Okay...heard about the woman who was molested and almost strip-searched at JetBlue terminal?
Maybe they thought she was carrying two huge bombs on her chest!
Have any of you read The Boys? It's a comic book produced by Dynamite Entertainment, written by the aforementioned Garth Ennis, and drawn by Darick Robertson, formerly of the magnificent Transmetropoitan, written by Warren Ellis.
Come to think of it...he didn't inform me either...odd.
Issue #21 came out, and it's a doozy. Basically, the tale is of a botched attempt at a hijacking gone completely bonzo by the addition of poorly-trained superheroes.
I've already ruined the story by telling you that...but I can't help but to notice the weird parallels to the events of September 11th, 2001.
The last page says it all.
So, please understand this: I AM the guy who will crow, "I TOLD YOU SO...NYAH, NYAH...", but that isn't WHY I say what I do. I say it because it's the TRUTH. Your actions, however noble, also need to be fueled by TRUTH, or...well, read this book - you'll see what's gained from non-noble intentions.
Garth...a pint of Guinnes on me if I ever run into you at a convention...and I can guarantee you I'll not have gone to the bogs and left a floater anywhere around...
The Trials And Tribulations Of Jane Daniel
Jane Daniel is the former publisher of Mt. Ivy Press who was sued by Misha Defonseca, the author of Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years - a book that has been revealed to have been a complete fraud.
As earlier indicated, I had heard about this huge injustice earlier in the year, but had not kept up with the further happenings.
I've read the entire blog previously; I am back up to Chapter Eight of the book. I plan to go to her book signing and to have her autograph my copy - I am in full support of Jane, considering the nonsense she's endured: she lost a friend, her inheritance, her book publishing company, and most importantly, her reputation.
All along the way, she was the picture of professionalism. It was through dubious legalities that she was placed in the state of which you are all now witness.
Misha's main defense is that, "She feels Jewish" - well, that's rather interesting...sometimes, when I'm eating braunschweiger, I feel a little German...but does that mean I can write a completely false memoir about a life that didn't occur and make a profit, stealing from others, some in the throes of abject poverty themselves, and not be made to pay for the INJUSTICE?!?
Am I on the wrong track here?
There are some who will say, "Oh...she's suffered enough...the loss of her reputation...the SHAME..."
Do you know what I will say to those who espouse such views?
I will say, "No - it ISN'T enough. She, for all intents and purposes, pressed the button."
What button, you ask?
Here's an excerpt from Bestseller - maybe this will make the point clearer:
I'm fairly certain that Vera was taken into Misha's confidence, much as Jane had been, so the story of the Million-Dollar Button should be common knowledge to all parties involved.
Understand - Misha was in complete control of her faculties when she initiated the lawsuits against the aggrieved parties - no one was twisting her arm; she knew that her account of being raised by wolves was a fabrication; yet, the lawsuits went forward, regardless.
Jane, I hope that you recover all that is forthcoming.
Misha...I haven't really any words of hate to you...I do wish, however, when you're sitting alone, someplace, somehow, that you will come to understand that what you did was WRONG.
It was not a matter of survival.
It was a matter of thinking that you were better than all around you, and that their gifts, their homes, their possessions, all were yours to do with as you saw fit.
I hope you'll understand. Maybe then, we can move forward and think about forgiveness.
As earlier indicated, I had heard about this huge injustice earlier in the year, but had not kept up with the further happenings.
I've read the entire blog previously; I am back up to Chapter Eight of the book. I plan to go to her book signing and to have her autograph my copy - I am in full support of Jane, considering the nonsense she's endured: she lost a friend, her inheritance, her book publishing company, and most importantly, her reputation.
All along the way, she was the picture of professionalism. It was through dubious legalities that she was placed in the state of which you are all now witness.
Misha's main defense is that, "She feels Jewish" - well, that's rather interesting...sometimes, when I'm eating braunschweiger, I feel a little German...but does that mean I can write a completely false memoir about a life that didn't occur and make a profit, stealing from others, some in the throes of abject poverty themselves, and not be made to pay for the INJUSTICE?!?
Am I on the wrong track here?
There are some who will say, "Oh...she's suffered enough...the loss of her reputation...the SHAME..."
Do you know what I will say to those who espouse such views?
I will say, "No - it ISN'T enough. She, for all intents and purposes, pressed the button."
What button, you ask?
Here's an excerpt from Bestseller - maybe this will make the point clearer:
My best friend, Vera Lee, was also my next-door neighbor of twenty years. We saw each other or spoke on the phone almost every day. She had listened patiently for hours as I wailed and obsessed endlessly as my marriage collapsed. Her advice: never love anyone more than they love you.
A retired French professor, Vera was eighteen years my senior. She was a bright and flirty conversationalist, a gracious hostess, intelligent, and fun. Friends of mine who met her always commented that she was “charming.” I admired her tremendously. She was my “Auntie Mame.” Whenever I wrote her a note I always signed it, Love, Jane.
I think she considered me an asset, too. She liked to show me off to her friends. We were the glamorous young couple — handsome, rock musician husband, vivacious, bright wife — in the mansion next door. She lived by herself on the other side of a common driveway in a cozy brick cottage that had been the gatekeeper’s quarters.
At the time we bought the big house, we were impecunious hippies who had acquired a bit of extra capital through a fluke business opportunity. When we moved in, all our worldly possessions fit in half the living room. Our friends thought we were crazy. In that era those looming, grand Victorians were called white elephants; nobody wanted them – too much upkeep. Within a few short years they would regain their original status as trophy houses.
My life and Vera’s were densely intertwined. I knew her whole family and circle of friends and she knew mine. She was a necessary fixture at my family’s celebrations. She was always with us on Christmas Eve (she, being Jewish, didn’t celebrate with her family) when we opened presents. She often made her entrance waving a flaming red feather boa and toting a bag of gifts for everyone, my kids included. I would never consider having a party without Vera.
Her lively patter was the Vaseline (her word) that kept any affair running smoothly. To encourage the flow of conversation Vera enjoyed conducting parlor games. She would ask people to pick a single word to describe themselves. It could be one word only. She was surprised that I chose “sensible.” Why didn’t you pick something more flattering? she asked. I don’t remember the word she chose for herself.
Or she’d say: You can be rich or famous. One or the other, not both. Which do you choose? She chose famous. I chose rich. She was surprised. I don’t care to impress strangers, I said, I have two kids to send to college.
Another favorite party question was, “If you could push a magic button and someone, somewhere, would die and a million dollars would materialize in your bank account, and nobody would know what you did — would you do it?” She often played this one with new acquaintances. She was smiling brightly as she asked this rather macabre question and listened intently to the answer. In retrospect I now see this game as an ominous augur.
I'm fairly certain that Vera was taken into Misha's confidence, much as Jane had been, so the story of the Million-Dollar Button should be common knowledge to all parties involved.
Understand - Misha was in complete control of her faculties when she initiated the lawsuits against the aggrieved parties - no one was twisting her arm; she knew that her account of being raised by wolves was a fabrication; yet, the lawsuits went forward, regardless.
Jane, I hope that you recover all that is forthcoming.
Misha...I haven't really any words of hate to you...I do wish, however, when you're sitting alone, someplace, somehow, that you will come to understand that what you did was WRONG.
It was not a matter of survival.
It was a matter of thinking that you were better than all around you, and that their gifts, their homes, their possessions, all were yours to do with as you saw fit.
I hope you'll understand. Maybe then, we can move forward and think about forgiveness.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PR 30 (March 2005) ran a lengthy article by me entitled “Mossad Spies Imprisoned In New Zealand: Our Passports Valued For Use By Israeli Covert Killers” (it can be read online at ). To briefly recap – in 2004, New Zealand authorities became aware of a covert operation mounted by Israel’s external Intelligence agency, Mossad, to secure NZ passports (which are keenly sought after by those who seek hasslefree entry to most countries. Mossad has a long track record of using fraudulently obtained passports of friendly counties, such as Canada, for its agents to commit crimes, including several murders, in countries throughout the world). The spy ring consisted of at least three Mossad agents working from Australia (it later emerged that Australia secretly expelled an Israeli diplomat as a result of this scandal in NZ) and one New Zealand Jew. The ringleader, a Mossad agent, and the New Zealander got away to Israel. The two other Mossad agents, Eli Cara and Uriel Kelman, were arrested in the act of accepting delivery of a fraudulently obtained NZ passport. They duly pleaded guilty to a single charge and served three months of a six month sentence before being deported back to Israel. They were also each ordered to make a $50,000 payment to the Cerebral Palsy Association, as they had sought the passport in the name of an NZ cerebral palsy sufferer.
To give the Government full credit, Helen Clark hit the roof and imposed a series of punitive measures on Israel that fell just short of breaking diplomatic relations. It was made publicly plain that these measures would stay in place until Israel apologised. That is where things were at as of PR 30. The Government wasn’t kidding – in March 2005, Israel expressed surprise that a reserves general was refused entry into NZ to speak at a fundraising campaign organised by the local Jewish community. Phil Goff, the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, reiterated that all such visa requests would be refused until Israel apologised. It also emerged that month that Israel’s Ministry of Defence was the only client of an NZ manufacturer of military equipment to have been vetoed by the Government (see Kane O’Connell’s “Campaigning To End The Arms Trade At ‘Our Place’”, elsewhere in this issue, for further details on the NZ arms industry).
Israel Had Previously & Fraudulently Obtained Other NZ Passports
The pressure paid off. In June 2005, Israel apologised and the sanctions were lifted. This followed months of diplomatic wrangling about the wording of the apology and in the end Israel did not confirm that the two men were agents, merely referring to them as citizens. Helen Clark correctly said: “It is clear that the Israeli government will not apologise for criminal activity by just any citizens. There was a reason to apologise for the actions of these two citizens” (Press, 27/6/05; “Sanctions lifted after Israel apologises for passport incident”). Israel provided no explanation as to what the NZ passports were going to be used for. Clark said that an international arrest warrant had been issued for the New Zealander, Tony Resnick (now safely in Israel) and she also revealed that other NZ passports had previously been obtained by Israeli agents. The Government had decided not to pursue them, as they had now all been detected and all relevant passports had been cancelled.
The Government had the support of the public and media throughout this whole squalid affair. To quote from a Press editorial (28/6/05; “Humiliating apology”): “However humiliating it might be, for a beleaguered nation which requires international goodwill, it was an apology that had to be made…The New Zealand government was correct to take a hardline stance over the passport fraud…While it is positive that the relationship with Israel has been patched up, the apology does not quite mark the end of this passport affair. Two other participants are still at large and there are unanswered questions over the intended use of other New Zealand passports which were obtained by Israeli Intelligence agents and have now been cancelled…(It is) a successful, if protracted, foreign policy success for the Government”. The editorial also drew the obvious parallel with the 1985 fatal bombing of the Rainbow Warrior by France, the only other “friendly nation” Intelligence operation on NZ soil to end in criminal charges and imprisonment for the couple of agents who were caught. The French and Israeli spybosses both exhibited the same arrogance and contempt towards New Zealand - and the governments of both paid the price for their complacent stupidity.
In fact, stupidity seems to be a hallmark of Mossad. A February 2005 article by Nicky Hager in the Sunday Star Times (cited in Israel’s Haaretz, 27/2/05; “Israeli jailed in New Zealand headed Cyprus spy ring”) revealed that Kara, one of the two agents imprisoned in NZ, had sent two Mossad agents to Cyprus in a 1998 operation which resulted in them being arrested and serving nine months of a three year prison term. Kara’s friendship with a senior Mossad official got him posted to Australia, from where he worked on the illfated NZ passports operation. Apparently, after his return to Israel from a New Zealand prison, he decided to leave the world of Intelligence and took a job with the credit card transnational, Visa. Probably a good career move, I’d say.
Compared To Vanunu, Mossad’s Bunglers Have Got Nothing To Complain About
Cara and Kelman have got nothing to complain about. They could have got five years – they served three months. Compare that with the way Israel treats its own “spies”. The most famous case is that of Mordechai Vanunu, the man who blew the whistle on Israel’s nuclear arsenal. You can read about his case at (PR 29; June 2004; “Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Free: Mordechai Vanunu Unbowed, Defiant”, Murray Horton). He served a full 18 year prison sentence, with not a day remitted; and most of that was in solitary confinement. He was reluctantly released under stringent conditions, including not being allowed to talk to the foreign media, or go abroad. He remains under constant surveillance and harassment. In November 2004 he was re-arrested on suspicion of revealing more classified information, and of violating his terms of release, namely by defying the restrictions and doing high profile international media interviews. “I cannot shut up, I must have freedom of speech” (Press, 13/11/04; “Vanunu denies spilling new secrets”, Reuters). Vanunu, via an e-mail to Green MP, Keith Locke, said that he wanted NZ citizenship so that he could get out of Israel. The Government was not prepared to entertain that idea, calling it “an empty political gesture” on the grounds that he was not allowed to leave Israel anyway (Press, 29/3/05; “Vanunu wants NZ passport”). In January 2006, he appeared in court on 21 charges of speaking with foreigners. So, what’s good for the goose is definitely not good for the gander as far as Israel is concerned. Hopefully, the humiliation of two of its agents being publicly identified, fined, imprisoned and deported, not to mention having to publicly apologise for the bungled operation, might cause Israel to think twice before deciding to again try and involve NZ in its murderous covert operations.
Besides, Mossad has found another willing helper – in January 2006, the Jerusalem Post reported that once New Zealand no longer became a source of fake passports, the German Intelligence agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) stepped in to ensure a steady supply of fake German passports to enable Mossad to place agents in Middle Eastern countries. Let’s see if they get away with it this time. The Post said: “During the 90s, Mossad agents often used passports from Canada and New Zealand when travelling in enemy territory, but once the practice became widely known, they stopped” ( Press, 19/1/06, “Germany’ helped agents’”). So the killings will go on.
I'm on a roll today!
I met my buddies yesterday at the bar. Cowboy was there before I had arrived; Maverick arrived shortly after; his cowboy boots bore the brunt of our humor.
It was then that Maverick surprised me with the admission that he does NOT believe the explanation of the Salomon Brothers Building's collapse on the afternoon of September 11th, 2001. I've been screaming about this bloody thing for almost seven bloody years, and only until NOW, does it finally hit home?
Yes...and here's why:
The information was printed in a NEWSPAPER.
You see, Maverick is a luddite. Maverick has never touched a fact, he just got a disposable cell phone, and this was just so we wouldn't razz him about still being stuck in the 18th century. Maverick only trusts what he reads in print - especially anything printed by the Old Grey Lady, The New York Times.
So, it shocked me for a bit to hear him actually speak about WTC 7. As he spoke, I nodded my head and held back my self-important smirk, because it's not about my being right; rather, it's about recognizing lies when you hear or read them.
And make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen - the report by Dr. Shyam Sunder is a BOLD-FACED LIE.
So...that was good to hear.
I found this little gem today - Deconstructing A False-Flag Operation - I implore you to click on that link, read the verbiage presented...but most importantly, LISTEN TO THE SOUND FILE (it will play in your browser with a QuickTime plugin).
Are you starting to get it now?
Ben Stein, NIST
(301) 975-3097
Michael Newman, NIST
(301) 975-3025
Please contact the gentlemen listed above, and inform them that the explanation offered DOES NOT HOLD WATER.
Read the Existentialist Cowboy's rationale as to why Flight 77 could NOT have struck the Pentagon, the nerve center of the United States of America's defense.
I met my buddies yesterday at the bar. Cowboy was there before I had arrived; Maverick arrived shortly after; his cowboy boots bore the brunt of our humor.
It was then that Maverick surprised me with the admission that he does NOT believe the explanation of the Salomon Brothers Building's collapse on the afternoon of September 11th, 2001. I've been screaming about this bloody thing for almost seven bloody years, and only until NOW, does it finally hit home?
Yes...and here's why:
The information was printed in a NEWSPAPER.
You see, Maverick is a luddite. Maverick has never touched a fact, he just got a disposable cell phone, and this was just so we wouldn't razz him about still being stuck in the 18th century. Maverick only trusts what he reads in print - especially anything printed by the Old Grey Lady, The New York Times.
So, it shocked me for a bit to hear him actually speak about WTC 7. As he spoke, I nodded my head and held back my self-important smirk, because it's not about my being right; rather, it's about recognizing lies when you hear or read them.
And make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen - the report by Dr. Shyam Sunder is a BOLD-FACED LIE.
So...that was good to hear.
I found this little gem today - Deconstructing A False-Flag Operation - I implore you to click on that link, read the verbiage presented...but most importantly, LISTEN TO THE SOUND FILE (it will play in your browser with a QuickTime plugin).
Are you starting to get it now?
Ben Stein, NIST
(301) 975-3097
Michael Newman, NIST
(301) 975-3025
Please contact the gentlemen listed above, and inform them that the explanation offered DOES NOT HOLD WATER.
Read the Existentialist Cowboy's rationale as to why Flight 77 could NOT have struck the Pentagon, the nerve center of the United States of America's defense.
Battle Over Faked Holocaust Memoir in Massachusetts Court
Battle Over Faked Holocaust Memoir in Mass. Court
Monday, August 25, 2008
It was a shock to Misha Defonseca's readers this year when she admitted that the best-selling story of her tortured childhood during the Holocaust was false, but her U.S. publisher saw it as an opportunity to undo a stinging, 7-year-old court judgment.
