Russia refuses to become part of neo-con New World Order; sleeping bear now roused
By Paul Craig Roberts
THE NEO-CONNED BUSH REGIME and the Israeli-occupied American media are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war. Back in the Reagan years, the National Endowment for Democracy was created as a Cold War tool.
Today, the NED is a neo-con-controlled agent for U.S. world hegemony. Its main function is to pour U.S. money and election-rigging into former parts of the USSR in order to ring Russia with U.S. puppet states.
The neo-conservative Bush regime used the NED to intervene in Ukrainian and Georgian internal affairs in keeping with the neo-conservative plan to establish U.S.-friendly and Russia-hostile political regimes in these two former constituent parts of Russia and the Soviet Union.
The NED was also used to dismember the former Yugoslavia with its interventions in Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro.
According to Wikipedia, Allen Weinstein, who helped draft the legislation establishing NED, told The Washington Post in 1991 that much of what the NED does “today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
The Bush regime, having established a puppet, Mikheil Saakashvili, as president of Georgia, tried to bring Georgia into NATO.
(For readers too young to know, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a military alliance between the United States and Western European countries to resist any Soviet move into Western Europe. There has been no reason for NATO since the Soviet Union’s internal political collapse almost two decades ago. The neo-cons turned NATO into another tool, like the NED, for U.S. world hegemony. Subsequent U.S. administrations violated the understandings that President Reagan had reached with Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, and have incorporated former parts of the Soviet empire into NATO. The neo-con goal of ringing Russia with a hostile military alliance has been proclaimed many times.)
Western European members of NATO balked at the admission of Georgia, as they understood it as a provocative affront to Russia, on whom Western Europe is dependent for natural gas. Western Europeans are also disturbed at the Bush regime’s intentions to install ballistic missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic, as the consequence will be Russian nuclear cruise missiles targeted on European capitals.
Europeans don’t see the advantage of helping the U.S. block Russian nuclear retaliation against America at the expense of their own existence. Ballistic missile defenses are not useful against cruise missiles.
Every country is tired of war except for the United States. War, including nuclear war, is the neo-conservative strategy for world hegemony.
The entire world, except for Americans, knows that the outbreak of armed conflict between Russian and Georgian forces in South Ossetia was entirely due to the United States and its Georgia puppet, Saakashvili.
Americans, alone in the world, are unaware that the hostilities were initiated by Saakashvili, because Bush, Cheney and the Israeli-occupied American media have again lied to them. Everyone else in the world knows that the unstable and corrupt Saakashvili, who proclaims democracy and runs a police state, would not have taken on Russia by attacking South Ossetia unless given the go-ahead by Washington.
The purpose of the Georgian attack on the Russian population of South Ossetia is twofold:
� To convince Europeans that their action in delaying Georgia’s NATO membership is the cause of “the Russian aggression” and that to save Georgia from conquest Georgia must be given NATO membership.
� To ethnically cleanse South Ossetia of its Russian population. Two thousand Russian civilians were targeted and killed by the U.S.-equipped and trained Georgian army, and tens of thousands fled into Russia. The hope is that the Russian population will be afraid to return or can be prevented from returning, thus removing the secessionist threat.
No doubt the Bush regime can con the insouciant American population, just as it did with Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, Iranian nukes and 9-11 itself, but the rest of the world is not buying it, least of all Moscow and
the Asia Times, and not even America’s bought-and-paid for European allies.
Writing in the Asia Times, Ambassador M.K. Bhadrakumar, a former career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service, notes the disinformation that is being peddled by the Bush regime and the U.S. media and reports that “at the outbreak of violence, Russia had tried to have the United Nations Security Council issue a statement calling on Georgia and South Ossetia to immediately lay down weapons. However, Washington was uninterested.”
Bhadrakumar notes that the American and Georgian resort to violence and propaganda has brought an end to the Russian government’s belief that diplomacy and good will can bring about a settlement of the South Ossetia issue. If Russia wished, Russia could terminate Georgia’s existence as a separate country at will, and there is nothing the United States could do about it.
It is certain that the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia was a Bush regime orchestrated event. The U.S. media and the neo-con think tanks were ready with their propaganda blitzes. Neo-cons had ready a Wall Street Journal editorial page article for Saakashvili that declares “the war in Georgia is a war for the West.”
Faced with the collapse of his army when Russia sent in troops to protect South Ossetians from the Georgian troops, Saakashvili declared:
“This is not about Georgia anymore. It is about America, its values.”
The neo-con Heritage Foundation in Washington quickly called a conference hosted by warmonger Ariel Cohen, “Urgent! Event: Russian-Georgian War: a Challenge for the U.S. and theWorld.”
The Washington Post breathlessly promoted neo-con Robert Kagen’s war drums, “Putin Makes His Move.”
