Yes...someone actually landed in the frying pan after making up this Flash animation to advertise a party.
Oh, dear.
In other news...
What is AIPAC?
Jessica Wilson Attacked For Asking About C.F.R. in Houston, TX by FOX News Shill
From the old gray lady...Blurry Peek at Questioning of a Guantánamo Inmate
The image at the top is by Mike Flugennock - nice work!
And yes...I almost forgot...have you heard the nonsense about TWA Flight 800, and the so-called "measures" taken to ensure that there are no more "fuel explosions" on future flights...how stupid are WE THE PEOPLE supposed to be?!?
A missile hit that flight, and the attempts at a cover-up have all but failed in the minds of critical thinkers.
An interesting page: 9/11 Photos by Russian Pilot
Repost (edited)
You will learn what the New World Order is, WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED, and how AT THIS MOMENT THEY ARE CARRYING IT OUT! It's all about DEPOPULATION.
Now do you get it about vaccines?
Alex Jones is on a 24/7 refeed [Windows] [Macintosh] so you can hear a new show everyday during the 24 hours.
It is chilling, it's riveting, it will pound you to your core...BUT IT WILL SHAKE YOU AND WAKE YOU UP.
This woman was thrown in jail after calling the judge an asshole...watch the video to see why...
How the HELL did this idiot judge get appointed to the bench?
How much penis does this guy inhale to make such screwed-up decisions?
How did the foreigner indicate that they didn't speak ENGLISH - by telling them in ENGLISH?
"No prob...you can go...but you, with the heart condition...I'm going to grip my peanut-sized member and show you who's the BOSS here!"
Did you know desertpeace blogger censors his comments?
You posted in support of Rivero over at desertpeace blogpspot - but did you know they delete anything that doesn't support Rivero?
Did you know Mike Rivero is a friend of racism? Did you know he promotes fascism, and even neo-nazism?
No? Not surprising when it's VERBOTEN to say so. Not surprising when Rivero's minions delete everything relating to such FACTS.
this is all conscious and willful support and protection of fascism, under the guise of claiming to be "truthseeker".
Why don't you look into and do something useful instead of posting the usual supportive pro-rivero dross?
You wrote: "
Did you know Mike Rivero is a friend of racism? Did you know he promotes fascism, and even neo-nazism?
No? Not surprising when it's VERBOTEN to say so. Not surprising when Rivero's minions delete everything relating to such FACTS."
Well...here's the FACTS - I am no one's minion.
I, however, would like for YOU to cite concrete examples of Michael doing what you allege.
We will then proceed from there.
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