Jane Daniel says she never would have been ordered to pay Defonseca and her ghost writer $32.4 million over her handling of profits from "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years" had the jury known the book was filled with lies.
Defonseca never lived with wolves to escape the Nazis, never killed a German soldier in self-defense, never walked 3,000 miles across Europe in search of her parents. Contrary to the book's claims, Defonseca admitted in February that she isn't even Jewish.
Daniel is asking a judge to throw out the verdict; a hearing is set for Thursday in Middlesex Superior Court.
"This is a case where everyone was so enamored and felt so much sympathy for the Holocaust survivor, it just overwhelmed everyone in the case, including the jury," Daniel said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Now to find out that the book was not true, that is fraud on the court."
Defonseca and her ghost writer, Vera Lee, said the truth of the 1997 book had no bearing on the jury's finding that Daniel cheated them out of profits.
"It has nothing to do with that," said Defonseca, 71, of Dudley.
"This credibility issue is something Jane is digging up now," Lee said. "That's not what the trial was about. It was about the fact that she cheated us."
Daniel met Defonseca in the 1990s while Daniel was doing publicity for a video company that had made a memorial video for Defonseca about her dog. "She said the reason she was so attached to dogs is because she had been so attached to wolves," Daniel recalled. Once she heard Defonseca tell her whole story, she asked her to write a book.
The harrowing tale of a little Jewish girl's survival became a best-seller in Europe, was translated into 18 languages, was turned into a feature film in France, and drew interest from the Walt Disney Co. and Oprah Winfrey.
But the book sold only 5,000 copies in the United States after Daniel had a falling out with Defonseca and Lee.
The two sued Daniel for breach of contract. In 2001, a Middlesex District Court jury found that Daniel had failed to promote the book as promised and had hidden profits. The jury awarded Defonseca $7.5 million and Lee $3.3 million, but those amounts were later tripled by a judge who found Daniel and her small publishing company, Mt. Ivy Press, had misled both women and tried to claim royalties herself by rewriting the book.
In a brief telephone interview, Defonseca would not discuss her admission that she made up most of the details of the book. In February she acknowledged that her book was a fantasy that she kept repeating.
"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving," Defonseca said in a statement released by her lawyers.
Defonseca admitted the book was not true after a genealogical researcher working with Daniel on her own book about the case uncovered inconsistencies in her story, including records that showed Defonseca was baptized Catholic and had attended an elementary school in Schaarbeek, Belgium, in 1943, during a time in which she said in her book she was living with wolves in Ukraine.
Daniel's lawyers are asking a judge to overturn the jury's award because Defonseca "perpetrated a hoax" on Daniel, her publishing company, the public, the trial judge and a state appeals court that upheld the verdict. They said Defonseca directly violated a provision in her publishing contract with Daniel in which she affirmed that the content of the book was true.
"From the outset, she breached her contract, but nobody knew it until much later," said Brian McCormick, one of Daniel's lawyers.
Lee's attorney Frank Frisoli said too much time has gone by for Daniel to challenge the verdict now. Also, after the judgment, Daniel reached agreements with both Lee and Defonseca to settle with Daniel for far less than $32.4 million. Daniel said her father paid $425,000 to Defonseca, while Lee received $250,000 from a settlement Daniel received after suing her literary agent and has the right to sell her house in Gloucester.
Lee said that she warned Daniel several times during the writing of the book that some aspects of Defonseca's story were incredible, but that Daniel dismissed her concerns.
"I think she went along thinking she had a blockbuster and she didn't want to hear anything about it not possibly being true," Lee said.
When news of the hoax came out in February, however, Lee said that she had always believed Defonseca's stories and that and no research she did gave her a reason to do otherwise.
"She always maintained that this was truth as she recalled it, and I trusted that that was the case," Lee said then.
Daniel has said she could not fully research Defonseca's story before it was published because the woman claimed she did not know her parents' names, her birthday or where she was born.
Daniel acknowledges she had doubts about portions of Defonseca's story, but said she believed it after talking to Holocaust survivors.
"If you read a lot of Holocaust literature, all survivor stories are miraculous," she said.
Just go ahead and read Jane Daniel's blog detailing the whole mess...and then tell me that either Misha or Vera have a leg to stand on.
Monday, August 25, 2008
It was a shock to Misha Defonseca's readers this year when she admitted that the best-selling story of her tortured childhood during the Holocaust was false, but her U.S. publisher saw it as an opportunity to undo a stinging, 7-year-old court judgment.
Jane Daniel says she never would have been ordered to pay Defonseca and her ghost writer $32.4 million over her handling of profits from "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years" had the jury known the book was filled with lies.
Defonseca never lived with wolves to escape the Nazis, never killed a German soldier in self-defense, never walked 3,000 miles across Europe in search of her parents. Contrary to the book's claims, Defonseca admitted in February that she isn't even Jewish.
Daniel is asking a judge to throw out the verdict; a hearing is set for Thursday in Middlesex Superior Court.
"This is a case where everyone was so enamored and felt so much sympathy for the Holocaust survivor, it just overwhelmed everyone in the case, including the jury," Daniel said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Now to find out that the book was not true, that is fraud on the court."
Defonseca and her ghost writer, Vera Lee, said the truth of the 1997 book had no bearing on the jury's finding that Daniel cheated them out of profits.
"It has nothing to do with that," said Defonseca, 71, of Dudley.
"This credibility issue is something Jane is digging up now," Lee said. "That's not what the trial was about. It was about the fact that she cheated us."
Daniel met Defonseca in the 1990s while Daniel was doing publicity for a video company that had made a memorial video for Defonseca about her dog. "She said the reason she was so attached to dogs is because she had been so attached to wolves," Daniel recalled. Once she heard Defonseca tell her whole story, she asked her to write a book.
The harrowing tale of a little Jewish girl's survival became a best-seller in Europe, was translated into 18 languages, was turned into a feature film in France, and drew interest from the Walt Disney Co. and Oprah Winfrey.
But the book sold only 5,000 copies in the United States after Daniel had a falling out with Defonseca and Lee.
The two sued Daniel for breach of contract. In 2001, a Middlesex District Court jury found that Daniel had failed to promote the book as promised and had hidden profits. The jury awarded Defonseca $7.5 million and Lee $3.3 million, but those amounts were later tripled by a judge who found Daniel and her small publishing company, Mt. Ivy Press, had misled both women and tried to claim royalties herself by rewriting the book.
In a brief telephone interview, Defonseca would not discuss her admission that she made up most of the details of the book. In February she acknowledged that her book was a fantasy that she kept repeating.
"This story is mine. It is not actually reality, but my reality, my way of surviving," Defonseca said in a statement released by her lawyers.
Defonseca admitted the book was not true after a genealogical researcher working with Daniel on her own book about the case uncovered inconsistencies in her story, including records that showed Defonseca was baptized Catholic and had attended an elementary school in Schaarbeek, Belgium, in 1943, during a time in which she said in her book she was living with wolves in Ukraine.
Daniel's lawyers are asking a judge to overturn the jury's award because Defonseca "perpetrated a hoax" on Daniel, her publishing company, the public, the trial judge and a state appeals court that upheld the verdict. They said Defonseca directly violated a provision in her publishing contract with Daniel in which she affirmed that the content of the book was true.
"From the outset, she breached her contract, but nobody knew it until much later," said Brian McCormick, one of Daniel's lawyers.
Lee's attorney Frank Frisoli said too much time has gone by for Daniel to challenge the verdict now. Also, after the judgment, Daniel reached agreements with both Lee and Defonseca to settle with Daniel for far less than $32.4 million. Daniel said her father paid $425,000 to Defonseca, while Lee received $250,000 from a settlement Daniel received after suing her literary agent and has the right to sell her house in Gloucester.
Lee said that she warned Daniel several times during the writing of the book that some aspects of Defonseca's story were incredible, but that Daniel dismissed her concerns.
"I think she went along thinking she had a blockbuster and she didn't want to hear anything about it not possibly being true," Lee said.
When news of the hoax came out in February, however, Lee said that she had always believed Defonseca's stories and that and no research she did gave her a reason to do otherwise.
"She always maintained that this was truth as she recalled it, and I trusted that that was the case," Lee said then.
Daniel has said she could not fully research Defonseca's story before it was published because the woman claimed she did not know her parents' names, her birthday or where she was born.
Daniel acknowledges she had doubts about portions of Defonseca's story, but said she believed it after talking to Holocaust survivors.
"If you read a lot of Holocaust literature, all survivor stories are miraculous," she said.
Just go ahead and read Jane Daniel's blog detailing the whole mess...and then tell me that either Misha or Vera have a leg to stand on.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face -- forever.
-- George Orwell '1984' *- D
Thanks to
Modesto Anarcho!
Look familiar? You should recognize it... its the world you are allowing BY DOING NOTHING AND COWERING LIKE A SLAVE!
Here's someone with BALLS - dear readers, I present to you - Robert Wanek:
-- George Orwell '1984' *- D
Thanks to

Look familiar? You should recognize it... its the world you are allowing BY DOING NOTHING AND COWERING LIKE A SLAVE!
Here's someone with BALLS - dear readers, I present to you - Robert Wanek:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - Must Reading!
I decided to put down Stephen King's Nightmares and Dreamscapes for the moment; I had just finished Dedication.
Good stuff - I guess gargling choda can be good for you...wait'll I tell the girlfriend...!
What I picked up in its place was my copy of Greg Palast's The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (the revised American Edition).
Here's a throwaway idea to all future authors of the Truth Movement - add a coupon for a free beer redeemable ANYWHERE!
I guarantee your book will be at the head of the New York Times' Best Sellers' list in no time flat - may even surf along the Top Ten for awhile...but I digress.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy is an excellent book - I read it from cover to cover upon its purchase. I, having recently just moved, found the book among a number of items I had stored, and I placed it aside for such a moment. And so, it rides with me today.
So, I'm reading through the first chapter, JIM CROW In Cyberspace, and my train approaches Wall Street. A "gentleman" and his toady board the train, and stand in the doorway next to my seat - sporting a copy of The Economist.
Oh, dear.
The "gentleman", upon seeing me read this book, decided that he would "ride" the pole to which my seat was attached. I've not seen anyone in a suit so comfortable with his cheeks akimbo as he was, but I guess it takes all kinds. Actually, after viewing Alex Jones' Inside Bohemian Grove, it's not so hard to contemplate such goings-on with the "respectable" members of society. If you'll remember, David Gergen blew a bloody gasket when Alex interviewed him post-BG - he accused him of masquerading as a "gentleman".
Now I know why my buddy Josh, when I regaled him as a "Southern gentleman", stated, "I may be Southern, but I'm no gentleman." Ah...but once again, I digress...
It was so hard not to rib this fellow in regards to the economy and his role in destabilizing said economy. Instead, I located a humorous quip in the book and chuckled mildly.
He departed a few stops later, with his sycophantic toady, ready to retire to take on the task of destroying America, one transaction at a time.
I kept reading - I'm almost done with the first chapter, and I plan to tell anyone who asks everything I can about the book, and the ramifications of Americans non-actions against the real ills of our society - APATHY, INDIFFERENCE and NON-BELIEF. And in re-reading it, one can now gauge how accurate Greg's writing is, ain regards to the liberties our current administration is is taking with our inalienable rights.
Let's see...what in the news today?
NIST's further bungling of what actually occurred during the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building, also known as WTC 7 - appaling.
The smear on Alex Jones' supposedly screaming, "Kill Michelle Malkin" has been DEBUNKED! Amazingly, calling for Mark Dice's death by shooting merits no outrage within the Distraction Media.
The S.S. Liberty enters Gaza unmolested! Maybe we can get an honest investigation into what occurred during the Six-Day can only hope.
News flash: John "Songbird" McCain has TEN mansions!!!
(To be continued...unless I get eternal Cranky-ASS from writing about these scumbags)
Good stuff - I guess gargling choda can be good for you...wait'll I tell the girlfriend...!
What I picked up in its place was my copy of Greg Palast's The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (the revised American Edition).
Here's a throwaway idea to all future authors of the Truth Movement - add a coupon for a free beer redeemable ANYWHERE!
I guarantee your book will be at the head of the New York Times' Best Sellers' list in no time flat - may even surf along the Top Ten for awhile...but I digress.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy is an excellent book - I read it from cover to cover upon its purchase. I, having recently just moved, found the book among a number of items I had stored, and I placed it aside for such a moment. And so, it rides with me today.
So, I'm reading through the first chapter, JIM CROW In Cyberspace, and my train approaches Wall Street. A "gentleman" and his toady board the train, and stand in the doorway next to my seat - sporting a copy of The Economist.
Oh, dear.
The "gentleman", upon seeing me read this book, decided that he would "ride" the pole to which my seat was attached. I've not seen anyone in a suit so comfortable with his cheeks akimbo as he was, but I guess it takes all kinds. Actually, after viewing Alex Jones' Inside Bohemian Grove, it's not so hard to contemplate such goings-on with the "respectable" members of society. If you'll remember, David Gergen blew a bloody gasket when Alex interviewed him post-BG - he accused him of masquerading as a "gentleman".
Now I know why my buddy Josh, when I regaled him as a "Southern gentleman", stated, "I may be Southern, but I'm no gentleman." Ah...but once again, I digress...
It was so hard not to rib this fellow in regards to the economy and his role in destabilizing said economy. Instead, I located a humorous quip in the book and chuckled mildly.
He departed a few stops later, with his sycophantic toady, ready to retire to take on the task of destroying America, one transaction at a time.
I kept reading - I'm almost done with the first chapter, and I plan to tell anyone who asks everything I can about the book, and the ramifications of Americans non-actions against the real ills of our society - APATHY, INDIFFERENCE and NON-BELIEF. And in re-reading it, one can now gauge how accurate Greg's writing is, ain regards to the liberties our current administration is is taking with our inalienable rights.
Let's see...what in the news today?
NIST's further bungling of what actually occurred during the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building, also known as WTC 7 - appaling.
The smear on Alex Jones' supposedly screaming, "Kill Michelle Malkin" has been DEBUNKED! Amazingly, calling for Mark Dice's death by shooting merits no outrage within the Distraction Media.
The S.S. Liberty enters Gaza unmolested! Maybe we can get an honest investigation into what occurred during the Six-Day can only hope.
News flash: John "Songbird" McCain has TEN mansions!!!
(To be continued...unless I get eternal Cranky-ASS from writing about these scumbags)
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Message From The NEW WORLD ORDER To Alex Jones (And WE THE PEOPLE)
We are on the brink of a new war with Russia.
We are in a recession, though no one will confirm it.
Our nation is being overrun by a fifth column, whose interests do not align with our own.
I don't plan to live on my knees - I will not be an enabler of the New World Order.
Speaking of scumbags...the Gestapo dogged Alex's steps during the DNC today...special thanks to Orwellian Bob for the following videos:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
THE TRUTH ABOUT HYDRAZINE SULFATE - DR. GOLD SPEAKS (reposted in its entirety in case posting is "disappeared")
July 14 , 2004
Last amended: February 21, 2008
See also: MedTruth Blog A commentary on truth in medicine
For some time now I have refrained from making any comments in regard to information on the Internet concerning hydrazine sulfate. My silence has been occasioned by the hope that our federal and prominent private-sector cancer agencies would endorse the use of hydrazine sulfate, in the wake of clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer.
But this hasn't happened. Quite the opposite. A casual examination of the Internet shows that information in regard to hydrazine sulfate is composed of a mixture of “endorsements” of hydrazine sulfate from individual patients and their advocates—and the seemingly authoritative disparagement of it by cancer establishment sources. It is this “condemnation” of hydrazine sulfate I wish to address—the scientific gobbledygook of so-called studies, side effects, carcinogenicity, toxicity, cautions, critiques and inferences woven together by our cancer agencies' most talented “spin doctors” into a web of outright misrepresentations, deception and scientific fraud. (As an example of this fraud, NCI has posted an entry on the Internet, “date last modified: 6/18/04,” stating “hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials,” which as will be seen is patently untrue and does not reflect the ten years of randomized clinical trials performed by Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from 1981-1990 and the many published, peer-reviewed clinical studies based on that body of work.)
The purpose of this statement is to guide you, step by step, through the scientific development of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer agent, the clinical trials—and the high-level negative politics which came to surround this drug from the very beginning. It will be plainly seen that the cautions against this drug presented on the Internet by our highest federal health agencies are but an assemblage of misinformation and disinformation which acts to discourage this drug's use both by individual patients as well as by well-meaning physicians.
First and foremost, it is important for you to know that, contrary to implications made on the Internet, clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate have been done and published in peer-reviewed medical journals which circulate worldwide. And the truth is that every single, informed-consent, controlled clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate, performed in accordance with internationally accepted criteria and standards of scientific conduct—without exception—has indicated efficacy and safety of the drug. The only contrary results have been the National Cancer Institute-sponsored trials of hydrazine sulfate in which incompatible agents (medications) were used with the test drug. It must be stressed that no legitimate researcher on this planet would ever knowingly use an incompatible agent—or one even suspected of incompatibility—in the trial of a test drug. Use of an incompatible agent in a drug test, which acts to cause a negative study, can only be the result of incompetence or deliberateness.