Only a fool like Kagen could think that if Putin intended to invade Georgia he would do so from Beijing, or that after sending the American-trained Georgian army in flight, he would not continue and conquer all of Georgia in order to put an end to American machinations on Russia’s most sensitive border—machinations that are likely to eventually end in nuclear war.
That despicable rag, The New York Times, printed Billy Kristol’s rant, “Will Russia Get Away With It?” Kristol thunders against “dictatorial and aggressive and fanatical regimes” that “seem happy to work together to weaken the influence of the United States and its democratic allies.”
Kristol presents a new axis of evil—Russia, China, North Korea and Iran—and warns against “delay and irresolution” that “simply invite future threats and graver dangers.”
In other words, “attack Russia now.”
What must be the effect on U.S. Intelligence services and the U.S. military of Vice President Dick Cheney’s propagandistic and irresponsible statement of U.S. support for Georgia’s war crimes? Does anyone really believe that the CIA or any U.S. intelligence service told the vice president that Russia opened the conflict with an invasion? Russian troops arrived in South Ossetia after thousands of Ossetians had been killed by the Georgian attack and after tens of thousands of Ossetians had fled into Russia to escape the Georgian attack.
According to news reports, Russian forces have captured Americans who were with the Georgian troops directing their attack on civilians.
The U.S. military certainly has no resources for a war against Russia on top of lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a planned war with Iran.
With its Georgian venture, the Bush regime is guilty of a new round of war crimes. What will be the consequence? Many will reply that having got away with 9-11, Afghanistan and Iraq, and with its preparations for attacking Iran, the Bush regime will get away with its Georgian venture, as well.
Possibly, however, this time the Bush regime has overreached. Certainly Russia now recognizes that the U.S. is determined to exert hegemony over
Russia and is Russia’s worst enemy. China realizes the U.S. threat to its own energy supply and, thereby, economy. Even America’s European allies, chafing under their role of supplying troops for America’s empire, must now realize that being an American ally is dangerous and has no benefits.
If Georgia becomes a NATO member and renews its attack on South Ossetia, it must drag Europe into a war with Russia, a main supplier of energy to Europe.
Moreover, if Russian troops are sent across European frontiers, there is nothing to stop them. What does America offer Europe, aside from the millions of dollars it pays to buy off Europe’s political leaders to ensure that they betray their own peoples?
Nothing whatsoever. The only military threat that Europe faces comes from being dragged into America’s wars for American hegemony.
The United States is financially bankrupt, with budget and trade deficits that exceed the combined deficits of the rest of the world together. The dollar has wilted. The American consumer market is dying from the offshoring of American jobs and, thereby, incomes, and from the wealth effect of the real estate and derivatives collapses. The United States has nothing to offer Europe. Indeed, American economic decline is killing European exports by driving up the value of the euro. America long ago lost the moral high ground.
Hypocrisy has become America’s best known hallmark. Bush, the invader of Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis of lies and deception, thunders at Russia for coming to the defense of its peacekeepers and Russian citizens in South Ossetia. Bush, the vampire who ripped Kosovo out of Serbia’s heart and handed it to the Albanians, has taken an adamant stand against other separatist movements, especially the South Ossetians who wish to be part of the Russian Federation.
The neo-conned Bush regime is furious that the Russian bear was not intimidated by the United States supported aggression of the American puppet state, Georgia. Instead of accepting the act of American hegemony
that the neo-con script called for, Russia sent the Americanized Georgian army fleeing in fear.
Moreover, do the morons who comprise the Bush regime really not understand that short of a surprise nuclear attack on Russia there is nothing whatsoever the United States can do to Moscow?
The Bush regime owns no Russian currency that it can dump. The Russians own U.S. dollars. The Bush regime owns no Russian bonds that it can dump. The Russians own U.S. bonds. The U.S. can cut Russia off from no energy supplies. Russia can cut America’s European allies off from energy.
President Reagan negotiated the end of the Cold War with Soviet President Gorbachev. The neo-cons, whom Reagan fired and drove from his administration, were furious. The neo-conservatives had hoped to win the Cold War, thereby establishing American hegemony.
The Republican establishment re-established its hegemony under Bush the First that it had lost to Ronald Reagan. With this feat, intelligence was driven from the Republican Party.
The neo-cons engineered their comeback with the First Gulf War and their propaganda, pure lies, that Iraqi troops bayoneted Kuwait babies in hospitals.
The neo-cons made a further comeback with President Clinton, whom they convinced to bomb Serbia in order to permit separatist movements to become independent states dependent on America.
With Bush the Second, the neo-cons took over. Their agenda, American world hegemony, includes Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
So far the schemes of these dangerous ideologues have come a cropper. Iraq, formerly in the hands of secular Sunnis who were a check on Iran, is, after the American invasion and occupation, in the hands of religious Shiites allied with Iran. In Afghanistan, the Taliban are resurgent, and a large NATO-U.S. army there is unable to control the situation.