Secondly, Internet sources have implicated hydrazine sulfate to be toxic or carcinogenic. Although hydrazine sulfate is carcinogenic—i.e., can cause cancer—in some weanling mice given the drug in their drinking water since birth, there has never been a case of human cancer reported as a result of HS therapy . (In contrast, routinely administered chemotherapy drugs are commonly carcinogenic—and can produce up to 26% of “second cancers.”) Perhaps more importantly, the influential medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine presented a “Brief Communication” (and accompanying editorial) in its December 5, 2000 issue, of a single patient who allegedly died of fatal hepatorenal failure as a result of “HS” therapy. The only trouble was that no firm evidence was presented in this paper that the patient in question ever took hydrazine sulfate. The authors of this article stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This means there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple spectrofluorometric blood tests that will confirm even the smallest residues of hydrazine sulfate ingested even months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal on earth—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient in question ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences, without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. But the editors and writers of the Annals—with our federal health agencies' knowledge and participation—chose to disseminate their reports to the media of the world, to the medical profession of every country and to the Internet, where the public would be sure to find them. To put this situation in its proper context: While Annals chose to issue a “drug warning” based on one, single presumptive case of fatal toxicity of HS in the 30 years since the drug has been in use, there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy deaths each year . Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer organizations ever let the public know this?
Your life or the life of a loved one or friend may depend on your reading, and understanding, the statement below. References are used in support of the events, happenings and details of this expanded statement.
Scientific Background. Hydrazine sulfate (HS), an inexpensive, mass-produced chemical compound used for many industrial applications, was first proposed as an anticachexia agent based on its inhibition of the gluconeogenic enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP CK).1,2 It was further proposed that if tumor energy (ATP) gain and host energy loss (resulting from cancer-induced excessive gluconeogenesis) were functionally interrelated—as seemed probable—HS could also, by indirect and non-toxic means, inhibit tumor growth itself.3 Early in-vivo studies demonstrated that HS could inhibit weight loss (cachexia) and tumor growth in a variety of transplanted mouse and rat models, without direct cytotoxicity,2-6 could add to the antitumor effects of chemotherapy drugs,7-9 and was free of significant side effects.10 These results strongly suggested HS as a new means of non-toxic cancer chemotherapy.11,12
Adverse Politics Begin. Despite this drug's early promise, from the very beginning of clinical trials, HS was to be met with controversy as a function of government action. On March 8, 1976, veteran congressman James M. Hanley (Chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee and a member of many committees and subcommittees) requested a “status report” on HS from the director of the National Cancer Institute, our country's—and the world's—largest and most influential cancer agency. Within two weeks he received a reply which stated: “Hydrazine sulfate has been tested in the Soviet Union at the Petrov Institute in Leningrad [St. Petersburg ]. In a clinical study directed by Dr. Michael Gershanovich, no evidence of meaningful anticancer activity was reported. This information was communicated to the NCI under the Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Health Agreement of 1972.”13,14 Days later, however, reprints of the actual study became available. Its English summary stated:
“Clinical observations enabled us to state a definite therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate in patients with lymphogranulomatosis [Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas] and malignant tumors of various localizations, when other measures of specific therapy failed.”15
This was exactly opposite of what was communicated to Congressman Hanley. In fact, the text stated that because of the highly positive findings the study was being immediately enlarged. As to whether the NCI response to Congressman Hanley represented an innocent error on the part of the NCI or a deliberate fabrication, a further letter from the NCI, dated June 22, 1976, stated: “An abstract [summary] of the Gershanovich study appeared in Cancer Therapy Abstracts (Vol. 16: No. 4 [19]75-2046), a journal published under contract to the NCI.”16 This published abstract antedated the NCI's response to Congressman Hanley by six months. Thus, at the time the NCI was writing to Congressman Hanley that the Soviet data were negative, the NCI already knew these data were positive.
Early Clinical Studies. In 1975 three articles would appear in the medical literature, detailing initial clinical results with hydrazine sulfate. The first, the Soviet study,15 a phase II controlled clinical trial, set forth astonishing results in a class of patients termed “factually terminal [stage 4],” who had become unresponsive, or had failed to respond initially, to conventional therapy: 58 percent demonstrated anticachexia response (weight gain, performance status improvement, normalization of the laboratory indices, etc.), and 35 percent showed antitumor response (tumor regression or stabilization); one year later the initial series of 48 patients was enlarged to 95 patients, with essentially the same results.17 The second, a pharmaceutical-sponsored IND (Investigational New Drug) study of 84 terminal and preterminal patients with different types of cancer demonstrated a 59 percent anticachexia response and a 17 percent antitumor response.18 The third, a small study of 29 patients conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, totally uncontrolled for patient selection, drug dosage and treatment schedule, and prior and concurrent therapy, found no long-term improvements (although transient response was recorded).19 On the basis of this totally uncontrolled MSKCC trial of 29 patients the American Cancer Society, in March 1976, placed HS on its “Unproven Methods” list.20 The ACS stated: “After careful study of the literature and other available information, the American Cancer Society does not have evidence that Hydrazine Sulfate is of any objective benefit in the treatment of cancer in human beings.” In its article, the ACS referenced only the uncontrolled MSKCC study, but failed to reference the phase II controlled Soviet trial or the (American) pharmaceutical-sponsored IND study. (In late 1979 the ACS removed HS from its Unproven Methods list, in the wake of increasingly positive data on HS.21)
In March 1979 the Soviet study was enlarged to 225 patients. Published as an abstract in the March 1979 Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, controlled for patient selection and prognosis, performance status, dosage protocol, prior and concurrent therapy, the study reported overall results of 65 percent anticachexia response and 44 percent antitumor response. Anticachexia response was described as “appreciable improvement of appetite and general status, disappearance or reduction of severe weakness characteristic of the pretreatment period, reduction or complete elimination of pain, tendency toward normalization of the laboratory findings”; antitumor response included tumor regression (“less than 25 to greater than 50% of initial tumor volume”) and tumor stabilization (from “3-6 months”); side effects included “minimal nausea, dizziness, anorexia, polyneuritis (1.7%) [tingling of the fingers]”—and the absence of bone marrow depression (“leukopenia and thrombocytopenia were not observed”). In this class of patients no efficacy and safety findings approaching these had ever before been reported. Nevertheless, although arrangements had been made through the Soviet and American governments to have Dr. Gershanovich come to this country to discuss these results, after traveling more than 7,000 miles he was not permitted to present his paper orally at the annual scientific meetings of the American Association for Cancer Research in New Orleans . Asked by the media at this conference whether “consideration should not have been given to the fact that [this] Russian trial was the first large-scale study of [HS], purporting to show significant benefits from its use”—and therefore become subject to open discussion by the world oncology community—the program chairman of the AACR stated: “The Gershanovich paper is not going to be presented, and that's it.”22 (In 1981 the Gershanovich data were published as a full-length paper in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer.23)
Also in 1979 a negative paper on HS of 25 non-randomized, non-blinded, non-controlled, open-study patients would be published in the journal Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology,24 whose editor-in-chief was an NCI official, authored by Dr. William Regelson (now deceased) and colleagues from the Medical College of Virginia. In this totally unaudited study, 7 of the “negative” patients died (of their disease, not from the drug) within 11 days of starting HS therapy (1 died on the very first day), another was “lost to follow-up” after two weeks, 2 others received prior chemotherapy which had not yet cleared, 1 received concurrent medication shown to be incompatible with HS as long as four years previously,8,15,25 and 16 received HS less than the required four-week minimum (l patient received HS for only 1 day, 9 for 1 week or less, 16 for 2 weeks or less). Of the 25 “negative” patients only five could qualify for evaluation according to established drug-testing protocol. Because only 20 percent of the patients of the study were evaluable, it is unclear how this paper achieved publication, since it was apparent that it could not have been subject to normal, independent peer-review procedures.
The American Medical Association Enters The Fray. In January 1980 the Commentary section of the Journal of the American Medical Association26 would present another negative article on HS, again authored by Dr. Regelson. The JAMA was at the time perhaps the most authoritative medical journal in the world and its prestigious Commentary section, located at the beginning of many issues, was in effect a forum that usually addressed an important social or political medical problem or question—and was thus a reflection of the views of organized medicine at its highest levels. In this Commentary article Dr. Regelson stated that he and “others” had performed randomized, double-blind studies on HS that were negative. (“In both randomized double-blind and nonrandomized studies, our group and others have tested hydrazine sulfate in advanced cancer patients….”) But the truth was that Dr. Regelson—or “others”— never performed any double-blind studies and indeed the only study that Dr. Regelson ever performed was the one, previously discussed, in which 80 percent of the patients were unevaluable and which could not have been published on the basis of independent peer-review. In fact Dr. Regelson never once mentioned the Gershanovich results—the only truly controlled (phase II) clinical trial of HS up to that time (1979), which dwarfed all other studies (225/233 evaluable patients) of HS combined. (Gershanovich's name did not appear once in the text.) Of HS Dr. Regelson only stated: “[Hydrazine sulfate] does inhibit the Walker 256 carcinoma [a rat tumor] and has shown synergy with chemotherapy in the L 1210 in mice….Where does that leave us?” Thus extolling the “double-blind” studies he had never published or performed, and omitting any mention of the large-scale, positive, controlled Russian trials that had been published and performed—Dr. Regelson's Commentary article sent an unmistakable message that HS was tantamount to quackery medicine, in effect regarded by the cancer establishment (he referred to himself as “we members of the Establishment”) as a pharmaceutica-non-grata . Equally disconcerting was the fact that the editorial staff of the JAMA had apparently not checked to ascertain that Dr. Regelson—or “others”—had indeed published double-blind studies on HS, in effect that what Dr. Regelson was writing was in fact true. JAMA 's failure to perform this most elementary task served only to reinforce Dr. Regelson's egregiously erroneous “message” to the practitioners of American medicine.
Randomized Clinical Trials. In 1981 the American Cancer Society began sponsorship of prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of HS at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center under the distinguished leadership of well known cancer investigators Drs. Jerome B. Block and Rowan T. Chlebowski. (RCTs are considered the “gold standard” of clinical testing, since they tend to minimize bias from all sources.) In February 1984 these investigators reported27 in the respected journal Cancer Research that in a series of 38 patients with widespread lung, colon, breast, throat and other cancers, HS reversed abnormal carbohydrate metabolism associated with cancer cachexia. This represented a watershed work, in that for the first time it was demonstrated (under double-blind, placebo-controlled circumstances) that alteration of abnormal host metabolism could result in measurable clinical benefits, including weight improvement and stabilization, potentially opening the door to a new type of cancer therapy.
Thus by the middle 1980s dual scientific horizons—the Soviets and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center—had emerged, independently corroborating one-another's clinical results on HS, the strong preponderance of data indicating this drug to represent a promising new therapeutic agent.
Politics Deepen . First published in the early 1980s, one of the most influential cancer textbooks in the world was (and still is) CANCER, Principles & Practice of Oncology, whose principal editor was Dr. Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., then director of the NCI. In its first edition in 1983 this textbook carried a chapter, “Unproven Methods of Cancer Treatment,” authored by Dr. Jane E. Henney, deputy director of the NCI (who would become Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration in 1998). As expected, Dr. Henney's chapter would not include HS, since this drug had been removed from the American Cancer Society's Unproven List three years previously and the Soviet phase II study of 225 patients had already been published in 1981 in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer.23 But in this textbook's second edition, published in 1985,28 in the wake of further positive clinical studies, Dr. Henney's chapter, strangely enough, did include HS. By that time the Russian (Soviet) series had been enlarged to 356 patients,29 reporting essentially the same highly positive results as in earlier papers, again in very late stage, refractory patients. In her chapter, Dr. Henney characterized these Soviet results—in this instance 44 percent antitumor response and 50 percent anticachexia response, previously unheard of in this class of patients—as merely showing “hints of subjective activity.” And although the watershed February 1984 Cancer Research Harbor-UCLA article—and its predecessor ASCO abstracts of 198230 and 198331 —were available to her before the chapter went to press (in her chapter Dr. Henney quoted a reference dated April 1984), no mention whatsoever was made of the Harbor-UCLA work.
In subsequent editions of the DeVita textbook Dr. Henney's chapter was entirely removed. Nevertheless, a signal was sent to the oncology world that the two highest officials of the NCI—Drs. DeVita and Henney—had seen fit to characterize HS as an “unproven method” at a time when positive data, including randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, were emergent from unimpeachable clinical sources.
Harbor-UCLA Grant Application To The NCI . On July 1, 1983 Harbor-UCLA, under the principal investigatorship of Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D., considered one of this country's leading authorities in intermediary cancer metabolism, submitted a grant application to the NCI to continue its successful, initial studies with HS and extend this salient work with the performance of an all-important clinical outcome study. Over the next few years NCI action would prove disconcerting to the Harbor-UCLA investigators. When Chlebowski and his colleagues made changes in the application recommended by the NCI study section, NCI referred the revised grant application to new and sequentially different study sections, which knew less and less about it and would demand further changes, until action by a third study section—submission to three, successive study sections had never before happened to any NCI grant application—would demand changes that had nothing to do with the original grant application or with changes recommended by the first, and primary, study section. In 1985 Dr. Chlebowski received notice from the NCI that his grant application had been approved but achieved only a “borderline” funding score, indicating a substantial uncertainty it would be funded. Chlebowski therefore sent an urgent letter to the NCI,32 requesting “special funding consideration.”
In his letter Dr. Chlebowski, stated: “Our cumulative data are largely in agreement with the over 300 patient Russian experience where clinical benefit was observed in approximately half the patients receiving hydrazine sulfate therapy.” Emphasizing the importance of his research, he stated: “If the negative prognostic implications of weight loss in these cancer patient populations could be overcome by hydrazine sulfate—[which he termed “representative of an entirely new class of therapeutic compounds”]—a major therapeutic advance applicable to hundreds of thousands of cancer patients would be achieved.”
Chlebowski received no reply to his letter in over a month. A copy of his letter was then forwarded to the direct attention of Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, for an “unbiased review of the hydrazine sulfate situation and of Dr.Chlebowski's letter in particular.”33 Two months later Dr. Chlebowski received a “Notice of Grant Award” from the NCI for his three-year project, “Glucose Metabolism and Hydrazine in Cancer Cachexia,” to begin September 1, 1985.
In 1987 three papers were published as a result of this new (and residual ACS) funding. In February34 Chlebowski and colleagues would demonstrate, in a full-length paper, that weight maintenance in HS-treated patients was statistically associated with an increase in the effectiveness of calories ingested, that the mean blood circulatory levels of HS nine hours following a standard oral dose (60 mg) ranged from 0 to 89 ng/ml—average: 45± 16 ng/ml—implying that patients who received no benefit from HS may not be absorbing it from their gastrointestinal tracts (i.e., patients with near-zero blood levels), that side effects were minimal, consisting of low levels of nausea, lightheadedness and “less than 1%” peripheral neuritis. In August35 Harbor-UCLA investigators, again in a full-length paper, demonstrated that HS reduced protein breakdown and preserved peripheral (body) muscle mass in patients with late stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC); it was also found that HS acted to maintain serum albumin levels , an important prognosticator of survival in these patients.
However, in 1987,36 it would be a third paper published only in abstract form by the Harbor-UCLA investigators which would prove to be most consequential. In this abstract (and in an oral presentation at the annual scientific meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology that year) substantive evidence was presented that HS resulted in statistically increased survival in a subset of early patients with NSCLC, which had never before been reported as a result of drug therapy: HS addition to standard chemotherapy resulted in a median survival time of 328 days, vs. placebo addition to standard chemotherapy which resulted in a median survival time of 209 days, the difference being statistically significant to the p<.05 level. It was the first time that a treatment directed primarily at abnormal host metabolism was demonstrated to favorably influence survival outcome in patients with malignant disease.
By the beginning of 1988, prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies had thus indicated that HS: (a) normalized abnormal glucose metabolism, (b) resulted in increased effectiveness of ingested calories, (c) caused weight gain or weight stabilization, (d) reversed protein breakdown and muscle wasting, (e) maintained serum albumin levels, and (f) resulted in statistically significant survival increase in lung cancer patients. However, that same year NCI's Dr. DeVita, representing this country's cancer leadership at its highest levels, would pronounce HS a “ho-hum idea,” referring to this drug as merely “a therapy that gave you plumper people by the time they died”37 (and reaffirming his statement made to the media in 198l: “We throw away drugs that are better than hydrazine sulfate”38).
Multi-Institutional Grant Application to the NCI. Recognizing the large therapeutic potential of HS as a result of their metabolic and clinical outcome studies, Harbor-UCLA investigators undertook to enlarge their work from a single-institutional study to a multicentric study and from examination of a single tumor type, namely lung, to three tumor types: lung, breast and colon. The institutions involved would be: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (study headquarters), Emory University Medical Center, University of Toronto Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. Among the co-principal investigators were some of the most distinguished names in cancer medicine and research: Dr. Dan Nixon, Dr. Murray Brennan, Dr. G. G. Boyd, and others. Dr. Chlebowski, a most experienced—and successful—grant writer, undertook to write the initial draft of the multi-institutional grant application, then sent it to his colleagues at the cooperating institutions for their comments, then revised it according to their recommendations. At about the time of publication of the Harbor-UCLA outcome study abstract (1987), Chlebowski sent the completed multicentric grant application to the NCI. Chlebowski, considered a “luminary” in the field of cancer metabolism investigation (he was one of thirteen scientists selected by the U.S. government to help establish a cancer treatment and teaching center in Taipei, Taiwan39 ), was shocked some months later to receive notification from the NCI that his grant application was not only not approved, but received one of the worst scores possible (at the time a perfect score was ‘1,” the worst “500”: the number given to his application was 460). In giving Chlebowski's multicentric application—written in conjunction with some of the country's top research institutes and scientists—such a resoundingly high (poor) score, the NCI in effect gave indication of its apparent displeasure with further, independent trials of HS. Shortly thereafter, NCI—the frequent and assertive adversary of HS since 1976—assumed sole control of all further clinical testing of this agent.
Hired-Gun Editorial. But the Harbor-UCLA investigators, and HS, would be dealt another surprise at the hands of the cancer establishment. In early 1988, after gathering and collating all the data from its outcome study, Harbor-UCLA sought to publish a full-length paper on this study, detailing all study parameters—including patient selection, concurrent medication, treatment protocols, methods of study conduct, statistical analyses, etc.—in a journal of unquestioned reputation. Anticipating no difficulty in this task, Chlebowski and his co-workers sent this paper off to a mainstream, well regarded, internationally circulated cancer journal, in which they had published many times previously. This journal's editorial board kept his paper for four months—instead of the usual six weeks—and then rejected it. He then submitted the paper to the Journal of Clinical Oncology —a journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology —considered by many as the emergent, authoritative journal for clinical studies of cancer drugs. In early 1989 the JCO agreed to publish the Harbor-UCLA paper, with “major revisions,” most of which related to methodology and details of statistical analyses. However, each time Harbor-UCLA submitted its revisions, the JCO would ask for further changes. Finally, in June 1989 Harbor-UCLA received final acceptance by the JCO, stating its paper would be published in the journal's January 1990 issue.
But it would not be a “normal” publication. Ordinarily a journal submits to the author(s) galley proofs (page proofs) of the paper shortly before publication. These proofs are strictly of the author(s)' article and are for the express purpose of making last minute changes, additions or corrections. No galleys or proofs of any other articles or content appearing in the journal issue are ever sent to the author(s)—which would be considered highly unethical. But when Chlebowski and his group received galleys of their article, included in these galleys were the galleys of yet another paper—an editorial, “Hazards of Small Clinical Trials,” taking aim exclusively at the Chlebowski paper and the conclusions reached. Up to this time no journal had ever sought to attack its own lead article. Confronted with the choice of withdrawing their paper with the understanding that the editorial, too, would be withdrawn,40 Chlebowski and his group chose rather to go ahead with publication.
Although in the January 1990 issue of the JCO Chlebowski and his group were able to demonstrate unequivocally that HS addition to chemotherapy significantly extended the lives of NSCLC patients,41 the effect of the editorial (which preceded the Chlebowski paper)42 was devastating. Written by Dr. Steven Piantadosi of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center (who at the time was also a member of FDA's Oncology Drug Advisory Committee which recommended to the FDA which cancer drugs to approve and which not to approve), the editorial singled out only the HS results, shredding the Harbor-UCLA work on the basis that it was “too small” a clinical study to be valid. However—and as pointed out in a subsequent issue of the JCO43—the Chlebowski trial was comprised of 65 patients, considered adequate for any phase III single-institution trial, whereas in the same journal issue there were trials of 15, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 40, 40, 43, 49, and 51 patients, and the editorial took issue with none of these or the conclusions reached. The effect of this “hired-gun” editorial was to dramatically curtail the use of HS in the U.S., and cast a pall over future, independent clinical research with HS, discouraging individual researchers and their sponsoring institutions from implementing any such undertakings.
(In contrast, in 1990—the same year as the Piantadosi editorial—HS, following approval for use throughout the Soviet Union, was named Sehydrin by the nomenclature commission of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health and, one year later, approved by the Pharmacology Committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia [the equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] for general oncology use.)
The NCI-Sponsored Studies. In 1988 the NCI announced it would sponsor three large-scale multicentric (multi-institutional) phase III studies of HS, the first (and largest) of which would be conducted under the auspices of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Cooperative Oncology Group of the NCI, headquartered at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla . The second and third were conducted by the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) headquartered at the Mayo Clinic. NCI's Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), headed by Dr. Michael Friedman, held the portfolio of the planned HS studies.
HS is an irreversible and potent MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a class of compounds that can have potentially deadly interactions with other drugs. For over three decades it has been known that central nervous system depressants—such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol—are incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects.44 Because these agents—especially tranquilizers—were commonly used as supportive agents in cancer patients, CTEP and all study chairs of the planned NCI-sponsored studies were alerted that use of HS in conjunction with these agents would constitute a clinical hazard,45-47 were advised that these supportive agents should be excluded in any study of HS (if not, a negative study would result), and were provided published and unpublished data8,15,26,48,49 indicating deleterious interactions between the two. (For example, one of the provided studies indicated that tumor bearing rats given either a benzodiazepine tranquilizer or HS suffered no harmful effects, whereas when the two types of compounds were given together in the same doses, the rats became comatose and a 50% to 60% mortality resulted, depending on which benzodiazepine was given.) CALGB's reply was that after careful review and discussion, “barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol will not be specifically excluded.”50
In the June 1994 issue of the JCO, the three NCI-sponsored studies were reported as negative.5l-53 Publication of these studies was apparently carefully planned, since they appeared consecutively —even though they were finished at far different intervals (February 1991, October l992, November 1992). The first (CALGB) study was finished a year and a half before the last studies—and held until the last studies were completed, the effect of which was that their simultaneous—and sequential —publication might have greater impact. In the largest of these studies it was emphasized that “no patients received barbiturates and virtually no patients received phenothiazine-type tranquilizers with the exception of prochlorperazine (Compazine), which was used as a short-term anti-emetic [anti-nausea] agent.” No mention was made of use of the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, the implication being that the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were not used. Tranquilizers were thus indicated as used only sparingly and for very short periods of time. Yet another—fourth—article on HS54 appeared in the same journal issue, an editorial identifying HS as a “vampire” and the NCI-sponsored studies as “three stakes in the heart of hydrazine sulfate.”
The GAO Investigation. Because of evidence of irregularities presented to Congress, the ranking members of the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations of the House Government Operations Committee ordered a General Accounting Office investigation of the NCI-sponsored HS studies (the GAO is the investigative arm of Congress). This investigation was commenced in June 1994 under the leadership and direction of 28-year veteran investigator Barry D. Tice, Assistant Director of the GAO, Health Planning Division. The GAO soon learned that far from the exclusion of barbiturates and short-term use of only Compazine as a tranquilizer, the CALGB study included widespread—and in many cases prolonged—use of a spectrum of both phenothiazine tranquilizers as well as the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, with no exclusion of barbiturates or restriction on use of alcohol. Among the phenothiazine tranquilizers used were: chlorpromazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine and triethylperazine; among the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were: alprazolam, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, oxazepam, temazepam and triazolam; barbiturates included: pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital and donnatal. These are among the most powerful depressants known, with such trade names as Thorazine, Compazine, Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan, Restoril, Halcion, Nembutal and Seconal. They are all incompatible—and potentially dangerous—with MAO inhibitors. It was ascertained that many patients in these studies received both phenothiazines and benzodiazepines, and some more than one tranquilizer at a time. As a consequence the CALGB was forced to publish a new paper clarifying the use of these agents. The new paper55 specified that 94% of all patients received tranquilizers, half receiving the main benzodiazepine tranquilizer used, lorazepam (Ativan), on a long-term (>48 hours) basis, that the data were not computerized and that information regarding the use of concomitant medications “was not complete.” At the end of this new paper the authors nevertheless maintained: “The correction and clarifications offered here do not change the conclusions originally reported from our study.”
The principal question of this investigation was whether or not HS was an MAO inhibitor. If so, the NCI-sponsored studies would be, by definition, intrinsically flawed (since tranquilizers were known to be incompatible with MAO inhibitors). Despite pharmacology textbooks identifying hydrazine as an irreversible MAO inhibitor over the past 30 years, the NCI vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS was an MAO inhibitor. On September 14, 1994 Dr. Michael Friedman, associate director of CTEP and in charge of NCI's HS studies, wrote to Dr. Vera A. Gorbunova inquiring whether “Russian oncologists restrict the coadministration of hydrazine with alcohol, antiemetics, tranquilizers and barbiturates.”56 Within three weeks he received a reply from Russian oncologist Dr. M. B. Bychkof: “Hydrazine sulfate is a modulator of biologic reactions…it functions as an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase [MAO] and therefore cannot be used in combination with alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates.”57 Nevertheless Dr. Friedman would later write to Barry Tice: “That hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor seems unsupported by our review of the data.” 58
Repeatedly asserting that HS was not an MAO inhibitor—acknowledgment by NCI of MAO inhibition by HS would be tantamount to an admission that NCI wittingly or unwittingly used known incompatible agents (“negative bias factors”) in its HS studies—and leaving GAO investigators confused59—NCI submitted to the GAO60 a series of nine “retrospective analyses” alleging that even if there were an incompatibility between HS and alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates, usage of these substances made no difference anyway to the studies' outcome. But these retrospective analyses were filled with statistical irrationalities and subjected to an outside, independent audit by consultant biostatistician Richard D. Wilkins, a former senior biostatistician at a major pharmaceutical company. In his 19-page report, Wilkins summarizes: “The NCI retrospective analyses, as presented, cannot statistically substantiate any claim that the use of adjunctive tranquilizers and/or barbiturates had no (deleterious) effect on hydrazine sulfate drug action or on survival outcome.”61
On June 5, 1995 the GAO issued its 28-page Final Draft Report62 of its ten-month investigation which was, in effect, a scathing criticism of the NCI-sponsored studies, which GAO investigators stated actually contributed to, rather than clarified, the controversy surrounding HS. Its title was: “NIH Actions Spur Continued Controversy Over Hydrazine Sulfate Therapy.” The report stated: “NCI did not conduct adequate oversight of these trials. It did not take sufficient measures to appropriately address concerns over alleged incompatible agents….The issue of possible incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with certain other agents is unsettled….The clinical importance of possible interaction between hydrazine sulfate and tranquilizing agents, barbiturates, or alcohol has not been determined and the issue remains unsettled.” This was circulated as a perfunctory courtesy to the Food and Drug Administration, the NCI, the Public Health Service and “interested congressional committees” before publication as an official document. Two days later, as set forth in a published investigative article, NCI representatives met with GAO, expressing “grave concern” lest the Draft Report be made public, and five days later presented GAO with an 8-page memorandum “demand[ing] a major rewrite.”63 Shortly thereafter Barry Tice was removed from his position as lead investigator and relieved of all responsibilities in this case. Three months later (September 13, 1995) GAO published its official—new—report of its investigation. The new title read: “Contrary to Allegation, NIH Hydrazine Sulfate Studies Were Not Flawed.”64
Tice commented, regarding the changes made in the Draft Report : “There weren't that many words changed from our Final Draft Report, but…the impact of the changes and few key deletions was tremendous. Those changes took NCI almost completely off the hook….In my almost 30 years at GAO I was rarely forced to accept rewrites or deletions that…significantly altered a report's message.” 63
Tice retired from his long career at GAO soon after the altered GAO report was published. However, he was still haunted by the lingering doubt as to whether HS was an MAO inhibitor, on which, he knew rested the crux of the entire GAO investigation. As a private citizen, using his own stationery, he wrote to Robert M. Julien, M.D., Ph.D., of St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon, an acknowledged expert in the field of drug interactions and author of the seventh edition of A Primer of Drug Action65—whose book he had come across after leaving GAO—asking whether HS was an MAO inhibitor.66 Tice received a timely reply indicating HS was “an irreversible MAO inhibitor”67 (Dr. Julien's emphasis).
On October 25, 1999, four years after the NCI had so vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS could be an MAO inhibitor, lest the NCI-sponsored studies be termed “intrinsically flawed”—four years after the GAO investigation had safely passed—NCI issued a multipage newsletter on complementary and alternative medicine, discussing HS. Its opening line was: “Hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor….”68
The FDA. On May 7, 199969 FDA's Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC), convened under the stewardship of Dr. Jane E. Henney, newly appointed Commissioner of the FDA (who as deputy director of the NCI in 1985 included HS in her chapter28 on unproven methods, at a time when positive, placebo-controlled, double-blind data were reporting efficacy and safety of the drug)—met to consider, among other questions, the de-listing of HS from the “bulk compounding list.” If HS were de-listed, this drug would become virtually unavailable in this country.
Because of excesses taken by the advisory committees (although these committees were made up of non-FDA scientists and lay people, they were nevertheless sympathetic to FDA concerns and frequently presented only those viewpoints sanctioned by the FDA), Congress passed the Federal Advisory Committee Act of January 26, 1998, which provided that presentations made to the advisory committees be “fairly balanced in terms of points of view presented” and that “the advice and recommendations of the advisory committee will not be inappropriately influenced by the appointing authority. ” These two provisions were simply meant to safeguard against one-sided presentations and/or actions.
In flagrant violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of January 26, 1998, the “appointing authority” (FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research), however, invited only those who could speak against HS to its PCAC meeting of May 7, 1999. Three outspoken adversaries70,71 of HS gave testimony (in favor of de-listing) to the committee, one of whom (charged with a “conflict of interest” in his role in the NCI-sponsored HS studies72) was not present in person but gave testimony by videotape and live telephone-hookup.
The appointing authority issued no invitations to any qualified proponents of HS to give testimony, either in person or by videotape or by live telephone-hookup, in favor of HS, and thereby balance the “points of view presented,” as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1998. As a result the committee—sustaining a virtual blackout of information on the metabolic and clinical efficacy and safety data of the drug as presented in the peer-reviewed journals—voted unanimously, 12-0, to recommend the de-listing of HS from the bulk compounding list.
On February 6, 2001, section 353a of the Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997, under which authority the PCAC voted its recommendation of May 7, 1999 to de-list HS from the bulk compounding list, was declared unconstitutional by a panel of three judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The FDA thereupon petitioned this court for a rehearing en banc (all 11 justices). The Court unanimously declined to do so. FDA then took this matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department arguing the FDA's case. On April 29, 2002 the Supreme Court upheld the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in effect declaring section 353a—and all action taken under its authority (including the recommended de-listing of HS)—null and void.
Academe Joins In . What could not be done to eliminate HS by official intimidation, by rigged clinical trials, by GAO complicity with the NCI, by one-sided PCAC (FDA) action, our cancer leadership sought to accomplish by enlisting what can only be termed the academic whoredom of one of this nation's premiere medical journals.
As alluded to previously, in its December 5, 2000 issue, the influential medical journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, published a “Brief Communication” and editorial73,74 alleging that HS caused fatal hepatorenal (liver/kidney) toxicity in a single patient. There was one thing “wrong,” however. No proof was presented that the patient ever took HS. The authors stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This meant there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple blood tests that will detect even the smallest traces of the drug ingested months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal anywhere—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. In this regard the authors wrote: “It is not necessary to be certain that a direct cause-and-effect relationship exist between the product and the adverse clinical event…to file a [toxicity] report [to the FDA].” The authors were in effect stating that it was not necessary to know for sure that HS caused the adverse clinical event before reporting it to the FDA. The authors then stated: “This report [the article and editorial] suggests but does not prove that hydrazine sulfate caused the liver and kidney failure.” Thus, knowing full well that its position was unsubstantiated, the Annals, one of this nation's top medical journals, went ahead anyway, disseminating its “drug alert” to doctors worldwide, across the Internet and onto the front pages of newspapers everywhere—without consideration to the heavy price that large numbers of cancer patients, their families and loves ones would pay if its message were incorrect.
To understand the moral turpitude of the Annals' action, it is necessary to know that—in contrast to the single, reported, presumptive case of fatal HS toxicity (in the drug's 30 years of use)—there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy fatalities, deaths from chemotherapy drugs, in this country each year . Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer agencies ever let the public know this?
AIDS And Hydrazine Sulfate . The two major causes of death (“risk factors”) in AIDS patients are weight loss and viral (HIV) replication. In 1987 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center received a grant from the U.S. National Institute for Arthritis and Infectious Diseases (NIH) to study HS in the treatment of AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma. Prior metabolic studies of AIDS patients by Harbor-UCLA had revealed that weight loss was dependent on serum albumin levels, such that: patients with serum albumin levels equal to or greater than 3.5 g/dL survived more than 730 days from diagnosis; patients with serum albumin levels less than 3.5 g/dL survived 103 days; and patients with serum albumin levels equal to or less than 2.5 g/dL survived only 17 days.75 Since HS had been demonstrated to result in serum albumin maintenance and weight gain in late stage cancer paitents,41 it was reasoned that this treatment might result in similar metabolic effects in AIDS patients, with the consequence of reversal of disease and/or prognosis.
Although the Harbor-UCLA grant was funded and preparations for the study, including patient accrual, had been in progress, the study was never commenced and study funds were returned to the National Institute for Arthritis and Infectious Diseases.
The reason for this action was attributed to the ongoing HS controversy.