Those Americans stupid enough to think that America’s “super power” ensures its citizens from danger need to read the total contempt shown for President Bush in an editorial published in Russia’s “state” newspaper, Pravda (see below).
Nationally syndicated columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., a former editor at The Wall Street Journal, is the author of several books. He has been associated with the Hoover Institution, and the Institute for Political Economy and from 1981 to 1982 served as assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy.
(Issue # 35, September 1, 2008)
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Russian Media Outlet Ridicules Dubya’s Hegemony, Hypocrisy
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? began the open letter to George W. Bush in Pravda, Russia’s “official” newspaper.
“In your statement . . . regarding the legitimate actions of the Russian Federation in Georgia, you failed to mention the war crimes perpetrated by Georgian military forces, which American advisors support, against Russian and Ossetian civilians.
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? Your faithful ally, Mikhail Saakashvili, was announcing a ceasefire deal while his troops, with your advisors, were massing on Ossetia’s border, which they crossed under cover of night and destroyed Tskhinvali, targeting civilian structures just like your forces did in Iraq.
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? Your American transport aircraft gave a ride home to thousands of Georgian soldiers from Iraq directly into the combat zone.
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? How do you account for the fact that among the Georgian soldiers fleeing the fighting yesterday you could clearly hear officers using American English giving orders to ‘Get back inside,’ and how do you account for the fact that there are reports of American soldiers among the Georgian casualties?
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? Do you really think anyone gives any importance whatsoever to your words after eight years of your criminal and murderous regime and policies? Do you really believe you have any moral ground whatsoever, and do you really imagine there is a single human being anywhere on this planet who does not stick up his middle finger every time you appear on a TV screen?
“Do you really believe you have the right to give any opinion or advice after Abu Ghraib? After Guantanamo? After the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens? After the torture by CIA operatives?
“Do you really believe you have any right to make a statement on any point of international law after your trumped-up charges against Iraq and the subsequent criminal invasion?
“President Bush, “Why don’t you shut up? Suppose Russia, for instance, declares that Georgia has weapons of mass destruction? And that Russia knows where these WMD are, namely in Tbilisi and Poti and north, south, east and west of there? And that it must be true because there is ‘magnificent foreign intelligence,’ such as satellite photos of milk powder factories and baby cereals producing chemical weapons and which are currently being ‘driven around the country in vehicles’? Suppose Russia declares for instance that ‘Saakashvili stiffed the world’ and it is ‘time for regime change’?
“Nice and simple, isn’t it, President Bush?
“So, why don’t you shut up? Oh, and by the way, send some more of your military advisors to Georgia. They are doing a sterling job. And they look all funny in the night sight [vision], all green.”
Speaking of armageddon...
Found this on Michael Rivero's WRH Letters page:
This is a link to an IRS auction of someone's 2.5 million dollar (minimum bid) estate in Greenwich, Connecticut.
It seems all too clear by the pictures of the inside of this 2.5 million dollar estate in Connecticut (toward the bottom of the page in this link), showing the personal effects of a family including a child's rocking horse and some other toys, a brief case, a man's pair of pants hung over a chair, and some unpacked shopping bags, the owner of this property was literally "disappeared" by the IRS.
It just goes to show you, regardless your station in life, someone who thinks he is god can crush you in the palm of his hand.
You might ask your readers, if anyone can identify the victim of this IRS "disappearing".
I've posted links to sites such as DownsizeDC, Get Out Of Our House, and others...but I believe all of this amount to NAUGHT in the eyes of our so-called "elected" officials. They have made it clear the the will of WE THE PEOPLE means NOTHING to them.
I believe that there are necessary steps that must be made to enforece the will of WE THE PEOPLE against them.
One is the repealing of the fraudulent Fourteenth Amendment, which relegates WE THE PEOPLE to being vassals of our elected officials.
The second step would be the observance of the original Thirteenth Amendment, which would effectively REMOVE many of our elected officials, who are currently fattening their pockets on OUR dime, from being allowed to serve in public office, BY LAW.
The third step would be to remove the Federal Reserve from any role in our finances - the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was only allowed after the financial scare on 1907. This was done against the will of WE THE PEOPLE, and, as you can see, the Depression of the 1930s was made to occur by the machinations of the Federal Reserve and the quisling officials who stood to gain from the thirty pieces of silver they receive in exchange for selling out our great nation.
Watch the videos on Michael Badnarik's Constitutional Class - he covers many of the points I've stated, plus many more. You'll learn a terrible amount of information that you never learned in school - information that would have allowed for you to make REAL decisions regarding your future.
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