Fueling The Current Controversy. The present controversy surrounding HS is sustained by two “arms.” The first is the “difference of opinion” generated by the NCI-sponsored, negative HS studies, in contradistinction to the long-term, positive studies of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and those headquartered at the Petrov Research Institute of Oncology. But the NCI-sponsored studies of HS—a potent and irreversible MAO inhibitor— were carried out in the presence of incompatible agents. The fact is that “every…informed-consent, controlled clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate—with the exception of the NCI-sponsored studies, confounded by the long-term…use of agents known to be incompatible with MAO inhibitors—has demonstrated efficacy and safety of the drug.”76 It must be stressed that use of incompatible agents in a drug trial—or those even suspected of incompatibility—is essentially unknown and violates all accepted international principles of drug testing. Thus, no matter what credentials NCI brings to its sponsored studies—no matter how strenuous its voice to the contrary—the NCI studies are scientifically invalid . Use of an incompatible agent in a drug test in effect violates every precept of study conduct known to science. Nor can the NCI assert that the GAO validated its study conclusions. The Final Draft Report of the ten-month GAO investigation, altered at the last moment, showed the NCI-sponsored studies to be inconclusive, to in fact spur on the HS controversy; its lead—30-year veteran—investigator was relieved of all further responsibility in this investigation; and the GAO report was changed dramatically in support of the NCI-sponsored studies. The changes made “took NCI almost completely off the hook…” according to the lead investigator, Assistant Director of the GAO, Health Planning Division, Barry D. Tice.63
The second “arm” sustaining the HS controversy is comprised of economic factors. Unlike most chemotherapy—and anti-AIDS—drugs which are costly, HS is almost without expense. Fine biochemical companies manufacture HS in essentially two grades: technical—lower purity, and reagent—99+% purity, which is considered drug quality. The listed (catalog) cost for reagent grade—drug quality—HS is only three-quarters of one cent per average human dose (60 mg) administered to a cancer patient. A front-page story from the Sunday, January 26, 2003, New York Times (“Drug Sales Bring Huge Profits, and Scrutiny, to Cancer Doctors”) indicates that “cancer doctors are pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars each year by selling drugs to patients….Oncologists can make huge sums—often the majority of their practice revenue—from the difference between what they pay for the drugs [they administer] and what they charge insurers and government programs….oncologists in private practice will typically make two-thirds of their practice revenue from [this] chemotherapy concession.”77 Given the extreme inexpense of HS, oncologists are not going to make “the majority of their practice revenue,” buying HS at such low prices and reselling it to patients, insurers and government programs, no matter how high the mark-ups. HS thus represents a formidable economic challenge to oncologists, for cancer doctors and those who administrate and direct our cancer programs are well aware that this drug's routine use may significantly reduce not only oncology funding and practice income but may also threaten the fiscal machinery of cancer centers, cancer hospitals, cancer treatment, cancer care, cancer research, cancer administration and cancer pharmaceuticals.
The Toll. More than 1.2 million new cases of cancer are reported in the U.S. each year; more than 600,000 Americans die from this disease annually. The Petrov (Russian) data, corroborated by the Harbor-UCLA data,32,78 indicate that of every million late stage cancer patients treated with HS, more than half a million would receive measurable symptomatic improvement, 400,000 would have their tumors cease growing or regress, and some would go on to long term survival.
If these data are correct—as seems likely—the human toll, in terms of needless suffering and/or premature death, because of a lack of access to HS therapy, has been 5 million persons in the last 10 years in the U.S. alone, many more worldwide.
The National Cancer Institute and the Food and Drug Administration, as well as private-sector cohorts, are principally responsible for this woeful public health calamity. Their sham message to the public—of “validity” of the flawed NCI-sponsored studies, of potentially fatal “toxicity” of HS, of “validation” by the GAO of the NCI study results—has served to deceitfully undermine use of what appropriately controlled clinical trials have demonstrated to be a safe and effective drug and, in so doing, impose a public health menace on significant numbers of cancer patients worldwide.
Concluding Remark . The NCI and FDA have the capacity to reverse the present situation with HS. The new leadership of these agencies can take measures to encourage competitive pharmaceutical sponsorship of this drug—and thus new, independent, large-scale, unbiased clinical trials—to explore fully its therapeutic dimensions in the treatment of cancer and, possibly, AIDS. In so doing, these agencies will move to rectify past ethical and scientific deficits and assume new high ground in the sponsorship of measures beneficial to the public health of peoples everywhere.
Recommendation . For those who may be a candidate for HS therapy, we recommend you take a copy of this entire statement to your physician, together with a copy of the published, controlled clinical trials indicating efficacy and safety of HS, which can be found on our website: Your physician can then help determine a choice of specific therapy for your condition and what role, if any, HS may play in your particular therapy.
Joseph Gold, M.D., is director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute and the developer of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer drug.
ADDENDUM. It has come to the attention of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute that the National Cancer Institute has placed the following misrepresentations on the Internet on June 18, 2004, repeated verbatim on March 3, 2005 (, in regard to hydrazine sulfate:
(1) “There is only limited evidence from animal studies that hydrazine sulfate has anticancer activity.”
(2) “Hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials.”
The first sentence implies there have been no human studies that have demonstrated the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. But, as NCI well knows, there have been many controlled human studies demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate, dating from as far back as 1975 and published in leading peer-reviewed cancer journals which circulate worldwide (cited in references 15, 17, 23, 27, 29, 34, 35, 41, 78).
The second sentence states categorically there have been no randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. RCTs represent the “gold standard” of clinical trials, in that they are prospectively randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind and thus tend to minimize study bias from all sources. But NCI knows there have been four such randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate (references 27, 34, 35, 41), all of which NCI has been aware from the very beginning.
NCI knows that the above statements it has currently placed on the Internet are simply not true.
1. Gold, J. Proposed treatment of cancer by inhibition of gluconeogenesis. Oncology 22:185-207, 1968.
2. Gold, J. Inhibition of Walker 256 intramuscular carcinoma in rats by administration of hydrazine sulfate. Oncology 25:66-7l, 1971.
3. Gold, J. Cancer cachexia and gluconeogenesis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 230:103-110, 1974.
4. Gold, J. Inhibition by hydrazine sulfate and various hydrazides of in-vivo growth of Walker 256 intramuscular carcinoma, B-16 melanoma, Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma and L-1210 solid leukemia. Oncology 27:69-80, 1976.
5. Dilman, V.H., Anisomov, V.N., Kolosov, A.I. and Bulovskaya, L.N. On the relationship between the activity of acetylations, growth of experimental tumors and efficacy of their suppression by hydrazine sulfate. Oncology 33:219-221, 1976.
6. Grubbs, B., Rogers W. and Cameron, I. Total parenteral nutrition and inhibition of gluconeogenesis on tumor-host responses. Oncology 36:216-223, 1979.
7. Gold, J. Enhancement by hydrazine sulfate of antitumor effectiveness of Cytoxan, Mitomycin C, Methotrexate and Bleomycin, in Walker 256 carcinosarcoma in rats. Oncology 31:44-53, 1975.
8. Tretyakov, A.V. and Filov, V.A. The mechanism of potentiation by hydrazine sulfate of action of antitumoral compounds. Vopr. Onkol. 23:94-98, 1977.
9. Gold, J. Potentiation by Clofibrate of in-vivo tumor inhibition by hydrazine sulfate and cytotoxic agents, in Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. Cancer Biochem. Biophys. 3:41-45, 1978.
10. Gold, J. Hydrazine sulfate and cancer cachexia. Nutr. Cancer 1:4-9, 1979.
11. Gold, J. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis at the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase level, as a means of cancer chemotherapy. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 14:9, 1973.
12. Gold, J. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis at the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and pyruvate carboxylase reactions, as a means of cancer chemotherapy. Oncology 29:74-89, 1974.
13. Hanley, J.M. Letter to the director of the National Cancer Institute, March 8, 1976 .
14. Schonfeld, R.G. Letter to Congressman James M. Hanley, March 19, 1976.
15. Seits, J.F., Gershanovich, M.L., Filov, V.A., et al. Experimental and clinical data on the antitumor action of hydrazine sulfate. Vopr. Onkol. 21:45-52, 1975.
16. Schonfeld, R.G. Letter to Dr. Joseph Gold, director, Syracuse Cancer Research Institute, Syracuse, New York.
17. Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. , Kondratyev, V.B., et al. Clinical data on the antitumor activity of hydrazine sulfate. Cancer Treat. Rep. 60:933-935, 1976.
18. Gold, J. Use of hydrazine sulfate in terminal and preterminal cancer patients: results of Investigational New Drug (IND) study in 84 evaluable patients. Oncology 32:1-10, 1975.
19. Ochoa, M., Jr., Wittes, R.E. and Krakoff, I.H. Trial of hydrazine sulfate (NSC-l500l4) in patients with cancer. Cancer Chemother. Rep. 58:1151-1154, 1975.
20. American Cancer Society. Unproven methods of cancer management: hydrazine sulfate. Ca—A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 26:108-110, 1976.
21. Gershanovich, M.L. and Filov, V.A. Hydrazine sulfate in late stage cancer: completion of initial clinical trials in 225 evaluable patients. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 20:240, 1979.
22. Horwitz, N. Top Ca groups polarized on Russian cachexia study. Medical Tribune, May 16, 1979 .
23. Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. , Ivin, B.A. and Filov, V.A. Results of clinical study of antitumor action of hydrazine sulfate. Nutr. Cancer 3:7-12, 1981.
24. Spremulli, E., Wampler, G.L. and Regelson, W. Clinical study of hydrazine sulfate in advanced cancer patients. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 3:121-124, 1979.
25. Gold, J. Incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate and pentobarbital in the treatment of tumor bearing animals. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 18:250, 1977.
26. Regelson, W. The ‘grand conspiracy' against the cancer cure. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 243:337-339, 1980.
27. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson , B. and Block, J.B. Influence of hydrazine sulfate on abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in patients with cancer cachexia. Cancer Res. 33:867-871, 1984.
28. DeVita, V.T., Jr., Hellman, S. and Rosenberg , S.A. (eds.). Cancer, Principles & Practice of Oncology, 2 nd Ed., J. B. Lippincott Co.: Philadelphia , 1985, pp. 2333-2344.
29. Filov, V.A., Ivin, V.A. and Gershanovich, M.L. (eds.). Medical Therapy of Tumors, U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health: Leningrad , l983, pp. 92-139.
30. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson , B. and Block, J.B. Influence of hydrazine sulfate (HS) on carbohydrate metabolism in cancer cachexia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 1:59, 1982.
31. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson, B., et al. Association between improved carbohydrate metabolism and weight maintenance in hydrazine sulfate treated patients with cancer cachexia. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 2:95, 1983.
32. Chlebowski, R.T. Letter to Robert E. Wittes, M.D., Associate Director for Cancer Therapy Evaluation, National Cancer Institute, April 19, 1985.
33. Personal communication, Nackey Scripps Loeb, publisher, The Union Leader, Manchester , New Hampshire .
34. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Hydrazine sulfate in cancer patients with weight loss: a placebo-controlled experience. Cancer 59:406-410, 1987.
35. Tayek, J.A., Heber, D. and Chlebowski, R.T. Effect of hydrazine sulphate on whole-body protein breakdown measured by14 C-lysine metabolism in lung cancer patients: Lancet 2:241-244, 1987.
36. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Influence of hydrazine sulfate on survival in non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 6:175, 1987.
37. Rovner, S. For cancer drug, a long road to recognition. The Washington Post, May 17, 1988 .
38. ABC News (telecast). The war on cancer: cure, profit or politics? 20/20 Special Report, October 22, 1981 .
39. Carbone, P.P. Developing a postgraduate medical oncology training program in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. J. Clin. Oncol. 9:335-338, 1991.
40. Personal communication, J. B. Block.
41. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Hydrazine sulfate influence on nutritional status and survival in non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:9-15, 1990.
42. Piantadosi, S. Hazards of small clinical trials. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:1-3, 1990.
43. Gold, J. Hydrazine sulfate in non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:1117-1118, 1990.
44. Gilman, A.G., Rall, T.W., Nies, A.S. and Taylor, P. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8 th Ed., Pergamon Press:Elmsford, 1990, pp. 416-417.
45. Gold, J. Telephone communication to Dr. Michael Friedman, Associate Director, CTEP, National Cancer Institute, July 25, 1989 .
46. Gold, J. Letter to Dr. Mark Green, CALGB Respiratory Core Chairman, July 31, 1989.
47. Gold, J. Letter to Mary McCabe, Protocol Specialist, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, August 23, 1989 .
48. Stukov, A.N., Razumeiko, O.B. and Filov, V.A. On the incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with ethanol and barbiturates. U.S.S.R. Dep. UISTI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) N 1706-75 Dep., 1975.
49. Filov, V.A., Stukov, A.N., Blan, N.A. and Niestadt, E.L. Experimental data on the toxic effect of hydrazine sulfate on the organism and tumor. Farmakol. Toksikol. 41:203-205, 1978.
50. Kosty, M.P. Letter to Dr. Joseph Gold, September 15, 1989 .
51. Kosty, M.P., Fleishman, S.B., Herndon, J.E., II, et al. Cisplatin, vinblastine, and hydrazine sulfate in advanced, non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind phase III study of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B, J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1113-1120, 1994.
52. Loprinzi, C.L., Kuross , S.A. , O'Fallon, J.R., et al. Randomized placebo-controlled evaluation of hydrazine sulfate in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1121-1125, 1994.
53. Loprinzi, C.L., Goldberg, R.M., Sy, J.Q., et al. Placebo-controlled trial of hydrazine sulfate in patients with newly diagnosed non-small-cell lung cancer: J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1126-1129, 1994.
54. Herbert, V. Three stakes in hydrazine sulfate's heart, but questionable cancer remedies, like vampires, always rise again. J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1107-1108, 1994.
55. Kosty, M.P., Herndon, J.E., II, Green, M.R. and McIntyre, O.R. Placebo-controlled randomized study of hydrazine sulfate in lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 13:1529-1530, 1995.
56. Friedman, M.A. Letter to Dr. Vera A. Gorbunova, September 14, 1994 .
57. Bychkov, M.B. Letter to Dr. Michael A. Friedman, Associate Director, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, October 4, 1994 .
58. Friedman, M.A. Letter to Barry D. Tice, Associate Director, Health Planning Division, U.S. General Accounting Office, June 27, 1995.
59. Personal communication, Barry D. Tice.
60. Schilsky, R.L. Letter to Barry D. Tice, May 30, 1995 .
61. Wilkins, R.D. Critique of CALGB retrospective analyses of hydrazine sulfate study. February 15, 1996 .
62. U.S. General Accounting Office. NIH actions spur continued controversy over hydrazine sulfate therapy. Draft Report, GAO/HEHS-95-141, June 5, 1995.
63. Kamen, J. Intent to kill: the government conspiracy to destroy hydrazine sulfate. Penthouse, September 1998.
64. U.S. General Accounting Office. Contrary to allegation, NIH hydrazine sulfate studies were not flawed. GAO/HEHS-95-141, September 13, 1995.
65. Julien, R.M. A Primer of Drug Action. W.H. Freeman Co.: New York , 1995.
66. Tice, B.D. Letter to Dr. Robert M. Julien, M.D., Ph.D., March 21, 1966.
67. Julien R.M. Letter to Barry D. Tice, April 26, 1996.
68. National Cancer Institute. Hydrazine sulfate. PDQ Complementary/Alternative Medicine, October 25, 1999 .
69. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Transcript, meeting of Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee, Rockville , Maryland , May 7, 1999.
70. Pfeiffer, N. High doses of Megastrol stimulate appetite, weight gain. Oncology Times 12:1, December 1990.
71. Loprinzi, C.L. Alleviation of cancer anorexia and cachexia: studies of the Mayo Clinic and North Central Cancer Treatment Group, sem. Oncol. 17(6), Supplement 9:8-12, 1990.
72. Ehrle, L.H. Letter to Randy P. Juhl, Chair, FDA Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee, November 3, 1999.
73. Hainer, M.I., Tsai, N., Komura, S.T. and Chiu, C.L. Fatal hepatorenal failure associated with hydrazine sulfate. Ann. Int. Med. 135:877-880, 2000.
74. Black, W. and Hussain, H. Hydrazine sulfate, the internet, isoniazid and the liver. Ann. Int. Med. 135:911-912, 2000.
75. Chlebowski, R.T., Grosvenor, M., Bernard, N., et al. Alteration in nutritional status, gastrointestinal symptoms and clinical outcome in AIDS. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 7:4, 1988.
76. Gold, J. More about: biology of cachexia. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 90:1101, 1998.
77. Abelson, R. Drug sales bring huge profits, and scrutiny, to cancer doctors. The New York Times, Sunday, January 26, 2003 , p. Al.
78. Filov, V.A., Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. and Ivin, B.A. Experience of the treatment with Sehydrin (hydrazine sulfate) in the advanced cancer patients. Invest. New Drugs 13:89-97, 1995.
July 14 , 2004
Last amended: February 21, 2008
See also: MedTruth Blog A commentary on truth in medicine
For some time now I have refrained from making any comments in regard to information on the Internet concerning hydrazine sulfate. My silence has been occasioned by the hope that our federal and prominent private-sector cancer agencies would endorse the use of hydrazine sulfate, in the wake of clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer.
But this hasn't happened. Quite the opposite. A casual examination of the Internet shows that information in regard to hydrazine sulfate is composed of a mixture of “endorsements” of hydrazine sulfate from individual patients and their advocates—and the seemingly authoritative disparagement of it by cancer establishment sources. It is this “condemnation” of hydrazine sulfate I wish to address—the scientific gobbledygook of so-called studies, side effects, carcinogenicity, toxicity, cautions, critiques and inferences woven together by our cancer agencies' most talented “spin doctors” into a web of outright misrepresentations, deception and scientific fraud. (As an example of this fraud, NCI has posted an entry on the Internet, “date last modified: 6/18/04,” stating “hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials,” which as will be seen is patently untrue and does not reflect the ten years of randomized clinical trials performed by Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from 1981-1990 and the many published, peer-reviewed clinical studies based on that body of work.)
The purpose of this statement is to guide you, step by step, through the scientific development of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer agent, the clinical trials—and the high-level negative politics which came to surround this drug from the very beginning. It will be plainly seen that the cautions against this drug presented on the Internet by our highest federal health agencies are but an assemblage of misinformation and disinformation which acts to discourage this drug's use both by individual patients as well as by well-meaning physicians.
First and foremost, it is important for you to know that, contrary to implications made on the Internet, clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate have been done and published in peer-reviewed medical journals which circulate worldwide. And the truth is that every single, informed-consent, controlled clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate, performed in accordance with internationally accepted criteria and standards of scientific conduct—without exception—has indicated efficacy and safety of the drug. The only contrary results have been the National Cancer Institute-sponsored trials of hydrazine sulfate in which incompatible agents (medications) were used with the test drug. It must be stressed that no legitimate researcher on this planet would ever knowingly use an incompatible agent—or one even suspected of incompatibility—in the trial of a test drug. Use of an incompatible agent in a drug test, which acts to cause a negative study, can only be the result of incompetence or deliberateness.
Secondly, Internet sources have implicated hydrazine sulfate to be toxic or carcinogenic. Although hydrazine sulfate is carcinogenic—i.e., can cause cancer—in some weanling mice given the drug in their drinking water since birth, there has never been a case of human cancer reported as a result of HS therapy . (In contrast, routinely administered chemotherapy drugs are commonly carcinogenic—and can produce up to 26% of “second cancers.”) Perhaps more importantly, the influential medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine presented a “Brief Communication” (and accompanying editorial) in its December 5, 2000 issue, of a single patient who allegedly died of fatal hepatorenal failure as a result of “HS” therapy. The only trouble was that no firm evidence was presented in this paper that the patient in question ever took hydrazine sulfate. The authors of this article stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This means there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple spectrofluorometric blood tests that will confirm even the smallest residues of hydrazine sulfate ingested even months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal on earth—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient in question ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences, without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. But the editors and writers of the Annals—with our federal health agencies' knowledge and participation—chose to disseminate their reports to the media of the world, to the medical profession of every country and to the Internet, where the public would be sure to find them. To put this situation in its proper context: While Annals chose to issue a “drug warning” based on one, single presumptive case of fatal toxicity of HS in the 30 years since the drug has been in use, there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy deaths each year . Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer organizations ever let the public know this?
Your life or the life of a loved one or friend may depend on your reading, and understanding, the statement below. References are used in support of the events, happenings and details of this expanded statement.
Scientific Background. Hydrazine sulfate (HS), an inexpensive, mass-produced chemical compound used for many industrial applications, was first proposed as an anticachexia agent based on its inhibition of the gluconeogenic enzyme, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEP CK).1,2 It was further proposed that if tumor energy (ATP) gain and host energy loss (resulting from cancer-induced excessive gluconeogenesis) were functionally interrelated—as seemed probable—HS could also, by indirect and non-toxic means, inhibit tumor growth itself.3 Early in-vivo studies demonstrated that HS could inhibit weight loss (cachexia) and tumor growth in a variety of transplanted mouse and rat models, without direct cytotoxicity,2-6 could add to the antitumor effects of chemotherapy drugs,7-9 and was free of significant side effects.10 These results strongly suggested HS as a new means of non-toxic cancer chemotherapy.11,12
Adverse Politics Begin. Despite this drug's early promise, from the very beginning of clinical trials, HS was to be met with controversy as a function of government action. On March 8, 1976, veteran congressman James M. Hanley (Chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee and a member of many committees and subcommittees) requested a “status report” on HS from the director of the National Cancer Institute, our country's—and the world's—largest and most influential cancer agency. Within two weeks he received a reply which stated: “Hydrazine sulfate has been tested in the Soviet Union at the Petrov Institute in Leningrad [St. Petersburg ]. In a clinical study directed by Dr. Michael Gershanovich, no evidence of meaningful anticancer activity was reported. This information was communicated to the NCI under the Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Health Agreement of 1972.”13,14 Days later, however, reprints of the actual study became available. Its English summary stated:
“Clinical observations enabled us to state a definite therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate in patients with lymphogranulomatosis [Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas] and malignant tumors of various localizations, when other measures of specific therapy failed.”15
This was exactly opposite of what was communicated to Congressman Hanley. In fact, the text stated that because of the highly positive findings the study was being immediately enlarged. As to whether the NCI response to Congressman Hanley represented an innocent error on the part of the NCI or a deliberate fabrication, a further letter from the NCI, dated June 22, 1976, stated: “An abstract [summary] of the Gershanovich study appeared in Cancer Therapy Abstracts (Vol. 16: No. 4 [19]75-2046), a journal published under contract to the NCI.”16 This published abstract antedated the NCI's response to Congressman Hanley by six months. Thus, at the time the NCI was writing to Congressman Hanley that the Soviet data were negative, the NCI already knew these data were positive.
Early Clinical Studies. In 1975 three articles would appear in the medical literature, detailing initial clinical results with hydrazine sulfate. The first, the Soviet study,15 a phase II controlled clinical trial, set forth astonishing results in a class of patients termed “factually terminal [stage 4],” who had become unresponsive, or had failed to respond initially, to conventional therapy: 58 percent demonstrated anticachexia response (weight gain, performance status improvement, normalization of the laboratory indices, etc.), and 35 percent showed antitumor response (tumor regression or stabilization); one year later the initial series of 48 patients was enlarged to 95 patients, with essentially the same results.17 The second, a pharmaceutical-sponsored IND (Investigational New Drug) study of 84 terminal and preterminal patients with different types of cancer demonstrated a 59 percent anticachexia response and a 17 percent antitumor response.18 The third, a small study of 29 patients conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, totally uncontrolled for patient selection, drug dosage and treatment schedule, and prior and concurrent therapy, found no long-term improvements (although transient response was recorded).19 On the basis of this totally uncontrolled MSKCC trial of 29 patients the American Cancer Society, in March 1976, placed HS on its “Unproven Methods” list.20 The ACS stated: “After careful study of the literature and other available information, the American Cancer Society does not have evidence that Hydrazine Sulfate is of any objective benefit in the treatment of cancer in human beings.” In its article, the ACS referenced only the uncontrolled MSKCC study, but failed to reference the phase II controlled Soviet trial or the (American) pharmaceutical-sponsored IND study. (In late 1979 the ACS removed HS from its Unproven Methods list, in the wake of increasingly positive data on HS.21)
In March 1979 the Soviet study was enlarged to 225 patients. Published as an abstract in the March 1979 Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, controlled for patient selection and prognosis, performance status, dosage protocol, prior and concurrent therapy, the study reported overall results of 65 percent anticachexia response and 44 percent antitumor response. Anticachexia response was described as “appreciable improvement of appetite and general status, disappearance or reduction of severe weakness characteristic of the pretreatment period, reduction or complete elimination of pain, tendency toward normalization of the laboratory findings”; antitumor response included tumor regression (“less than 25 to greater than 50% of initial tumor volume”) and tumor stabilization (from “3-6 months”); side effects included “minimal nausea, dizziness, anorexia, polyneuritis (1.7%) [tingling of the fingers]”—and the absence of bone marrow depression (“leukopenia and thrombocytopenia were not observed”). In this class of patients no efficacy and safety findings approaching these had ever before been reported. Nevertheless, although arrangements had been made through the Soviet and American governments to have Dr. Gershanovich come to this country to discuss these results, after traveling more than 7,000 miles he was not permitted to present his paper orally at the annual scientific meetings of the American Association for Cancer Research in New Orleans . Asked by the media at this conference whether “consideration should not have been given to the fact that [this] Russian trial was the first large-scale study of [HS], purporting to show significant benefits from its use”—and therefore become subject to open discussion by the world oncology community—the program chairman of the AACR stated: “The Gershanovich paper is not going to be presented, and that's it.”22 (In 1981 the Gershanovich data were published as a full-length paper in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer.23)
Also in 1979 a negative paper on HS of 25 non-randomized, non-blinded, non-controlled, open-study patients would be published in the journal Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology,24 whose editor-in-chief was an NCI official, authored by Dr. William Regelson (now deceased) and colleagues from the Medical College of Virginia. In this totally unaudited study, 7 of the “negative” patients died (of their disease, not from the drug) within 11 days of starting HS therapy (1 died on the very first day), another was “lost to follow-up” after two weeks, 2 others received prior chemotherapy which had not yet cleared, 1 received concurrent medication shown to be incompatible with HS as long as four years previously,8,15,25 and 16 received HS less than the required four-week minimum (l patient received HS for only 1 day, 9 for 1 week or less, 16 for 2 weeks or less). Of the 25 “negative” patients only five could qualify for evaluation according to established drug-testing protocol. Because only 20 percent of the patients of the study were evaluable, it is unclear how this paper achieved publication, since it was apparent that it could not have been subject to normal, independent peer-review procedures.
The American Medical Association Enters The Fray. In January 1980 the Commentary section of the Journal of the American Medical Association26 would present another negative article on HS, again authored by Dr. Regelson. The JAMA was at the time perhaps the most authoritative medical journal in the world and its prestigious Commentary section, located at the beginning of many issues, was in effect a forum that usually addressed an important social or political medical problem or question—and was thus a reflection of the views of organized medicine at its highest levels. In this Commentary article Dr. Regelson stated that he and “others” had performed randomized, double-blind studies on HS that were negative. (“In both randomized double-blind and nonrandomized studies, our group and others have tested hydrazine sulfate in advanced cancer patients….”) But the truth was that Dr. Regelson—or “others”— never performed any double-blind studies and indeed the only study that Dr. Regelson ever performed was the one, previously discussed, in which 80 percent of the patients were unevaluable and which could not have been published on the basis of independent peer-review. In fact Dr. Regelson never once mentioned the Gershanovich results—the only truly controlled (phase II) clinical trial of HS up to that time (1979), which dwarfed all other studies (225/233 evaluable patients) of HS combined. (Gershanovich's name did not appear once in the text.) Of HS Dr. Regelson only stated: “[Hydrazine sulfate] does inhibit the Walker 256 carcinoma [a rat tumor] and has shown synergy with chemotherapy in the L 1210 in mice….Where does that leave us?” Thus extolling the “double-blind” studies he had never published or performed, and omitting any mention of the large-scale, positive, controlled Russian trials that had been published and performed—Dr. Regelson's Commentary article sent an unmistakable message that HS was tantamount to quackery medicine, in effect regarded by the cancer establishment (he referred to himself as “we members of the Establishment”) as a pharmaceutica-non-grata . Equally disconcerting was the fact that the editorial staff of the JAMA had apparently not checked to ascertain that Dr. Regelson—or “others”—had indeed published double-blind studies on HS, in effect that what Dr. Regelson was writing was in fact true. JAMA 's failure to perform this most elementary task served only to reinforce Dr. Regelson's egregiously erroneous “message” to the practitioners of American medicine.
Randomized Clinical Trials. In 1981 the American Cancer Society began sponsorship of prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of HS at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center under the distinguished leadership of well known cancer investigators Drs. Jerome B. Block and Rowan T. Chlebowski. (RCTs are considered the “gold standard” of clinical testing, since they tend to minimize bias from all sources.) In February 1984 these investigators reported27 in the respected journal Cancer Research that in a series of 38 patients with widespread lung, colon, breast, throat and other cancers, HS reversed abnormal carbohydrate metabolism associated with cancer cachexia. This represented a watershed work, in that for the first time it was demonstrated (under double-blind, placebo-controlled circumstances) that alteration of abnormal host metabolism could result in measurable clinical benefits, including weight improvement and stabilization, potentially opening the door to a new type of cancer therapy.
Thus by the middle 1980s dual scientific horizons—the Soviets and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center—had emerged, independently corroborating one-another's clinical results on HS, the strong preponderance of data indicating this drug to represent a promising new therapeutic agent.
Politics Deepen . First published in the early 1980s, one of the most influential cancer textbooks in the world was (and still is) CANCER, Principles & Practice of Oncology, whose principal editor was Dr. Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., then director of the NCI. In its first edition in 1983 this textbook carried a chapter, “Unproven Methods of Cancer Treatment,” authored by Dr. Jane E. Henney, deputy director of the NCI (who would become Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration in 1998). As expected, Dr. Henney's chapter would not include HS, since this drug had been removed from the American Cancer Society's Unproven List three years previously and the Soviet phase II study of 225 patients had already been published in 1981 in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer.23 But in this textbook's second edition, published in 1985,28 in the wake of further positive clinical studies, Dr. Henney's chapter, strangely enough, did include HS. By that time the Russian (Soviet) series had been enlarged to 356 patients,29 reporting essentially the same highly positive results as in earlier papers, again in very late stage, refractory patients. In her chapter, Dr. Henney characterized these Soviet results—in this instance 44 percent antitumor response and 50 percent anticachexia response, previously unheard of in this class of patients—as merely showing “hints of subjective activity.” And although the watershed February 1984 Cancer Research Harbor-UCLA article—and its predecessor ASCO abstracts of 198230 and 198331 —were available to her before the chapter went to press (in her chapter Dr. Henney quoted a reference dated April 1984), no mention whatsoever was made of the Harbor-UCLA work.
In subsequent editions of the DeVita textbook Dr. Henney's chapter was entirely removed. Nevertheless, a signal was sent to the oncology world that the two highest officials of the NCI—Drs. DeVita and Henney—had seen fit to characterize HS as an “unproven method” at a time when positive data, including randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, were emergent from unimpeachable clinical sources.
Harbor-UCLA Grant Application To The NCI . On July 1, 1983 Harbor-UCLA, under the principal investigatorship of Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D., considered one of this country's leading authorities in intermediary cancer metabolism, submitted a grant application to the NCI to continue its successful, initial studies with HS and extend this salient work with the performance of an all-important clinical outcome study. Over the next few years NCI action would prove disconcerting to the Harbor-UCLA investigators. When Chlebowski and his colleagues made changes in the application recommended by the NCI study section, NCI referred the revised grant application to new and sequentially different study sections, which knew less and less about it and would demand further changes, until action by a third study section—submission to three, successive study sections had never before happened to any NCI grant application—would demand changes that had nothing to do with the original grant application or with changes recommended by the first, and primary, study section. In 1985 Dr. Chlebowski received notice from the NCI that his grant application had been approved but achieved only a “borderline” funding score, indicating a substantial uncertainty it would be funded. Chlebowski therefore sent an urgent letter to the NCI,32 requesting “special funding consideration.”
In his letter Dr. Chlebowski, stated: “Our cumulative data are largely in agreement with the over 300 patient Russian experience where clinical benefit was observed in approximately half the patients receiving hydrazine sulfate therapy.” Emphasizing the importance of his research, he stated: “If the negative prognostic implications of weight loss in these cancer patient populations could be overcome by hydrazine sulfate—[which he termed “representative of an entirely new class of therapeutic compounds”]—a major therapeutic advance applicable to hundreds of thousands of cancer patients would be achieved.”
Chlebowski received no reply to his letter in over a month. A copy of his letter was then forwarded to the direct attention of Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, for an “unbiased review of the hydrazine sulfate situation and of Dr.Chlebowski's letter in particular.”33 Two months later Dr. Chlebowski received a “Notice of Grant Award” from the NCI for his three-year project, “Glucose Metabolism and Hydrazine in Cancer Cachexia,” to begin September 1, 1985.
In 1987 three papers were published as a result of this new (and residual ACS) funding. In February34 Chlebowski and colleagues would demonstrate, in a full-length paper, that weight maintenance in HS-treated patients was statistically associated with an increase in the effectiveness of calories ingested, that the mean blood circulatory levels of HS nine hours following a standard oral dose (60 mg) ranged from 0 to 89 ng/ml—average: 45± 16 ng/ml—implying that patients who received no benefit from HS may not be absorbing it from their gastrointestinal tracts (i.e., patients with near-zero blood levels), that side effects were minimal, consisting of low levels of nausea, lightheadedness and “less than 1%” peripheral neuritis. In August35 Harbor-UCLA investigators, again in a full-length paper, demonstrated that HS reduced protein breakdown and preserved peripheral (body) muscle mass in patients with late stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC); it was also found that HS acted to maintain serum albumin levels , an important prognosticator of survival in these patients.
However, in 1987,36 it would be a third paper published only in abstract form by the Harbor-UCLA investigators which would prove to be most consequential. In this abstract (and in an oral presentation at the annual scientific meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology that year) substantive evidence was presented that HS resulted in statistically increased survival in a subset of early patients with NSCLC, which had never before been reported as a result of drug therapy: HS addition to standard chemotherapy resulted in a median survival time of 328 days, vs. placebo addition to standard chemotherapy which resulted in a median survival time of 209 days, the difference being statistically significant to the p<.05 level. It was the first time that a treatment directed primarily at abnormal host metabolism was demonstrated to favorably influence survival outcome in patients with malignant disease.
By the beginning of 1988, prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies had thus indicated that HS: (a) normalized abnormal glucose metabolism, (b) resulted in increased effectiveness of ingested calories, (c) caused weight gain or weight stabilization, (d) reversed protein breakdown and muscle wasting, (e) maintained serum albumin levels, and (f) resulted in statistically significant survival increase in lung cancer patients. However, that same year NCI's Dr. DeVita, representing this country's cancer leadership at its highest levels, would pronounce HS a “ho-hum idea,” referring to this drug as merely “a therapy that gave you plumper people by the time they died”37 (and reaffirming his statement made to the media in 198l: “We throw away drugs that are better than hydrazine sulfate”38).
Multi-Institutional Grant Application to the NCI. Recognizing the large therapeutic potential of HS as a result of their metabolic and clinical outcome studies, Harbor-UCLA investigators undertook to enlarge their work from a single-institutional study to a multicentric study and from examination of a single tumor type, namely lung, to three tumor types: lung, breast and colon. The institutions involved would be: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (study headquarters), Emory University Medical Center, University of Toronto Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. Among the co-principal investigators were some of the most distinguished names in cancer medicine and research: Dr. Dan Nixon, Dr. Murray Brennan, Dr. G. G. Boyd, and others. Dr. Chlebowski, a most experienced—and successful—grant writer, undertook to write the initial draft of the multi-institutional grant application, then sent it to his colleagues at the cooperating institutions for their comments, then revised it according to their recommendations. At about the time of publication of the Harbor-UCLA outcome study abstract (1987), Chlebowski sent the completed multicentric grant application to the NCI. Chlebowski, considered a “luminary” in the field of cancer metabolism investigation (he was one of thirteen scientists selected by the U.S. government to help establish a cancer treatment and teaching center in Taipei, Taiwan39 ), was shocked some months later to receive notification from the NCI that his grant application was not only not approved, but received one of the worst scores possible (at the time a perfect score was ‘1,” the worst “500”: the number given to his application was 460). In giving Chlebowski's multicentric application—written in conjunction with some of the country's top research institutes and scientists—such a resoundingly high (poor) score, the NCI in effect gave indication of its apparent displeasure with further, independent trials of HS. Shortly thereafter, NCI—the frequent and assertive adversary of HS since 1976—assumed sole control of all further clinical testing of this agent.
Hired-Gun Editorial. But the Harbor-UCLA investigators, and HS, would be dealt another surprise at the hands of the cancer establishment. In early 1988, after gathering and collating all the data from its outcome study, Harbor-UCLA sought to publish a full-length paper on this study, detailing all study parameters—including patient selection, concurrent medication, treatment protocols, methods of study conduct, statistical analyses, etc.—in a journal of unquestioned reputation. Anticipating no difficulty in this task, Chlebowski and his co-workers sent this paper off to a mainstream, well regarded, internationally circulated cancer journal, in which they had published many times previously. This journal's editorial board kept his paper for four months—instead of the usual six weeks—and then rejected it. He then submitted the paper to the Journal of Clinical Oncology —a journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology —considered by many as the emergent, authoritative journal for clinical studies of cancer drugs. In early 1989 the JCO agreed to publish the Harbor-UCLA paper, with “major revisions,” most of which related to methodology and details of statistical analyses. However, each time Harbor-UCLA submitted its revisions, the JCO would ask for further changes. Finally, in June 1989 Harbor-UCLA received final acceptance by the JCO, stating its paper would be published in the journal's January 1990 issue.
But it would not be a “normal” publication. Ordinarily a journal submits to the author(s) galley proofs (page proofs) of the paper shortly before publication. These proofs are strictly of the author(s)' article and are for the express purpose of making last minute changes, additions or corrections. No galleys or proofs of any other articles or content appearing in the journal issue are ever sent to the author(s)—which would be considered highly unethical. But when Chlebowski and his group received galleys of their article, included in these galleys were the galleys of yet another paper—an editorial, “Hazards of Small Clinical Trials,” taking aim exclusively at the Chlebowski paper and the conclusions reached. Up to this time no journal had ever sought to attack its own lead article. Confronted with the choice of withdrawing their paper with the understanding that the editorial, too, would be withdrawn,40 Chlebowski and his group chose rather to go ahead with publication.
Although in the January 1990 issue of the JCO Chlebowski and his group were able to demonstrate unequivocally that HS addition to chemotherapy significantly extended the lives of NSCLC patients,41 the effect of the editorial (which preceded the Chlebowski paper)42 was devastating. Written by Dr. Steven Piantadosi of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center (who at the time was also a member of FDA's Oncology Drug Advisory Committee which recommended to the FDA which cancer drugs to approve and which not to approve), the editorial singled out only the HS results, shredding the Harbor-UCLA work on the basis that it was “too small” a clinical study to be valid. However—and as pointed out in a subsequent issue of the JCO43—the Chlebowski trial was comprised of 65 patients, considered adequate for any phase III single-institution trial, whereas in the same journal issue there were trials of 15, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 40, 40, 43, 49, and 51 patients, and the editorial took issue with none of these or the conclusions reached. The effect of this “hired-gun” editorial was to dramatically curtail the use of HS in the U.S., and cast a pall over future, independent clinical research with HS, discouraging individual researchers and their sponsoring institutions from implementing any such undertakings.
(In contrast, in 1990—the same year as the Piantadosi editorial—HS, following approval for use throughout the Soviet Union, was named Sehydrin by the nomenclature commission of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health and, one year later, approved by the Pharmacology Committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia [the equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] for general oncology use.)
The NCI-Sponsored Studies. In 1988 the NCI announced it would sponsor three large-scale multicentric (multi-institutional) phase III studies of HS, the first (and largest) of which would be conducted under the auspices of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Cooperative Oncology Group of the NCI, headquartered at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla . The second and third were conducted by the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) headquartered at the Mayo Clinic. NCI's Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), headed by Dr. Michael Friedman, held the portfolio of the planned HS studies.
HS is an irreversible and potent MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a class of compounds that can have potentially deadly interactions with other drugs. For over three decades it has been known that central nervous system depressants—such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol—are incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects.44 Because these agents—especially tranquilizers—were commonly used as supportive agents in cancer patients, CTEP and all study chairs of the planned NCI-sponsored studies were alerted that use of HS in conjunction with these agents would constitute a clinical hazard,45-47 were advised that these supportive agents should be excluded in any study of HS (if not, a negative study would result), and were provided published and unpublished data8,15,26,48,49 indicating deleterious interactions between the two. (For example, one of the provided studies indicated that tumor bearing rats given either a benzodiazepine tranquilizer or HS suffered no harmful effects, whereas when the two types of compounds were given together in the same doses, the rats became comatose and a 50% to 60% mortality resulted, depending on which benzodiazepine was given.) CALGB's reply was that after careful review and discussion, “barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol will not be specifically excluded.”50
In the June 1994 issue of the JCO, the three NCI-sponsored studies were reported as negative.5l-53 Publication of these studies was apparently carefully planned, since they appeared consecutively —even though they were finished at far different intervals (February 1991, October l992, November 1992). The first (CALGB) study was finished a year and a half before the last studies—and held until the last studies were completed, the effect of which was that their simultaneous—and sequential —publication might have greater impact. In the largest of these studies it was emphasized that “no patients received barbiturates and virtually no patients received phenothiazine-type tranquilizers with the exception of prochlorperazine (Compazine), which was used as a short-term anti-emetic [anti-nausea] agent.” No mention was made of use of the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, the implication being that the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were not used. Tranquilizers were thus indicated as used only sparingly and for very short periods of time. Yet another—fourth—article on HS54 appeared in the same journal issue, an editorial identifying HS as a “vampire” and the NCI-sponsored studies as “three stakes in the heart of hydrazine sulfate.”
The GAO Investigation. Because of evidence of irregularities presented to Congress, the ranking members of the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations of the House Government Operations Committee ordered a General Accounting Office investigation of the NCI-sponsored HS studies (the GAO is the investigative arm of Congress). This investigation was commenced in June 1994 under the leadership and direction of 28-year veteran investigator Barry D. Tice, Assistant Director of the GAO, Health Planning Division. The GAO soon learned that far from the exclusion of barbiturates and short-term use of only Compazine as a tranquilizer, the CALGB study included widespread—and in many cases prolonged—use of a spectrum of both phenothiazine tranquilizers as well as the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, with no exclusion of barbiturates or restriction on use of alcohol. Among the phenothiazine tranquilizers used were: chlorpromazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine and triethylperazine; among the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were: alprazolam, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, oxazepam, temazepam and triazolam; barbiturates included: pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital and donnatal. These are among the most powerful depressants known, with such trade names as Thorazine, Compazine, Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan, Restoril, Halcion, Nembutal and Seconal. They are all incompatible—and potentially dangerous—with MAO inhibitors. It was ascertained that many patients in these studies received both phenothiazines and benzodiazepines, and some more than one tranquilizer at a time. As a consequence the CALGB was forced to publish a new paper clarifying the use of these agents. The new paper55 specified that 94% of all patients received tranquilizers, half receiving the main benzodiazepine tranquilizer used, lorazepam (Ativan), on a long-term (>48 hours) basis, that the data were not computerized and that information regarding the use of concomitant medications “was not complete.” At the end of this new paper the authors nevertheless maintained: “The correction and clarifications offered here do not change the conclusions originally reported from our study.”
The principal question of this investigation was whether or not HS was an MAO inhibitor. If so, the NCI-sponsored studies would be, by definition, intrinsically flawed (since tranquilizers were known to be incompatible with MAO inhibitors). Despite pharmacology textbooks identifying hydrazine as an irreversible MAO inhibitor over the past 30 years, the NCI vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS was an MAO inhibitor. On September 14, 1994 Dr. Michael Friedman, associate director of CTEP and in charge of NCI's HS studies, wrote to Dr. Vera A. Gorbunova inquiring whether “Russian oncologists restrict the coadministration of hydrazine with alcohol, antiemetics, tranquilizers and barbiturates.”56 Within three weeks he received a reply from Russian oncologist Dr. M. B. Bychkof: “Hydrazine sulfate is a modulator of biologic reactions…it functions as an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase [MAO] and therefore cannot be used in combination with alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates.”57 Nevertheless Dr. Friedman would later write to Barry Tice: “That hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor seems unsupported by our review of the data.” 58
Repeatedly asserting that HS was not an MAO inhibitor—acknowledgment by NCI of MAO inhibition by HS would be tantamount to an admission that NCI wittingly or unwittingly used known incompatible agents (“negative bias factors”) in its HS studies—and leaving GAO investigators confused59—NCI submitted to the GAO60 a series of nine “retrospective analyses” alleging that even if there were an incompatibility between HS and alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates, usage of these substances made no difference anyway to the studies' outcome. But these retrospective analyses were filled with statistical irrationalities and subjected to an outside, independent audit by consultant biostatistician Richard D. Wilkins, a former senior biostatistician at a major pharmaceutical company. In his 19-page report, Wilkins summarizes: “The NCI retrospective analyses, as presented, cannot statistically substantiate any claim that the use of adjunctive tranquilizers and/or barbiturates had no (deleterious) effect on hydrazine sulfate drug action or on survival outcome.”61
On June 5, 1995 the GAO issued its 28-page Final Draft Report62 of its ten-month investigation which was, in effect, a scathing criticism of the NCI-sponsored studies, which GAO investigators stated actually contributed to, rather than clarified, the controversy surrounding HS. Its title was: “NIH Actions Spur Continued Controversy Over Hydrazine Sulfate Therapy.” The report stated: “NCI did not conduct adequate oversight of these trials. It did not take sufficient measures to appropriately address concerns over alleged incompatible agents….The issue of possible incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with certain other agents is unsettled….The clinical importance of possible interaction between hydrazine sulfate and tranquilizing agents, barbiturates, or alcohol has not been determined and the issue remains unsettled.” This was circulated as a perfunctory courtesy to the Food and Drug Administration, the NCI, the Public Health Service and “interested congressional committees” before publication as an official document. Two days later, as set forth in a published investigative article, NCI representatives met with GAO, expressing “grave concern” lest the Draft Report be made public, and five days later presented GAO with an 8-page memorandum “demand[ing] a major rewrite.”63 Shortly thereafter Barry Tice was removed from his position as lead investigator and relieved of all responsibilities in this case. Three months later (September 13, 1995) GAO published its official—new—report of its investigation. The new title read: “Contrary to Allegation, NIH Hydrazine Sulfate Studies Were Not Flawed.”64
Tice commented, regarding the changes made in the Draft Report : “There weren't that many words changed from our Final Draft Report, but…the impact of the changes and few key deletions was tremendous. Those changes took NCI almost completely off the hook….In my almost 30 years at GAO I was rarely forced to accept rewrites or deletions that…significantly altered a report's message.” 63
Tice retired from his long career at GAO soon after the altered GAO report was published. However, he was still haunted by the lingering doubt as to whether HS was an MAO inhibitor, on which, he knew rested the crux of the entire GAO investigation. As a private citizen, using his own stationery, he wrote to Robert M. Julien, M.D., Ph.D., of St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon, an acknowledged expert in the field of drug interactions and author of the seventh edition of A Primer of Drug Action65—whose book he had come across after leaving GAO—asking whether HS was an MAO inhibitor.66 Tice received a timely reply indicating HS was “an irreversible MAO inhibitor”67 (Dr. Julien's emphasis).
On October 25, 1999, four years after the NCI had so vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS could be an MAO inhibitor, lest the NCI-sponsored studies be termed “intrinsically flawed”—four years after the GAO investigation had safely passed—NCI issued a multipage newsletter on complementary and alternative medicine, discussing HS. Its opening line was: “Hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor….”68
The FDA. On May 7, 199969 FDA's Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee (PCAC), convened under the stewardship of Dr. Jane E. Henney, newly appointed Commissioner of the FDA (who as deputy director of the NCI in 1985 included HS in her chapter28 on unproven methods, at a time when positive, placebo-controlled, double-blind data were reporting efficacy and safety of the drug)—met to consider, among other questions, the de-listing of HS from the “bulk compounding list.” If HS were de-listed, this drug would become virtually unavailable in this country.
Because of excesses taken by the advisory committees (although these committees were made up of non-FDA scientists and lay people, they were nevertheless sympathetic to FDA concerns and frequently presented only those viewpoints sanctioned by the FDA), Congress passed the Federal Advisory Committee Act of January 26, 1998, which provided that presentations made to the advisory committees be “fairly balanced in terms of points of view presented” and that “the advice and recommendations of the advisory committee will not be inappropriately influenced by the appointing authority. ” These two provisions were simply meant to safeguard against one-sided presentations and/or actions.
In flagrant violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of January 26, 1998, the “appointing authority” (FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research), however, invited only those who could speak against HS to its PCAC meeting of May 7, 1999. Three outspoken adversaries70,71 of HS gave testimony (in favor of de-listing) to the committee, one of whom (charged with a “conflict of interest” in his role in the NCI-sponsored HS studies72) was not present in person but gave testimony by videotape and live telephone-hookup.
The appointing authority issued no invitations to any qualified proponents of HS to give testimony, either in person or by videotape or by live telephone-hookup, in favor of HS, and thereby balance the “points of view presented,” as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1998. As a result the committee—sustaining a virtual blackout of information on the metabolic and clinical efficacy and safety data of the drug as presented in the peer-reviewed journals—voted unanimously, 12-0, to recommend the de-listing of HS from the bulk compounding list.
On February 6, 2001, section 353a of the Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997, under which authority the PCAC voted its recommendation of May 7, 1999 to de-list HS from the bulk compounding list, was declared unconstitutional by a panel of three judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The FDA thereupon petitioned this court for a rehearing en banc (all 11 justices). The Court unanimously declined to do so. FDA then took this matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department arguing the FDA's case. On April 29, 2002 the Supreme Court upheld the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in effect declaring section 353a—and all action taken under its authority (including the recommended de-listing of HS)—null and void.
Academe Joins In . What could not be done to eliminate HS by official intimidation, by rigged clinical trials, by GAO complicity with the NCI, by one-sided PCAC (FDA) action, our cancer leadership sought to accomplish by enlisting what can only be termed the academic whoredom of one of this nation's premiere medical journals.
As alluded to previously, in its December 5, 2000 issue, the influential medical journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, published a “Brief Communication” and editorial73,74 alleging that HS caused fatal hepatorenal (liver/kidney) toxicity in a single patient. There was one thing “wrong,” however. No proof was presented that the patient ever took HS. The authors stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This meant there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple blood tests that will detect even the smallest traces of the drug ingested months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal anywhere—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. In this regard the authors wrote: “It is not necessary to be certain that a direct cause-and-effect relationship exist between the product and the adverse clinical event…to file a [toxicity] report [to the FDA].” The authors were in effect stating that it was not necessary to know for sure that HS caused the adverse clinical event before reporting it to the FDA. The authors then stated: “This report [the article and editorial] suggests but does not prove that hydrazine sulfate caused the liver and kidney failure.” Thus, knowing full well that its position was unsubstantiated, the Annals, one of this nation's top medical journals, went ahead anyway, disseminating its “drug alert” to doctors worldwide, across the Internet and onto the front pages of newspapers everywhere—without consideration to the heavy price that large numbers of cancer patients, their families and loves ones would pay if its message were incorrect.
To understand the moral turpitude of the Annals' action, it is necessary to know that—in contrast to the single, reported, presumptive case of fatal HS toxicity (in the drug's 30 years of use)—there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy fatalities, deaths from chemotherapy drugs, in this country each year . Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer agencies ever let the public know this?
AIDS And Hydrazine Sulfate . The two major causes of death (“risk factors”) in AIDS patients are weight loss and viral (HIV) replication. In 1987 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center received a grant from the U.S. National Institute for Arthritis and Infectious Diseases (NIH) to study HS in the treatment of AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma. Prior metabolic studies of AIDS patients by Harbor-UCLA had revealed that weight loss was dependent on serum albumin levels, such that: patients with serum albumin levels equal to or greater than 3.5 g/dL survived more than 730 days from diagnosis; patients with serum albumin levels less than 3.5 g/dL survived 103 days; and patients with serum albumin levels equal to or less than 2.5 g/dL survived only 17 days.75 Since HS had been demonstrated to result in serum albumin maintenance and weight gain in late stage cancer paitents,41 it was reasoned that this treatment might result in similar metabolic effects in AIDS patients, with the consequence of reversal of disease and/or prognosis.
Although the Harbor-UCLA grant was funded and preparations for the study, including patient accrual, had been in progress, the study was never commenced and study funds were returned to the National Institute for Arthritis and Infectious Diseases.
The reason for this action was attributed to the ongoing HS controversy.
Fueling The Current Controversy. The present controversy surrounding HS is sustained by two “arms.” The first is the “difference of opinion” generated by the NCI-sponsored, negative HS studies, in contradistinction to the long-term, positive studies of Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and those headquartered at the Petrov Research Institute of Oncology. But the NCI-sponsored studies of HS—a potent and irreversible MAO inhibitor— were carried out in the presence of incompatible agents. The fact is that “every…informed-consent, controlled clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate—with the exception of the NCI-sponsored studies, confounded by the long-term…use of agents known to be incompatible with MAO inhibitors—has demonstrated efficacy and safety of the drug.”76 It must be stressed that use of incompatible agents in a drug trial—or those even suspected of incompatibility—is essentially unknown and violates all accepted international principles of drug testing. Thus, no matter what credentials NCI brings to its sponsored studies—no matter how strenuous its voice to the contrary—the NCI studies are scientifically invalid . Use of an incompatible agent in a drug test in effect violates every precept of study conduct known to science. Nor can the NCI assert that the GAO validated its study conclusions. The Final Draft Report of the ten-month GAO investigation, altered at the last moment, showed the NCI-sponsored studies to be inconclusive, to in fact spur on the HS controversy; its lead—30-year veteran—investigator was relieved of all further responsibility in this investigation; and the GAO report was changed dramatically in support of the NCI-sponsored studies. The changes made “took NCI almost completely off the hook…” according to the lead investigator, Assistant Director of the GAO, Health Planning Division, Barry D. Tice.63
The second “arm” sustaining the HS controversy is comprised of economic factors. Unlike most chemotherapy—and anti-AIDS—drugs which are costly, HS is almost without expense. Fine biochemical companies manufacture HS in essentially two grades: technical—lower purity, and reagent—99+% purity, which is considered drug quality. The listed (catalog) cost for reagent grade—drug quality—HS is only three-quarters of one cent per average human dose (60 mg) administered to a cancer patient. A front-page story from the Sunday, January 26, 2003, New York Times (“Drug Sales Bring Huge Profits, and Scrutiny, to Cancer Doctors”) indicates that “cancer doctors are pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars each year by selling drugs to patients….Oncologists can make huge sums—often the majority of their practice revenue—from the difference between what they pay for the drugs [they administer] and what they charge insurers and government programs….oncologists in private practice will typically make two-thirds of their practice revenue from [this] chemotherapy concession.”77 Given the extreme inexpense of HS, oncologists are not going to make “the majority of their practice revenue,” buying HS at such low prices and reselling it to patients, insurers and government programs, no matter how high the mark-ups. HS thus represents a formidable economic challenge to oncologists, for cancer doctors and those who administrate and direct our cancer programs are well aware that this drug's routine use may significantly reduce not only oncology funding and practice income but may also threaten the fiscal machinery of cancer centers, cancer hospitals, cancer treatment, cancer care, cancer research, cancer administration and cancer pharmaceuticals.
The Toll. More than 1.2 million new cases of cancer are reported in the U.S. each year; more than 600,000 Americans die from this disease annually. The Petrov (Russian) data, corroborated by the Harbor-UCLA data,32,78 indicate that of every million late stage cancer patients treated with HS, more than half a million would receive measurable symptomatic improvement, 400,000 would have their tumors cease growing or regress, and some would go on to long term survival.
If these data are correct—as seems likely—the human toll, in terms of needless suffering and/or premature death, because of a lack of access to HS therapy, has been 5 million persons in the last 10 years in the U.S. alone, many more worldwide.
The National Cancer Institute and the Food and Drug Administration, as well as private-sector cohorts, are principally responsible for this woeful public health calamity. Their sham message to the public—of “validity” of the flawed NCI-sponsored studies, of potentially fatal “toxicity” of HS, of “validation” by the GAO of the NCI study results—has served to deceitfully undermine use of what appropriately controlled clinical trials have demonstrated to be a safe and effective drug and, in so doing, impose a public health menace on significant numbers of cancer patients worldwide.
Concluding Remark . The NCI and FDA have the capacity to reverse the present situation with HS. The new leadership of these agencies can take measures to encourage competitive pharmaceutical sponsorship of this drug—and thus new, independent, large-scale, unbiased clinical trials—to explore fully its therapeutic dimensions in the treatment of cancer and, possibly, AIDS. In so doing, these agencies will move to rectify past ethical and scientific deficits and assume new high ground in the sponsorship of measures beneficial to the public health of peoples everywhere.
Recommendation . For those who may be a candidate for HS therapy, we recommend you take a copy of this entire statement to your physician, together with a copy of the published, controlled clinical trials indicating efficacy and safety of HS, which can be found on our website: Your physician can then help determine a choice of specific therapy for your condition and what role, if any, HS may play in your particular therapy.
Joseph Gold, M.D., is director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute and the developer of hydrazine sulfate as an anticancer drug.
ADDENDUM. It has come to the attention of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute that the National Cancer Institute has placed the following misrepresentations on the Internet on June 18, 2004, repeated verbatim on March 3, 2005 (, in regard to hydrazine sulfate:
(1) “There is only limited evidence from animal studies that hydrazine sulfate has anticancer activity.”
(2) “Hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials.”
The first sentence implies there have been no human studies that have demonstrated the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. But, as NCI well knows, there have been many controlled human studies demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate, dating from as far back as 1975 and published in leading peer-reviewed cancer journals which circulate worldwide (cited in references 15, 17, 23, 27, 29, 34, 35, 41, 78).
The second sentence states categorically there have been no randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. RCTs represent the “gold standard” of clinical trials, in that they are prospectively randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind and thus tend to minimize study bias from all sources. But NCI knows there have been four such randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate (references 27, 34, 35, 41), all of which NCI has been aware from the very beginning.
NCI knows that the above statements it has currently placed on the Internet are simply not true.
1. Gold, J. Proposed treatment of cancer by inhibition of gluconeogenesis. Oncology 22:185-207, 1968.
2. Gold, J. Inhibition of Walker 256 intramuscular carcinoma in rats by administration of hydrazine sulfate. Oncology 25:66-7l, 1971.
3. Gold, J. Cancer cachexia and gluconeogenesis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 230:103-110, 1974.
4. Gold, J. Inhibition by hydrazine sulfate and various hydrazides of in-vivo growth of Walker 256 intramuscular carcinoma, B-16 melanoma, Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma and L-1210 solid leukemia. Oncology 27:69-80, 1976.
5. Dilman, V.H., Anisomov, V.N., Kolosov, A.I. and Bulovskaya, L.N. On the relationship between the activity of acetylations, growth of experimental tumors and efficacy of their suppression by hydrazine sulfate. Oncology 33:219-221, 1976.
6. Grubbs, B., Rogers W. and Cameron, I. Total parenteral nutrition and inhibition of gluconeogenesis on tumor-host responses. Oncology 36:216-223, 1979.
7. Gold, J. Enhancement by hydrazine sulfate of antitumor effectiveness of Cytoxan, Mitomycin C, Methotrexate and Bleomycin, in Walker 256 carcinosarcoma in rats. Oncology 31:44-53, 1975.
8. Tretyakov, A.V. and Filov, V.A. The mechanism of potentiation by hydrazine sulfate of action of antitumoral compounds. Vopr. Onkol. 23:94-98, 1977.
9. Gold, J. Potentiation by Clofibrate of in-vivo tumor inhibition by hydrazine sulfate and cytotoxic agents, in Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. Cancer Biochem. Biophys. 3:41-45, 1978.
10. Gold, J. Hydrazine sulfate and cancer cachexia. Nutr. Cancer 1:4-9, 1979.
11. Gold, J. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis at the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase level, as a means of cancer chemotherapy. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 14:9, 1973.
12. Gold, J. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis at the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and pyruvate carboxylase reactions, as a means of cancer chemotherapy. Oncology 29:74-89, 1974.
13. Hanley, J.M. Letter to the director of the National Cancer Institute, March 8, 1976 .
14. Schonfeld, R.G. Letter to Congressman James M. Hanley, March 19, 1976.
15. Seits, J.F., Gershanovich, M.L., Filov, V.A., et al. Experimental and clinical data on the antitumor action of hydrazine sulfate. Vopr. Onkol. 21:45-52, 1975.
16. Schonfeld, R.G. Letter to Dr. Joseph Gold, director, Syracuse Cancer Research Institute, Syracuse, New York.
17. Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. , Kondratyev, V.B., et al. Clinical data on the antitumor activity of hydrazine sulfate. Cancer Treat. Rep. 60:933-935, 1976.
18. Gold, J. Use of hydrazine sulfate in terminal and preterminal cancer patients: results of Investigational New Drug (IND) study in 84 evaluable patients. Oncology 32:1-10, 1975.
19. Ochoa, M., Jr., Wittes, R.E. and Krakoff, I.H. Trial of hydrazine sulfate (NSC-l500l4) in patients with cancer. Cancer Chemother. Rep. 58:1151-1154, 1975.
20. American Cancer Society. Unproven methods of cancer management: hydrazine sulfate. Ca—A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 26:108-110, 1976.
21. Gershanovich, M.L. and Filov, V.A. Hydrazine sulfate in late stage cancer: completion of initial clinical trials in 225 evaluable patients. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 20:240, 1979.
22. Horwitz, N. Top Ca groups polarized on Russian cachexia study. Medical Tribune, May 16, 1979 .
23. Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. , Ivin, B.A. and Filov, V.A. Results of clinical study of antitumor action of hydrazine sulfate. Nutr. Cancer 3:7-12, 1981.
24. Spremulli, E., Wampler, G.L. and Regelson, W. Clinical study of hydrazine sulfate in advanced cancer patients. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 3:121-124, 1979.
25. Gold, J. Incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate and pentobarbital in the treatment of tumor bearing animals. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 18:250, 1977.
26. Regelson, W. The ‘grand conspiracy' against the cancer cure. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 243:337-339, 1980.
27. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson , B. and Block, J.B. Influence of hydrazine sulfate on abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in patients with cancer cachexia. Cancer Res. 33:867-871, 1984.
28. DeVita, V.T., Jr., Hellman, S. and Rosenberg , S.A. (eds.). Cancer, Principles & Practice of Oncology, 2 nd Ed., J. B. Lippincott Co.: Philadelphia , 1985, pp. 2333-2344.
29. Filov, V.A., Ivin, V.A. and Gershanovich, M.L. (eds.). Medical Therapy of Tumors, U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health: Leningrad , l983, pp. 92-139.
30. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson , B. and Block, J.B. Influence of hydrazine sulfate (HS) on carbohydrate metabolism in cancer cachexia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 1:59, 1982.
31. Chlebowski, R.T., Heber, D., Richardson, B., et al. Association between improved carbohydrate metabolism and weight maintenance in hydrazine sulfate treated patients with cancer cachexia. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 2:95, 1983.
32. Chlebowski, R.T. Letter to Robert E. Wittes, M.D., Associate Director for Cancer Therapy Evaluation, National Cancer Institute, April 19, 1985.
33. Personal communication, Nackey Scripps Loeb, publisher, The Union Leader, Manchester , New Hampshire .
34. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Hydrazine sulfate in cancer patients with weight loss: a placebo-controlled experience. Cancer 59:406-410, 1987.
35. Tayek, J.A., Heber, D. and Chlebowski, R.T. Effect of hydrazine sulphate on whole-body protein breakdown measured by14 C-lysine metabolism in lung cancer patients: Lancet 2:241-244, 1987.
36. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Influence of hydrazine sulfate on survival in non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Oncol. 6:175, 1987.
37. Rovner, S. For cancer drug, a long road to recognition. The Washington Post, May 17, 1988 .
38. ABC News (telecast). The war on cancer: cure, profit or politics? 20/20 Special Report, October 22, 1981 .
39. Carbone, P.P. Developing a postgraduate medical oncology training program in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. J. Clin. Oncol. 9:335-338, 1991.
40. Personal communication, J. B. Block.
41. Chlebowski, R.T., Bulcavage, L., Grosvenor, M., et al. Hydrazine sulfate influence on nutritional status and survival in non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:9-15, 1990.
42. Piantadosi, S. Hazards of small clinical trials. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:1-3, 1990.
43. Gold, J. Hydrazine sulfate in non-small-cell lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 8:1117-1118, 1990.
44. Gilman, A.G., Rall, T.W., Nies, A.S. and Taylor, P. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8 th Ed., Pergamon Press:Elmsford, 1990, pp. 416-417.
45. Gold, J. Telephone communication to Dr. Michael Friedman, Associate Director, CTEP, National Cancer Institute, July 25, 1989 .
46. Gold, J. Letter to Dr. Mark Green, CALGB Respiratory Core Chairman, July 31, 1989.
47. Gold, J. Letter to Mary McCabe, Protocol Specialist, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, August 23, 1989 .
48. Stukov, A.N., Razumeiko, O.B. and Filov, V.A. On the incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with ethanol and barbiturates. U.S.S.R. Dep. UISTI (All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information) N 1706-75 Dep., 1975.
49. Filov, V.A., Stukov, A.N., Blan, N.A. and Niestadt, E.L. Experimental data on the toxic effect of hydrazine sulfate on the organism and tumor. Farmakol. Toksikol. 41:203-205, 1978.
50. Kosty, M.P. Letter to Dr. Joseph Gold, September 15, 1989 .
51. Kosty, M.P., Fleishman, S.B., Herndon, J.E., II, et al. Cisplatin, vinblastine, and hydrazine sulfate in advanced, non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind phase III study of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B, J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1113-1120, 1994.
52. Loprinzi, C.L., Kuross , S.A. , O'Fallon, J.R., et al. Randomized placebo-controlled evaluation of hydrazine sulfate in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1121-1125, 1994.
53. Loprinzi, C.L., Goldberg, R.M., Sy, J.Q., et al. Placebo-controlled trial of hydrazine sulfate in patients with newly diagnosed non-small-cell lung cancer: J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1126-1129, 1994.
54. Herbert, V. Three stakes in hydrazine sulfate's heart, but questionable cancer remedies, like vampires, always rise again. J. Clin. Oncol. 12:1107-1108, 1994.
55. Kosty, M.P., Herndon, J.E., II, Green, M.R. and McIntyre, O.R. Placebo-controlled randomized study of hydrazine sulfate in lung cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 13:1529-1530, 1995.
56. Friedman, M.A. Letter to Dr. Vera A. Gorbunova, September 14, 1994 .
57. Bychkov, M.B. Letter to Dr. Michael A. Friedman, Associate Director, Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, National Cancer Institute, October 4, 1994 .
58. Friedman, M.A. Letter to Barry D. Tice, Associate Director, Health Planning Division, U.S. General Accounting Office, June 27, 1995.
59. Personal communication, Barry D. Tice.
60. Schilsky, R.L. Letter to Barry D. Tice, May 30, 1995 .
61. Wilkins, R.D. Critique of CALGB retrospective analyses of hydrazine sulfate study. February 15, 1996 .
62. U.S. General Accounting Office. NIH actions spur continued controversy over hydrazine sulfate therapy. Draft Report, GAO/HEHS-95-141, June 5, 1995.
63. Kamen, J. Intent to kill: the government conspiracy to destroy hydrazine sulfate. Penthouse, September 1998.
64. U.S. General Accounting Office. Contrary to allegation, NIH hydrazine sulfate studies were not flawed. GAO/HEHS-95-141, September 13, 1995.
65. Julien, R.M. A Primer of Drug Action. W.H. Freeman Co.: New York , 1995.
66. Tice, B.D. Letter to Dr. Robert M. Julien, M.D., Ph.D., March 21, 1966.
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68. National Cancer Institute. Hydrazine sulfate. PDQ Complementary/Alternative Medicine, October 25, 1999 .
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73. Hainer, M.I., Tsai, N., Komura, S.T. and Chiu, C.L. Fatal hepatorenal failure associated with hydrazine sulfate. Ann. Int. Med. 135:877-880, 2000.
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78. Filov, V.A., Gershanovich, M.L., Danova, L.A. and Ivin, B.A. Experience of the treatment with Sehydrin (hydrazine sulfate) in the advanced cancer patients. Invest. New Drugs 13:89-97, 1995.
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